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Georgia citizenship by investment

Any idea how much those funds pay?
According to the slides linked in the article, Option 1 is a business investment that creates at least 10 jobs. Option 2 returns 0% and the principal at the end of the period. Option 3 is a non-refundable contribution. No source of funds will be required per the slides. It looks to be built upon Georgia’s citizenship by exception laws. The rest of the slides appear to be marketing fluff about Georgia’s business environment, international schools, and visa free travel.

They announced three investment tiers, one being a €250000 contribution. It seems like a lot of people here bank or otherwise have interests in Georgia.

Article reads like it is for Chinese only or being marketed to them. It is not clear if it is for non-Chinese. But for 250k I think every Russian millionaire would apply for this passport by tomorrow morning....lol.

P.S They would only need 4,000 Chinese applicants to reach the $1bn target.
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big question is: are these newly minted citizens exempted from military drafts? Will it extend to all children etc?
Im staying away bigly from this region, dont wanna pay sweet cash and be in the meat grinder afterwards.
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I guess it won't be long until the EU suspends Georgia's visa-free entry policy.

Yes the EU relationship after Georgia passed its foreign agents bill and election results has killed any close relationship with EU they enjoyed in past. Georgian government is looking east now and closer ties with neighbors. No point turning your country into Ukraine for whims of EU....lol. They have been there and done that in 2008.

big question is: are these newly minted citizens exempted from military drafts? Will it extend to all children etc?

If your over 27 military service does not apply. But one can assume it will pass to your kids if they have citizenship.
seems the programme was scrapped, nothing to found anywhere
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