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Goldprice all times high 1655 EUR Oz !!

Do not calculate in Euro. It is weak hybrid fiat of an unstable artificial currency area (Eurozone = it is not a country, it does not even represent the EU itself).
Lol. wtf. A hybrid fiat of an unstable artificial currency area? Nice. I bet you know a lot.

Also, nobody calculates. They read the price (in whatever currency) from a screen. There is no calculation involved.
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Also, nobody calculates. They read the price (in whatever currency) from a screen. There is no calculation involved.
that was the correct reply thu&¤#

Gold is only slowly increasing it's price, but who has the time to wait will be rewarded.
Lol. wtf. A hybrid fiat of an unstable artificial currency area? Nice. I bet you know a lot.
I know, painful times for all the Euro apologists. And it's only getting worse. Be grateful, cheer the ECB ... .

Also, nobody calculates. They read the price (in whatever currency) from a screen. There is no calculation involved.
eek¤%& Really ... . I am absolutely grateful you explained that to me - it's just that it has never been any different :rolleyes:

My post said: "Do not calculate in Euro."
Nowhere does it say anything about how the price finding of gold works.
The reason for my remark: Quoting the price of gold in a currency that devalued massively hides the truth. For comparison this is useless. You believe to have gained when in fact you have lost.
A person in Turkey would consider himself phenomilally rich if he just watched the gold price in TRY. Of course, a Turk would never do that, knowing that TRY is going down the drain.

Advice: Read more carefully when you pick a post of other people, specifically when that post did not even address you! ban-:;

that was the correct reply thu&¤#
No. Reason see above.
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I know, painful times for all the Euro apologists. And it's only getting worse. Be grateful, cheer the ECB ... .

eek¤%& Really ... . I am absolutely grateful you explained that to me - it's just that it has never been any different :rolleyes:

My post said: "Do not calculate in Euro."
Nowhere does it say anything about how the price finding of gold works.
The reason for my remark: Quoting the price of gold in a currency that devalued massively hides the truth. For comparison this is useless. You believe to have gained when in fact you have lost.
A person in Turkey would consider himself phenomilally rich if he just watched the gold price in TRY. Of course, a Turk would never do that, knowing that TRY is going down the drain.

Advice: Read more carefully when you pick a post of other people, specifically when that post did not even address you! ban-:;

No. Reason see above.
Hahahahaha. Great stuff man. Glad you explained to us how currency value fluctuation works. Such great knowledge.
Looks like Gold is following the markets like most other investments at the moment. The difference is that it does not fall that much, it's fractions compared to all other investments.
Looks like Gold is following the markets like most other investments at the moment. The difference is that it does not fall that much, it's fractions compared to all other investments.
Gold is doing exactly what it is supposed to do: holding its value during a period of political and economic turbulence. It has held steady YTD while almost everything else has lost value.
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Looks like Gold is following the markets like most other investments at the moment. The difference is that it does not fall that much, it's fractions compared to all other investments.
Gold is holding extremly strong when you watch what is happening , deleveraging and hard increase of interest rates.
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