Hello Khinkali & Traveler & Jonny Cage, I really do appreciate your honest and fast feedback - these real life experiences are exactly what makes this forum so valuable.
Traffic ... Right ... kamikaze style ... hadn't considered that ... Jonny Cage, how are the connections please to go from Tblisi to Tsodoreti let's say if I wouldn't bring my car ? Any busses ? Approximate cost of taxi from Tblisi ?
Buying a property or land is not what i would do. I'm stuck with a property now I'm trying to sell (anyone you know interested in a horse ranch in France, let me know) so we can move and start our new lives. If you rent, you pack up and go. If you buy, you need to find someone who buys after you and that is not evident in these times of EU crisis (EU banks don't give
loans to people nowadays for properties above a certain amount - I had a potential buyer who asked a loan for 50 % of the price, other half paid in
cash and the bank REFUSED !! to me it indicates the banks know perfectly what is coming to the EU, which is why I want to get out of the EU). Perhaps later when my new (to start up) company is profitable, the company could buy something, IF we would enjoy living there. I've learned not to look too far ahead in the future as life has its own course often out of our control or not what we'ld expect ...
Visiting is never the same like living in a place so even if you take a vacation, you won't know until you do it. I can live with the chacha, it's similar here. I'm not worried about the language either, somehow that always works out to understand each other. Even in the EU and in languages I understand, I always doublecheck with professionnals.
My plan was to visit Georgia and look for property to rent while visiting (and creating virtual IT company and opening
bank account at the same time, which is a certain factor in the plan - only the country of (tax) residency is not certain yet ; for South America it costs 25.000 euro to transport the horses (no kidding) not to mention import requirements and the mandatory stop in the US when flying from the EU ... and 1 is so nervous i fear the flight might kill it !! staying "on land" allows transport by horse truck ; my daughter is used to traveling - checks in the airport from age 3 by herself so I see no problem there. She and I are flexible. It's the zoo that needs a fixed and reliable place. We ourselves would not spend more than 6-7 months in Georgia the first year. We would be semi-fixed, semi-mobile - the animals need to stay in 1 country.
Did anyone drive with the car from France (or other EU country) to Georgia or the other way around ? It is doable ? I read if you take the north route (ukraine) you must drive through occupied terrorist area in Georgia - is this true or exagerated please ? Other option is through Turkey. Here any information about car insurance in Georgia / other formalities is welcome. Eg : how long does it take to cross the border with Turkey ? Can you drive your own car in Georgia ? Do you need an international drivers licence ? (I got replies in georgian from the government when I asked these questions ... and a link to their website - also in Georgian - wonderful people in the government, a super fast reply, alas google translator couldn't translate the legal language they've sent me).
Other country for (tax) residency could be Cyprus, but there ... there is little to no good quality hay for horses

. Seriously man ... Eastern Europe : very cheap to live / rent / even buy but winters too cold / too long for the horses ... (and for us too).
Khinkali is right, there is little to no farms advertised - not even in Georgian. Those I found were either huge or very old, mostly for sale, did not find 1 for rent so far. This is something to discuss while being in Georgia, with the owners directly I think. If you'ld have any contacts Jonny Cage, or maybe have a chance to ask around (we won't come to Georgia until June or July probably ; brother decided to get married in Spain during easter holiday) that would be a great time saver. Are you yourself in Tblisi itself or nearby ? And ... thank you for the tip about the internet problem outside of the city - that narrows down the search options to the 3 cities basically.
@ Traveler : so if I understand you correctly, if in the 2nd year for example, we'ld want to buy a property, the situation as for now is that foreigners can only buy property within the limits of these 3 cities ? (except for
investment deals outisde these cities)
@ Jonny Cage : your mention of Tsodoreti is helpful ! I found this on the internet :
GEORGIOS RANCH - Prices & Reviews (Tsodoreti, Georgia) - Tripadvisor ; now I have a starting point to contact. I had no clue where to start looking for horse info in Georgia. Perhaps they take other horses in pension. That would be a good solution. We in the city, horses just outside the city, so we can go see them every day, some riding lessons for daughter - sounds perfect.
If by any chance, you would know any people with land and stables near Tblisi or Kutaisi, who would accept taking horses, that is something that would definitely be helpful. This way, when we come to Georgia, we could visit a couple of places and make a contract. Ideally we would move in the summer holiday but there is no urgency. These are our 3 main criteria for (tax) residency : territorial tax (or non dom Cyprus) + fast reliable internet + stables & land for horses ... (as if
CFC, high tax aren't enough limitations

I'ld love to meet up with you when we come to Georgia, sounds like fun ! If someone wants a holiday in France, we have a guest house free for friends (and fast internet).