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Hi everyone,

I found this community a few weeks ago and am impressed by the knowledge I have gleaned so far. I have been lurking and learning until I decided that now is the time to join.

I am from a western liberal democracy with an incompetent head of state (doesn't narrow it down much!). I have watched freedom and privacy deteriorate over the past decade. It is heartening to see people pushing back and fighting to preserve wealth.

I am a small time investor and I have been consulting with other small investors and entrepreneurs. We are tired of being the little guy and getting railroaded by our government. I am hoping to launch an offshore private equity group in the near future for my average compadres and I.

I look forward to being a member of this community and enjoying the decline.
Thanks for the quick welcomes.

Maybe I should have put it in quotes, "liberal democracy" is the conventional label for Kanuckistan.


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Welcome and enjoy your stay thu&¤#

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