Exposed: EU's Secret Wealth Grab! Is Your Money Safe?

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I can't wait for the day they try to force me to do this. I will take as many of their servants with me as I can

God didn't tell me to pay taxes and follow made up rules of a made up "elites" (psychopaths, megalomaniacs and pedophiles)
My brother from another mother!

PS. OPSEC has to be tight! They can't identify us, so they are running scared. If they could, they would sacrifice our own SIMP neighbors and other statists to further their goals. Right now, they are blind! They are physically & mentally weak. They are NOT physically conditioned to challenge us. They have to resort to identifying us and then ganging up on us. All those who partake have really low IQs and low self-esteem. We use this knowledge to our advantage.
you say you belong to the view with a higher IQ ?
Members of OCT, in general, sell a product or offer a service voluntarily for a reasonable cost. Some of us who don't sell a product or offer a service to other OCT members are just here sharing our experiences with those who have NOT been in the battle (yet) to become familiar with battle shenanigans and they can either avoid them or know how to "knockout" their opponent. It's like preparing for a bout against another boxer. One studies his fighting style and looks for weaknesses to end the fight early!

Order followers,

are those useless parasites that can't produce or offer ANYTHING of value and hence serve those who organize their criminal gang under the ruse of government to rob the rest of us. In general, they are stupid people with very low self-esteem. I'm sure there are exceptions, although I've never met one.
As a fundamental belief, paying taxes is a fantastic way to ensure that a country functions well, has good infrastructure, a strong healthcare system, order in the streets, and takes care of the young in schools and the elderly in their final stages of life.

If only it were like that, I would have no problem paying the taxes required to maintain a balanced country. The problem is that the system doesn't work; virtually every country is filled with corrupt leaders and politicians who line their own pockets and egos.

A higher intelligence has figured out that if you can get 99% of the world's population to work for you and believe that what you are doing is the only thing that works, then you can steer the world in the direction you want it to go.
What the EU, tax authorities, OECD, USA, China, Russia, and government leaders are involved in is such a vast apparatus that most people cannot see what is really happening and believe what they are fed by the media and newspapers. And the average 9 to 5 worker doesn't care about what is happening; it's not something that concerns him/her. They don't realize that they are slowly and quietly just a cog in a huge system that exploits them.
A higher intelligence has figured out that if you can get 99% of the world's population to work for you and believe that what you are doing is the only thing that works, then you can steer the world in the direction you want it to go.
They are actually bandits! They do NOT produce anything. They are thieves. Most people haven't thought this through. They are 100% bandits. I'll do a thread on this in the future, but the book: "Allegro, ma non troppo" explains this.
is this book only in German or also other languages?
There is the English version, too. I will make a thread, but I have to make a diagram. Without the diagram, it's NOT clear enough.
I'll search for someone on Fiverr who can do (x,y) axis in a graph to make the coordinate plane easy to understand.

I have to explain things to the north and south of the abscissa and the east and west of the ordinate.

I need to simplify my thoughts in the hopes that a young teenage kid like I used to be in the '80s could easily understand it at first sight.
*I'm not adjusting for my stupidity during my adolescent years. I really doubt anyone could have been dumber than me
Reactions: jorge and clemens
Did i wrote super secret ?I said its hidden....hidden from public which doesn't mean you can't see it when making a deeper research
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You understand the diffrence between median and average right ?
Italy has a high home ownership. That's why. Home ownership is responsible for the big majority of those individual's wealth.
Same thing goes for Belgium,Luxembourg,...
Germany is low because the majority of residents are tenants and not homeowners

Reactions: clemens
I just watched a documentary about the world's largest corporations legally moving their money to tax havens or countries with very low taxes, such as Switzerland and Delaware. It is said that they collectively save 600 billion dollars.

It also mentions that governments worldwide are desperately seeking funds to finance prosperity, hospitals, and welfare in their countries. Many multinational companies have more money than most countries!

Based on this, one can conclude that this is why we see tightening regulations, as discussed in this thread and shown in the video!

It's unfair treatment; it's you and me who have to pay and be deprived of all our acquisitions while the multinationals get away and laugh.

No one can be surprised that things have turned out this way. We can more likely thank McDonald's, GE, Pfizer, etc., for being the ones who get away while we are hunted down, can't we?
I prefer the British approach

Leave the UK - No UK taxes so no money you earned wasted on bailing out Irish bankers whilst the own people are on ones and infrastructure collapses, none of your money bailing out Icelandic banks after your councils deposited all their/your money there and used the yield to bodge local infrastructure, no paying out for migrants that was 10,000 a year but now 1m a year to live the life of Riley in hotels being given cards whilst everyone else can barely put food on the table or heat their home and are surveilled for every transaction in case is tax evasion under the guise it’s for anti terrorism, no funding people that want to lock you down in 15 minute cities or control your ability to speak out.

The downside - no voting (changing), no NHS (probably die waiting to be seen), no pension (Goverment debases @8-12% pa so you won’t be able to buy anything at the end anyway), no safety net (teaches you to be an adult).

Plus side - the 50-80% of taxes you saved give you an outside spending capability living in an emerging economy and the ability to easily renounce citizenship and see the scale of degradation from afar much easier.

As for those that remain and as I see at the table a week ago with a Australian - disgust that countries have tax accommodating policies - they dug their own hole and suffer the consequences for not pulling out


Australian woman at the table at our usual weekly get together found it heinous that countries like Thailand didn’t charge income tax for income earned if remitted the following year.

Then we got into AML and tax evasion discussions where it got heated - she worked for the post office or owned a post office as I understood - their view was drug money being laundered was “laundering” - I pointed out many of the cases these days are people selling s**t - not declaring it - then being charged with tax evasion and laundering of the proceeds of the crime.

Towards the end of the evening plastered with wine the discussion came up on how to get away from it and CBDC etc I pointed out there is only one way - leave.

But the vast majority won’t and she wasn’t inclined towards that so like I said above - made their own holes - lay in them.

Then we got into AML and tax evasion discussions where it got heated - she worked for the post office or owned a post office as I understood - there view was drug money being laundered was “laundering” - I pointed out many of the cases these days are people selling s**t - not declaring it - then being charged with tax evasion and laundering of the proceeds of the crime.

Towards the end of the evening plastered with wine the discussion came up on how to get away from it and CBDC etc I pointed out there is only one way - leave.

But the vast majority won’t and she wasn’t inclined towards that so like I said above - made their own holes - lay in them.

Life becomes so much simpler when you leave the West - highly recommend it.
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But the vast majority won’t and she wasn’t inclined towards that so like I said above - made their own holes - lay in them
NGL, if I were a white woman (I presume she is), I wouldn't leave either

But she won't have to worry...the people she votes for will bring the danger right down her street...and she'll pay for it
Reactions: jafo
There is the English version, too. I will make a thread, but I have to make a diagram. Without the diagram, it's NOT clear enough.
I'll search for someone on Fiverr who can do (x,y) axis in a graph to make the coordinate plane easy to understand.
please tag me if you create the thread
Reactions: clemens and jafo
Unfortunately, I think it won't be so easy to dissuade the EU from this course; the few people who move the pieces behind the scenes for Europe, the EU, the OECD, and the rest of the world hold enormous power.
all they need to do is to tweak the algorithm on facebook/instagram and 50% of youngsters opinion is in their pocket, ehhh. imagine the total control social channels have over brainless 'feed scrollers' , it's like a zombie army, they can be controlled not only to vote here and there, but also when and where go to protest, thinking it's "their opinion" what they're protesting about it's like a horror movie actually. current reality is so bizarre.
all they need to do is to tweak the algorithm on facebook/instagram and 50% of youngsters opinion is in their pocket, ehhh. imagine the total control social channels have over brainless 'feed scrollers
I'm afraid you are right, the new generation from 2000 and up is easily manipulated like this
Reactions: Jorozey