For now
Just for comparison tax-wise.. In Russia as a sole entrepreneur you can pay effective tax 5-6% from the entire turnover if you earn less than $1m/year. The only thing that sucks now is the sanctions and currency controls lol
You are RIGHT on the money!
When you love or care for someone, you do NOT extradite them to somewhere else. This is LOST on MOST people!
Follow my mental construct here:
Can you imagine your neighbor, Joe Sr., demanding you hand over your son, Avalanche Jr., to him because Joe Sr. caught his child, Joe Jr., violating his house rules? Furthermore, in order for Joe Jr. NOT to get punished or reduce his punishment, he told Joe Sr. that your son, Avalanche Jr., was the one who "caused" him to violate Joe Sr.'s house rules. Like WTF???!!!
Even though I am NOT involved, if I found out about such a request of Joe Sr., I would show up at his house at 2 am, and he and I would go to our last dance! F*ck Joe Sr and the horse he rode in on!
Moreover, we do NOT tax our loved ones or people we care for. FFS!!! I have never levied a tax on my mom or daughter

... H3LL...I haven't even levied one on my crazy, destructive ex-wife!
Some people defending their abuser are so brainwashed. It's the typical abused wife syndrome!