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Exposed: EU's Secret Wealth Grab! Is Your Money Safe?

Asset Confiscating

Check out our latest video discussing the European Union's new directive targeting unexplained wealth. While it may seem straightforward, there's more to it than meets the eye. Join us at OffshoreCorpTalk as we uncover the hidden agenda behind this directive and its potential impact on taxpayers.

From targeting criminals to potentially affecting regular individuals, this directive raises concerns about privacy and financial security. Join the discussion as we delve into the implications and share insights on how to protect your assets.
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Has anyone been in the situation to get their assets and other belongings confiscated by an authority on false claims ?
Yes. It happens on a daily basis and they openly admit that their goal is to grab money. These thugs deserve less respect than thieves and fraudsters, because they steal your assets through brute force.
This thread should be something you get thrown at you when you access OTC – it’s absurd if the tax authorities can just make up stories as they wish and then confiscate your things. Where are the human rights in our society? What can an ordinary person with some wealth do to protect themselves?
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This thread should be something you get thrown at you when you access OTC – it’s absurd if the tax authorities can just make up stories as they wish and then confiscate your things. Where are the human rights in our society? What can an ordinary person with some wealth do to protect themselves?
Well, don't be a citizen of just one country, a resident of that country, and have your business and all assets in that country. Then that country got you - colloquially speaking - by the balls.
Well, don't be a citizen of just one country, a resident of that country, and have your business and all assets in that country. Then that country got you - colloquially speaking - by the balls.
yeah it is important to have company in country A while resident in country B - that's much better.
I know there are a lot of EU critics here on OCT, and I understand it’s easy to criticize such a large system. But the idea that tax authorities across the entire EU can confiscate your property is just too much.

But is this really an EU thing, or is it just that most EU countries have adopted this practice to pay off their national debts?

I’m aware that if you owe taxes in one EU country, they can now be collected in another if you move, but is that really because of the EU?

And what do you think will happen in non-EU countries once this wealth register is in place? Wouldn’t it be in every country’s interest to impose a wealth tax if the ultimate plan is to turn everyone with a regular job into slaves for the big system of a world government?
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When I read this thread and watch the video, I have to admit it all feels like doomsday, and it seems impossible to make money in Europe anymore without constantly worrying about dealing with the tax authorities or, even worse, having your entire fortune confiscated.

How do you protect yourself against this? It all seems overwhelming if you believe everything that’s been written on the topic.
When I read this thread and watch the video, I have to admit it all feels like doomsday, and it seems impossible to make money in Europe anymore without constantly worrying about dealing with the tax authorities or, even worse, having your entire fortune confiscated.

How do you protect yourself against this? It all seems overwhelming if you believe everything that’s been written on the topic.
Personally, I think a lot of money can be earned in the EU, but more than 90% of it will be spent on taxes, housing, insurance, food, services, etc.
If a person of above-average intelligence concentrates, they can easily generate revenues of more than €50K/month.
I do this "foreign investment" just to pay the "expenses" and feed the beast (main reason - wet their beaks), but with an original understanding that I will ONLY be taxed from locally derived income.


My personal issue is that I don't owe anyone anything when
  1. my client in, e.g., Panama sends me ¥100M
  2. to manufacture a particular product for him in, e.g., Hangzhou, China,
  3. where I have to move to Hangzhou for six months,
  4. source the raw materials
  5. and sleep on the factory floor for six months on an airbed to oversee the production, QA, QC, packing, logistics, etc.,

Panama does NOT claim I owe them anything.
China sure as H3LL doesn't want my profit (<10%)

So, why do dastardly, useless, unproductive, and unaffiliated gang members under the ruse of government who once were slave owners expect me to be their new & improved white slave and think they have the right to sodomize me financially? :rolleyes:
I don't even want to live in their society or break bread with them. I can't stand them.
Still, if I go live where I want to live, they'll tell their FIs NOT to let me conduct business unless I become a low-paying wage slave laboring for Mega-Corps where NONE of the executives or shareholders are smarter, faster, stronger, etc than me? :rolleyes:

Like why?
None of them can enforce their will on me one-on-one. Not even two or three against one. Why?
Well, don't be a citizen of just one country, a resident of that country, and have your business and all assets in that country. Then that country got you - colloquially speaking - by the balls.
very good but some countries don't like you have your business in another country and the troubles start then.
So you mean that all people in the EU can only save 10% of what they earn?
There are some people here on OCT who are very negative and have a bleak outlook on the future and the EU - which may be justified. However, I choose to wait and see how things unfold. If I end up living as a bootlicker to politicians when I'm retired, then so be it.