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Government Can Freeze and Confiscate ‘Unexplained Wealth’ At Will, According to Newly Passed Rules in EU – Here’s How

just imagine this added to the digital euro that's coming... and I bet they'll add a digital passport in the same app... so they'll block the app seizing both your money and your freedom to move ;)
this is no bs, every country is working right now toward this and it's in the final stage.
Commission welcomes final agreement on EU Digital Identity Wallet
In addition to securely storing their digital identity, the Wallet will allow users to
- open bank accounts,
- make payments
- hold digital documents, such as a mobile Driving Licence, a medical prescription, a professional certificate or a travel ticket

Next Steps​

The agreement reached by the co-legislators is now subject to formal approval by the European Parliament and the Council. Once formally adopted, the European Digital Identity framework will enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal.

Member States will have to provide EU Digital Identity Wallets to their citizens 24 months after adoption of Implementing Acts setting out the technical specifications for the EU Digital Identity Wallet and the technical specifications for certification. These Implementing Acts – to be adopted 6 and 12 months after adoption of the Regulation – will draw on the specifications developed as part of the EU Digital Identity Toolbox, setting harmonised conditions for implementing the wallets all across Europe.

The 2030 Digital Decade policy programme sets out Europe's ambition for the digital transformation by 2030.
According to the Digital Decade targets, by 2030, all key public services should be available online, all citizens should be able to access their online health records and everyone should have access to secure privacy-enhancing eID.

Large Scale Pilots
Prior to its roll-out in Member States the EU Digital Identity Wallet is piloted in four large scale projects, that launched on 1 April 2023. The objective of these projects is to test digital identity wallets in real-life scenarios spanning different sectors. Over 250 private companies and public authorities across 25 Member States and Norway, Iceland, and Ukraine will participate.

Eleven use cases are explored in particular:
  1. Accessing government services: Secure access to digital public services, such as applying for a passport or driver's licence, filing taxes, or accessing social security information.
  2. Opening a bank account: Verification of a user's identity when opening an online bank account, eliminating the need for the user to repeatedly provide their personal information
  3. SIM Registration: Proof of identity for the purpose of pre- and post-paid SIM card contracts (registration and activation), reducing fraud and costs for mobile network operators.
  4. Mobile Driving Licence: The storage and presentation of the mobile driving licence in both online and physical interactions such a driver providing their licence on the side of the road.
  5. Signing contracts: Creating secure digital signatures for signing contracts online, eliminating the need for paper documents and physical signatures.
  6. Claiming Prescriptions: Providing details of prescription to pharmacies and initiating the dispensation of medical products.
  7. Travelling: Presenting information from travel documents (e.g. the user's passport, visa, and other), allowing for quick and easy access when going through airport security and customs.
  8. Organisational Digital Identities: Proving you are a legitimate representative of an organisation.
  9. Payments: Verification of a user’s identity when initiating a payment online.
  10. Education certification: Proof of possession for educational credentials, such as diplomas, degrees, and certificates making it easier to apply for jobs or further education.
  11. Accessing Social Security benefits: An EU Digital Identity Wallet can be used to securely access a user's social security information and benefits, such as retirement or disability benefits. It can also be used to facilitate freedom of movement by storing documents such as the European Health Insurance Card.
so get ready... by 2030 if they lock you out of that app you're pretty much dead smi(&%
I think the EU will overtake Gaza as the worlds biggest open air prison :confused:

P.S And as always....get out of the EU while you still can damn_(
Prison suggests you've done something wrong; I think the EU and Gaza are open-air concentration camps!

Cui bono?

Who is the beneficiary of all this? Because it is certainly not we, the people.
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Cui bono?

Who is the beneficiary of all this? Because it is certainly not we, the people.
Great point!

I would hazard to say the "original puppetmasters" and some crumbs to the dastardly lazy unproductive parasitic gang members under the ruse of "government"... :rolleyes:
I would LOVE to be corrected if this is simply Hanlon's razor or simply "envy" ;)
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Prison suggests you've done something wrong; I think the EU and Gaza are open-air concentration camps!

Cui bono?

Who is the beneficiary of all this? Because it is certainly not we, the people.
The euro and their socialist utopia is collapsing. The unfunded liabilities are way to big and these are desperate attempts to save and cement the current power structure.
So you need a sly way to reduce the benefits without the masses revolting.
And the people let it happen to let these socialist utopias being constructed, this time its a green one.
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Great point!

I would hazard to say the "original puppetmasters" and some crumbs to the dastardly lazy unproductive parasitic gang members under the ruse of "government"... :rolleyes:
I would LOVE to be corrected if this is simply Hanlon's razor or simply "envy" ;)
Well, fair to say the no balls elegant mafia. At least in the US, the Italian mafia had huge influence and control, then all sudden elegant mafia took it all over.

Read the power elite by c wright mills
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Aren't all these digital advancements and services simply a unification of existing biometric IDs/passports/gov websites logins/banks and credit cards/etc' ? All of these already exist in some online form but are inconvenient to some, and people would like to have easier access to all their services (medicine/banking/IDs). Does it say anywhere that digitalization is MANDATORY? I think it's all optional, and simply is made for convenience, like in Estonia they were proud of their digital keys to login to websites etc' "amazing advanced futuristic Estonia" with a magical USB key to be used as login lol, was always kinda funny to me but cute, nothing wrong with that.

Or you say there will be NO paper versions of all these docs and stuff, and digital-only will be mandatory, connecting everything about a person to a single key/ID which can be blocked/controlled by any of the government branches? (let's say you're guilty of DL suspension for a month, and you lose other rights like medical insurance or bank account gets frozen etc, but that's nonsense, people would never let something like that happen, so all these digital things will simply be a means of convenience, not a dystopian 'control' thing, IMHO).

I'm pretty sure we're exaggerating when we're discussing the digital advancements. Look, the government can suspend your DL right? even though it's 'plastic' physical and not linked to anything else. They also can decide to not reissue a passport, despite it's "paper" passport, so what? they still control all of these aspects of our life, even in "paper". So what's the difference if it's all 'digital' or 'paper' ? still controlled in the government offices and their databases anyway.
the government can suspend your DL right? even though it's 'plastic' physical and not linked to anything else
You only have one DL from one nation? :rolleyes:
They also can decide to not reissue a passport, despite it's "paper" passport, so what? they still control all of these aspects of our life
You only have one passport from one nation? :rolleyes:
they still control all of these aspects of our life, even in "paper"
Do they really?
still controlled in the government offices and their databases anyway.
Not all heroes wear capes ;)
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I agree! As for me, as long as I can keep on traveling, I'm out of sight, out of mind.
I never thought I would get bored of Europe so quickly. The fiscal situation in many "rich" economies is really untenable, the migrant situation is absurd, Gaza has really amplified the problem with Muslim minorities, the peace dividend is probably over, the democratic gridlock is unreal (in NL major projects are delayed by 5+ years due to 100 people in a environmental group). The question is which parts of the world will end up suffering the most when the pain comes. Europe and with that I mean the EU member-countries are really beset by a unique mix of problems that make other places in the world much more liveable for "talented" people.

All I know is I don't want to be in Europe when the pain comes, it's looking increasingly "soft-authoritarian" with a morality mandate to basically do however they wish. I am not saying the situation is better in countries within Asia, but as an expat you will likely be left alone largely if you live and work there. Woke does not seem to exist in the way it exists in the West in Asia which is enough of a reason to relocate there.
an expat you will likely be left alone largely if you live and work there. Woke does not seem to exist in the way it exists in the West in Asia which is enough of a reason to relocate there.
100% agree...as long as we don't bring any EU sh1t to their countries. We live and let live. We don't get involved in politics or anything else. Just work and enjoy life. Asians also have the highest IQ on average. The top 6 places belong to them.
Source: Countries by IQ - Average IQ by Country 2024

Furthermore, when I am in Asia, I am more calm, relaxed, and much less frustrated than in other places. It's much much safer than other places as this American lady shows:
just imagine this added to the digital euro that's coming... and I bet they'll add a digital passport in the same app... so they'll block the app seizing both your money and your freedom to move ;)
this is no bs, every country is working right now toward this and it's in the final stage.
Commission welcomes final agreement on EU Digital Identity Wallet

The 2030 Digital Decade policy programme sets out Europe's ambition for the digital transformation by 2030.
According to the Digital Decade targets, by 2030, all key public services should be available online, all citizens should be able to access their online health records and everyone should have access to secure privacy-enhancing eID.

Large Scale Pilots
Prior to its roll-out in Member States the EU Digital Identity Wallet is piloted in four large scale projects, that launched on 1 April 2023. The objective of these projects is to test digital identity wallets in real-life scenarios spanning different sectors. Over 250 private companies and public authorities across 25 Member States and Norway, Iceland, and Ukraine will participate.

Eleven use cases are explored in particular:
  1. Accessing government services: Secure access to digital public services, such as applying for a passport or driver's licence, filing taxes, or accessing social security information.
  2. Opening a bank account: Verification of a user's identity when opening an online bank account, eliminating the need for the user to repeatedly provide their personal information
  3. SIM Registration: Proof of identity for the purpose of pre- and post-paid SIM card contracts (registration and activation), reducing fraud and costs for mobile network operators.
  4. Mobile Driving Licence: The storage and presentation of the mobile driving licence in both online and physical interactions such a driver providing their licence on the side of the road.
  5. Signing contracts: Creating secure digital signatures for signing contracts online, eliminating the need for paper documents and physical signatures.
  6. Claiming Prescriptions: Providing details of prescription to pharmacies and initiating the dispensation of medical products.
  7. Travelling: Presenting information from travel documents (e.g. the user's passport, visa, and other), allowing for quick and easy access when going through airport security and customs.
  8. Organisational Digital Identities: Proving you are a legitimate representative of an organisation.
  9. Payments: Verification of a user’s identity when initiating a payment online.
  10. Education certification: Proof of possession for educational credentials, such as diplomas, degrees, and certificates making it easier to apply for jobs or further education.
  11. Accessing Social Security benefits: An EU Digital Identity Wallet can be used to securely access a user's social security information and benefits, such as retirement or disability benefits. It can also be used to facilitate freedom of movement by storing documents such as the European Health Insurance Card.
so get ready... by 2030 if they lock you out of that app you're pretty much dead smi(&%
you mean like they currently have in the UAE? Noone - heaps of people got no issues moving there and complying with this? Giving their blood and finger prints on top

...and I'm gone for sure. Not even a vacation! ;)

PS. I wished those who conjure up these asinine "legislation" would PERSONALLY try to enforce them...cig-:,
AMLD5 was alraeady like this and AMLD6 for sure, UK is already there as court cases show......

basically, government says you are criminal, they ask a judge for a freezing order - ie criminal intent without evidence. Then there is no trial - government will just ask a lower court for the cash based on Civil procedures. THerefore a "criminal" will not have to be convicted, they just seize the property.

The uk has devided to make good use of all the Suspicious activityt reports the bank makes, as a cash cow.
please note that "Asset Forfeiture Initiative Scheme" means that for the money recorvered, 50% goes to the local police force and 50% to the central government. Talk about having an incentive here! Rather than be impartial you got an opponent, the Gov.
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you mean like they currently have in the UAE? Noone - heaps of people got no issues moving there and complying with this? Giving their blood and finger prints on top

AMLD5 was alraeady like this and AMLD6 for sure, UK is already there as court cases show......

basically, government says you are criminal, they ask a judge for a freezing order - ie criminal intent without evidence. Then there is no trial - government will just ask a lower court for the cash based on Civil procedures. THerefore a "criminal" will not have to be convicted, they just seize the property.

The uk has devided to make good use of all the Suspicious activityt reports the bank makes, as a cash cow.
please note that "Asset Forfeiture Initiative Scheme" means that for the money recorvered, 50% goes to the local police force and 50% to the central government. Talk about having an incentive here! Rather than be impartial you got an opponent, the Gov.
rof/% smi(&% They have been doing this for decades in the USA. I remember this since the '80s.
John Oliver explains this sad cruelty with some jocosity
rof/% smi(&% They have been doing this for decades in the USA. I remember this since the '80s.
John Oliver explains this sad cruelty with some jocosity
Think there's a statute of limitations restriction, otherwise i guess crims will need to head for countries where they will be in safe in the future (if any exist)
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