yes you get an emirates ID and a 3 Years visa and so you can open a personal bank account with that. It's still unclear to me if the freelancer permits represents an entity or not, because when you do the permit at some point you hire yourself as a manager. But I've opened a personal bank account with CBD where I'm receiving money, mostly from my LLC, and after having sent all the documentation and explained to the bank that I mostly work with foreign companies they didn't complain, they actually offered me to open the account for my company which I'd rather keep on Wise. Also they said that I can't have a credit card since I'm not hired, so it's not clear what that hiring step really means.
@Fred knows more about this, it's also still unclear to me if the 9% tax on companies applies to freelancers or not, I've read around that it doesn't apply as freelancers are individuals, but VAT do apply (although dividend distribution from an LLC should not be considered towards VAT limits in my understanding).
EDIT - gains from freelancer permit do count for corporate tax.