It sounds really good when you read it in the tax regulations, but in practice, you might end up fighting with the tax authorities about this specific part of the tax law. If you're up for it, then go for it, and tell them that you read it in the tax rules they published and that you will adhere to them. But don't be surprised if you first have to pay a lot in taxes plus a fine, and then find a lawyer (whom you also have to pay) who might, or might not, be able to get back the money you paid but shouldn't have.
It's a battle like no other and you're asking for trouble. It sounds fruitfully smart when you read it, but in practice, it's different.
Of course, there is always a 50% chance that no one notices or says anything and you get away with it.
I just want to point out that tax authorities are more aggressive and inventive than ever before.