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Free personal EMI to replace Paysera

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Do you really consider Trustpilot reviews being trustful?

What do you mean by “high”?
High I mean like at least 100k USD.

No problems so far for me, but I might have been lucky.

Yes, no problem
OK, will try them. Do you have more options? I want to distribute through more accounts
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High I mean like at least 100k USD.
It's not recommendable to perform 6 figures transaction “out of the blue“ (i.e. without previous history of lower non-problematic transactions) with any EMI (perhaps except 3sMoney).
And I think it's not recommendable to have high 6 figures amounts at your account for a long time with the vast majority of EMIs, perhaps except of a very few (TBMK none of them being crypto-friendly).
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It's not recommendable to perform 6 figures transaction “out of the blue“ (i.e. without previous history of lower non-problematic transactions) with any EMI (perhaps except 3sMoney).
And I think it's not recommendable to have high 6 figures amounts at your account for a long time with the vast majority of EMIs, perhaps except of a very few (TBMK none of them being crypto-friendly).
So what would be a solution in my case? :)
So what would be a solution in my case? :)
I do not know much about your case :) (elaborate more on this ;) )

Generally, to split your transaction flow to more institutions is a really good strategy – for many reasons.
Thanks for the tip on Blackcatcard. It's not for me, as I don't trust Malta.
Also, Paysera is good but has a zero tolerance for cryptos.
I am looking for the equivalent of Blackcatcard in Germany or Lithuania.
N26 in Germany and all EMI's backed by Solarisbank are OK with Crypto but only EEA Resident.

In Lithuania Paysera is the biggest EMI - beside of them you have basically only small high risk EMI's charging % or providing Payment Infrastructure only - Revolut has some operations in Lithuania.

Don't recommend to look further into Lithuania if you are looking for "free" - look rather into Germany - chanes for "free" are higher there as the Germans like the "free ride" and they even love it more to complain afterwards :)
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N26 in Germany and all EMI's backed by Solarisbank are OK with Crypto but only EEA Resident.

In Lithuania Paysera is the biggest EMI - beside of them you have basically only small high risk EMI's charging % or providing Payment Infrastructure only - Revolut has some operations in Lithuania.

Don't recommend to look further into Lithuania if you are looking for "free" - look rather into Germany - chanes for "free" are higher there as the Germans like the "free ride" and they even love it more to complain afterwards :)
Thanks. I will check Solaris’s EMI. Would you recommend anything non-free in Lithuania? I am EU resident. Revolut doesn’t want me (I lost a free card, trolled them about RGPD, so I will never enjoy their services…).
Thanks. I will check Solaris’s EMI. Would you recommend anything non-free in Lithuania? I am EU resident. Revolut doesn’t want me (I lost a free card, trolled them about RGPD, so I will never enjoy their services…).
No - wouldn't recommend anything else in Lithuania - just checked the few good ones from 3-4 years back are meanwhile collecting negative reviews as well - stay away.
Here's a small list of EMIs with the ibans you need. This is naturally not all payment systems, only those that I remembered offhand. The amount of $ 100k you will not be able to drive through the account in one piece. Before using the account, you need to warm it up and let it get used to the new device. Better yet, buy an account with the imprint of the system on which it was registered and verified. All this was created to calm the anti-fraud system of these payment systems. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact https://choise.com - Lt iban

Excelon Money - Lt iban

Genome-Lt iban

Ttmbank - Lt iban

Bunq De-Lt iban

Bankera-Lt iban

Zen-Lt iban

N26- De iban

Bunq - De iban (mix iban)

Tomorrow - De iban
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♣️ This is ma boy Johnny, always bringing
? How can you claim this if you joined forum today and spent here ~0.5 h? :)
shity companies to the table hehehe
Re: the matter, I cannot say about ibandirect but neither Nebeus nor Zen are shitty. Perhaps not without some flaws but definitely not a s**t. IMO.
can you tell me if wirex is working good for 2-15k transfers? need to buy crypto
From what I have heard, Wirex had good times and bad times in the past (founded 2014, AFAIK). I am not sure how it is now; ~3 months ago it was perhaps fine.
The website (blackcatcard.com) is down. Do you have any info about it? Even the app isn't working.
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