Free residence permit on the table: Mother Russia welcomes you

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For example check the info about a boy name Arseniy Turbin
He is only 16 years old
This kind of things are happening everyday there its not something unique
Even with kids
And with thousands of other innocent people
So as I said it’s not only my experience
He was accused of trying to join "Freedom of Russia Legion" . A legion which is consisting Russian citizens which are actively fighting against Russia in Ukraine .
His Mother also says confirms that he contacted the "Freedom of Russia Legion" , but he didn't submit an application to them and no one contacted them anymore.
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Reactions: jafo
He was imprisoned at the age of 15 years for printing and sharing texts against Putin

And this exact case was just something I had right now in my mind because I have heard recently some news about him.

As I said it’s only one case
There are thousands
Alexey Gorinov - check the info about him for example
If you are really inside the topic and understand Russian language you might know about him and many other people
The case is not about sharing text against Putin .
It's for allegedly taking part in the Russian Freedom Legion .
Russia right now and Russia in early 2000s are 2 different countries
Very different.
Russians in 2000 hoped to build a prosperous country, believed in democracy and fought for their rights. Russians in 2020 are just a herd of people with broken spines willing to obey anything their government does as long as there is food in the fridges and funny content on TV/Web. They are not bad people, they are just hopeless.

Ukrainians are built differently, they had (and still have) the most inept and corrupted governments in Europe and still tried to build a better future, sometimes resorting to force. And that what putinistas are afraid of, that why they started this war.
This is for those who has never been to Russia but wants to get there citizenship or residence or whatsoever
An empty vessel makes the most noise.

This guy is just a NPC. Shouting randomly into the camera with no ability to understand anything abstract. The type of guy whom, if you told him "Asian males are typically shorter than Western men" will hit you back with the "Well, I know an Asian guy and he's 6ft 6" as though it's some profound statement and proves you wrong

RSD, Russia derangement syndrome is almost like TDS.
Reactions: CyberZero and jafo
@vehzag, we understand your hatred toward a place that has beaten you down—we genuinely do—but you have to come to grips with the fact that it is NOT our fault or the country's fault you failed back there. Others have succeeded.
  1. "A Friend of a Friend (AFF)" has tons of very successful clients and suppliers in Russia. Tons! My AFF, thanks to the sanctions, ships over ¥420M per year to Russia now. How is that "failing?"
  2. My AFF's Russian suppliers supply him with over ¥200M a year in products, which he ships to his other clients. How is that "failing"?

You could argue that his NET margins are small...sure...I'll give you that, but where else can my AFF earn ¥55M per year in Russia and from Russia?
He's not Russian. He doesn't even live there except for the occasional visits to see his clients and suppliers. His control of the Russian language is "OK." He certainly does not misunderstand or misread his buyers' and suppliers' comments and orders. He deals straight with them. He doesn't try to outsmart them or try to be a predator against them to prove some hallucination in his head.

Sadly, more than 90% of the people on Earth are either stupid or bandits/thieves (as per definition in this book: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
by Carlo M. Cipolla). Even if you or I gave them a fair chance, they would not succeed! They are NOT meant to win...EVER! Their attitude is terrible.

In closing, I loved playing basketball, but basketball did NOT love me back! It's NOT the fault of the college, the USA, Michael Jordan, etc etc. I just SUCKED! I can handle the truth! I was NEVER built or meant to play basketball. I can't hate ANY country, person, or sport because I failed! Ultimately, it was on me.

Some things are NOT meant to be. Even Michael Jordan could NOT cut it in the MLB. Ponder on that....

I hope you find peace!
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You’re welcome to share your specific experiences , especially events that shaped your opinion about this country.
100% this!

I share my experiences! How I succeeded, the time period, etc.
I also share how I failed, the time period, what I did wrong, etc. Hindsight is magical!

Generalizing is horrible!

I went to Uni in the USA. I would NOT live there now if they paid me and made me President....***BUT*** if I were a poor young undergrad again, I would certainly return to the USA where I can work, hustle, and have grit and succeed...working +120 hours a week. In the USA, if you want to work and can do the job (and are relatively young), you are almost 100% guaranteed to become rich and succeed. That was the formula taught to me by the Old Guard in 1980, and it works 100%!
Regarding my exact experience
I have been living in Moscow, novosibirsk, astrakhan, Volgograd, saint-p, Stavropol
And been to most of the regions as well in business or touristic trips
Not bad, nice to read about insides from someone that has been there already in real. I would regret not to take a trip there next year unless we get a war in europe.
The case is not about sharing text against Putin .
It's for allegedly taking part in the Russian Freedom Legion .
There are a lot of other cases. You can check as an example the case of Alexadra Skochilenko. This is a case about a young female artist in Saint Petersburg who was detained and sentenced to seven years in prison for replacing price tags in a supermarket with anti-war leaflets containing information about civilian casualties.
I am honestly tired of reading posts from all these propaganda pushers, human rights advocates, and religious zealots who feel offended by one thing or another, dragging an otherwise solid thread into a debate that belongs on church forums or should be written in a letter to the Pope.

OCT is not a religious or human rights forum; it’s a place where we can discuss potential strategies for reducing tax burdens, optimizing our businesses for maximum profit, exploiting the system to build wealth, and, above all, achieving maximum freedom in a world that increasingly narrows to make us all slaves of a global government.

So spare us the speeches about who’s passed away, who got a hard time for moving to Russia, or why there’s war in Europe and how unjust it all is. The world is unjust; it’s a harsh place. No one promised us a life without setbacks, challenges, and hardships. Justice is a dream - reality is that the world is unfair and relentless. There’s a reason for the saying, 'only the strongest survive'; that’s reality.
Thank you for this eye-opening reminder.
There’s a reason for the saying, 'only the strongest survive'; that’s reality.
Unfortunately us free people can’t be stronger than the mafia state moloch. But we can be smarter than the deranged and depraved individuals who are part of it, and escape from their reach.
Unfortunately us free people can’t be stronger than the mafia state moloch. But we can be smarter than the deranged and depraved individuals who are part of it, and escape from their reach.
very well said, I 100% agree.
Reactions: jafo
Honestly, a decade ago I'd have thought about moving to Russia, or at least taking a year or two in the country. Almost went there as a contractor in 2006 or so. Probably not going to be sensible for me to visit for quite some time at the moment. It's shame things are as they are.

Extrapolating from my own Russian friends (and statistics), I wouldn't expect for find a lot of traditional values there. People get divorced pretty often, the women are educated and wilful (at least the ones I've met xD), churches (I'm told) don't see many people outside of Christmas and weddings.

I tend to think of it as a Scandinavia with a richer culture scarred by generations of horrifying trauma. But they got cheap energy, reasonable taxes, etc. If someone wants to go there and make it better, good for you But don't imagine you're escaping forever wars or aggressive public health measures, it's just a different box, they all are.
That’s exactly what I think too. We don’t know what will happen in Russia and Europe in 2025, but to say the least, it probably won’t be better than it is right now.
Personally, I will wait until next year and see what happens. With the new president in the USA from 2025, a lot could really change.
Reactions: jesuschrist
@JohnnyDoe, it seems they now even require a criminal record with Apostille. The full list is now

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