you not get it the problem is not wio , the problem is they have correspondent banks , as soon as they notice business is exploding they start to put pressure and they will become even worst than traditional banking as it happends in lithuania
Sir, you have been dropping some incredible intel gems lately!

You have some battle scars that you've earned along the way. These are priceless.
Thank you for sharing these gems.
correspondent banks , as soon as they notice business is exploding they start to put pressure and they will become even worst than traditional banking
What did they ask for ?
What kind of pressure?
On May 24th of this year, a recently retired correspondent bank VP disclosed the same thing (& confirmed what I already knew a long time ago). His (recently) young wife is an attorney at a bank in Latin America. Her father is my customer, a client at the bank where his daughter is in-house counsel. The father/my client moves a TON of
crypto in purchasing and selling from his distribution centers in Latin America because if he sends all of it in US dollars to Asia (via correspondent banks), the CB will freeze his purchases unless he starts to purchase from US-based public companies/distributors (that purchases from Asia

) that the correspondent banks ALSO own. One example out of dozens:
and on and on. We can go like this until the cows come home. For example, Blackrock, which owns shares in TD Synnex Corp, also owns shares in every correspondent bank.

This is NOT limited to Blackrock! Dozens of institutionalized investors are in the same position. I just use one well-known example for simplicity.
That is why when
@Martin Everson posts articles about this:
China: Project Mbridge - New Payment network outside SWIFT to empower Global South
I know exactly what it will mean for my growth and the growth of my suppliers and clients in non-Western countries. We are going to GROW massively! I can allocate more resources for them.
That's why it doesn't matter which attorney, accountant, lobbyist, etc., you hire to set up your company or which jurisdiction. Compliance officers at the bank you have your company account with will ALWAYS hinder you from doing business unless it is with THEIR "FREE MARKET & INSTITUTIONALIZED-OWNED businesses." (Their = institutionalized investors).
The compliance officers at banks do not even know how or what they are doing because the whole system is geared toward a specific group: the institutional investors!
The compliance officers just get their marching orders, and they follow them—no different than cops following orders without understanding them. They get a salary to do as they are told! They aren't allowed to think or question their "superiors."
Ponder on this, think it through, and ruminate on it. I've been doing this for more than 40 years. The elderly Jewish guys in New York (may they all RIP) who taught me this in the early 80s were very circumspect about their "crew" being consciously aware of this to make sure we didn't step on ANY toes, hence why the
Hawala system was a way to stay under the radar and circumvent "institutionalized" Intel meant to "swallow" the competition!