Government Can Freeze and Confiscate ‘Unexplained Wealth’ At Will, According to Newly Passed Rules in EU – Here’s How

there's a statute of limitations restriction
In theory, you are 100% correct, but in practice/real life, the feds easily destroy this by "extending" it. I've seen them do it +thousands of times in the last 40 years. They laugh when someone claims a statute of limitations. Think real dirty and apply this: 652. Statute of Limitations for Conspiracy

All they have to prove is one person testifying that they continued the conspiracy and that the other conspirators knew or should have known. In other words, we are always in a conspiracy until we actively withdraw from it: 8.24 Withdrawal From Conspiracy | Model Jury Instructions

Wouldn't you want to live in the country with lowest IQ Surely that would be to your advantage.
NGL, this was my idea too when I was much younger (20s and 30s) and it worked because our youth's excess of testosterone makes us overlook stupidity as long as we are rewarded with ......
I admit, this was a huge oversight on my part (I literally could have been reared like Tarzan because my nucleus was horrible...except for that retired Dutch Supreme Court judge and his colleagues) and I had no idea how hard life would be when juxtaposing 22 hours of H3ll vs. 2 hours of pleasure.

I, literally, can't function around people with low IQs. They can't comprehend simple things or think things through. It is absolutely frustrating and it is H3ll for me, personally.

I do have a wealthy Norwegian friend living on an island in the Caribbean who can easily manage low-IQ people. This man is an amazing social creature. He knows how to finesse these people. I'm NOT that duplicitous. I wished I was, but reality is hitting me like a sack of bricks in the face. I'm just NOT cut out for dealing with low-IQ people. Maybe I'm not sufficiently smart to "torearlos" (bullfight them?)?

I just couldn't deal with people like these :
Their sheer disability to comprehend empathy would make me lose it...and I should NEVER put myself in such a position.

Just my two (personal) cents.
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Singapore for Education (smartest asians), HK for business (risk on asians)...

Thailand (don't think too much - thai statement) for weekend breaks.

Yeah we discussed that previously.

But arguably if there's only one person - there's no conspiracy unless its argued conspiracy for the old 'me, myself and i'.
Reactions: Cavaliere and jafo
if there's only one person - there's no conspiracy
No need to worry here. Nobody to snitch on you! In the feds, it's a body for a body! In most places, someone has to snitch you out.

I said this so many times and it gets lost on most people: There are NO mutes in prison! None!

PS. There are blind people, deaf people, handicapped people etc etc, but people who can't utter a word (or won't) NEVER EVER go to prison. Think this through... There are probably a few exceptions in history for Mala in Se crimes, but NONE, zero, zilch, NADA, for Mala Prohibita. No exceptions on that latter one! Think it through...who is going to testify that you said X, Y, and Z????
If Singapore are the smartest asians, why was their covid vaccination rate over 90%? Singapore's best days are behind it. Falling population, need to be jabbed to do anything.
If Singapore are the smartest asians, why was their covid vaccination rate over 90%? Singapore's best days are behind it. Falling population, need to be jabbed to do anything.
I know the answer to this: Born & reared in a super trusting, honorable, and homogenous society!

I go to Singapore and I have friends living there. Nobody there takes what doesn't belong to them and they give great deference to authority & elders.

PS. Same as with Japanese tourists who travel to America (both North & South) on vacation and leave their FLIR T1020-KIT-12-45 T1020 with standard 28 Degree Lens and 12 Degree & 45 Degree Lenses with Case (30Hz) unattended in the restaurant or at the park.
They are so shocked when they find out that certain demographics "borrow long-term"
Lol Look at US iq stats and I have doubts trusting stats these days.
If Singapore are the smartest asians, why was their covid vaccination rate over 90%? Singapore's best days are behind it. Falling population, need to be jabbed to do anything.
yah the movie crazy rich asians signalled the top. Going on downhill, plus the high cost will be a drag and induce many locals to rally for populist takings.

Id say the rate was that high because they went full blown totalitarian.
Reactions: polonieth and jafo
Do you find that it overestimates or underestimates the USA's average IQ?

Overestimates for sure. Same with UK.

The British Royal Navy can't even reverse park a ship these days due to lack of intelligence

Ain't THAT the truth! This has been the most shocking and frustrating thing for me since childhood.
The book, "Allegro, ma non troppo" was the ONLY comfort I ever had to reach some understanding of this phenomenon!
Also IQ is bulls**t. A lot of people are stupid thanks Schools - Institution of Social Control.

I am sapiosexual, can sense intelligent people like @Sols @Martin Everson
Reactions: jafo
Also IQ is bulls**t
In +50 years of life, I have found, unequivocally & without exception, that 3 types of people claim this:

  1. People with low IQ (Understandable)
  2. People with high IQ, e.g. Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking did this to cast a wide net to catch "gullible & low self-esteem" victims. Stephen Hawking was on Epstein Island based on numerous court records and photographs, so he was a pedophile who, luckily for many innocent children, developed Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Source: Pictured: Stephen Hawking on Jeffrey Epsteins "sex-slave island"
  3. Unicorns? I haven't met any (yet), but maybe this is my first sighting
I am sapiosexual, can sense intelligent people like @Sols @Martin Everson
I am NOT a religious person AT ALL! *BUT* just like I have been keeping a diary since I was at a young age, I do consider the Bible a compendium of countless diaries written by innumerable wise men.

Caveat Emptor!
Reactions: jafo
NGL, Nassim is a High IQ person but constantly feuds against other High IQ people on Twitter. Go look. Man wants to be correct on everything. His books are a great source of knowledge and entertainment. I like his books a lot, but the problem is when OTHER people STOP thinking and blindly follow others like Nassim. Nassim has a circle of competence! Inside that circle, he is King. Outside that circle? EDIT: He's a ******!
I was COMPLETELY wrong to say that about him (being a "NOBODY" outside his circle of competence; I self-reflected and conceded I overestimated my ability to judge Nassim ...even outside his circle of competence) based on my limited personal interaction with Nassim.
Here's how I would judge anyone, IMHO.
(1) I decide whether I am going to listen and follow the guy who is clearly OUTSIDE his circle of competence on issues like e.g. parachuting.
(2) or an expert who has a history of parachuting and surviving with all his limbs and has made a great living in the business of skydiving, but doesn't care about public recognition.
I choose #2. YMMV. People have a hard time grasping this!

A little background in Nassim should explain a lot:


Source: Nassim Taleb Net Worth 2024, Age, Career, Wife, Wiki, And More

Nassim values public recognition way MORE than money and its end results vs his actions & values show it, but the theory is exactly that: Theory!


But you are free to believe and follow Nassim all you want on matters OUTSIDE his circle of competence. Whatever works for you!
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Recruitment issues, who wants to sign up for an army or a navy of a failed state like the UK. What are you actually fighting for if it comes to it?
This is a discussion i had last night with a good friend former UK Military, and have with a another Friend who's intelligence/naval in Australia and trying to get me to move there to provide technical nohow into Australia on AI.

"What are we fighting for?".
"What is it we gain?".

I personally see no advantage to joining ranks with the UK (or even Aus) in technical transfer or joining up etc.

I am married to Chinese descended Western orientated with kids, i see the future fiscally in the monsoon region, and a sharp decline in the West, in addition the West i left behind isn't the same as the West that remains today.

So what are people 'fighting for', or even 'dying for', they should just sell up and move to where the opportunity exists (latin america, asia, east africa etc.

As for Ukraine, imagine dying for that - basically dying in a pool of your own blood and s**t for US institutional wealth ~ f**k that.
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