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European Commission forces across EU tax changes to curb Aggressive Tax Planning practices - Malta

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1,200 euros a month UBI in Germany as part of a trial??
Just imagine how inflation and taxes will be adjusted to do that.
Germany is very specific and strong country almost all work is done by automates in factories.
Some farmers still bring people to collect vegetables.
Remote working teaching/medicare can be replaced via AI/machine learning scripts.
Germany was able to absorb 1m migrants that cost them monthly 1k Euro each, and they still got good economy parameters.

Now next true story I have got German lessons with person that was helping people with getting welfare in Germany or basic pension :).
To be fair they have system that pays unemployment people in Germany like 1200-1400 Euro per month right now(in 2017 everyone could hack that system after 3 months there, later they changed rules).
(that includes money for rent utilities, food stamps, cloths stamps, entertainment stamp cinema/theaters shows).
In German TV was show when they got guy who was unemployed for 10 years he was suppose to find job :D, he failed at the end he told that if he would work
he would not have free time to use his stamps for entertainment so he left his job for 1100 Euro . (some people were shocked but nothing has changed)

To be fair many people right now in government agencies but not only do "s**t worth job", we would do better on some online system...
Reality is that government forcing law is creating like 50%-70% of fake jobs - give them UBI and let others work.
Sadly they will f**k up that part increasing regulations so demand for s**t-job will remain.
Some people say that Eastern Europe will be "smarter" and don't let "socialism" back because they know what is smells and how it ends.
In reality is opposite those people love when captain country gives them free stuff in cost of personal freedom till they have something to eat.
You can translate this mechanism to the whole of Europe, which is ageing and its voters are ageing too. Socialism will grow as in the USSR until it collapses in on itself. The funny thing is that the starving freedom fighters of the communist regime actually wanted more socialism for their families (more free stuff) and not individual or economic freedom.

As a western European who has seen his country destroyed from the inside over the past 20 years, I see what you mean because we had this mechanism 30 years ago. I actually live in Eastern Europe, and I can see people don't really understand what's going on. The biggest problem for me is that the eastern european countries are really afraid of Russia and I understand why, but because of this they seem to believe that following the United States will be safe. Sadly, there are many advantages to being a follower of the United States in the short term, but in the long term it comes with a new form of socialism a destructive soft power and a complete destruction of your country.

Personally, I think Eastern Europe should look to Russia because with the western europe disease there is no going back, after being bitten it's over and your country will not survive.
What does EU need from UK exactly that is so important ?

You what....do you not follow geopolitics? UK China relations are not exactly strong at moment. UK refusing Huawei 5G at behest of US. Now UK joining US and Australia under AUKUS to combat the Chinese in South China Sea. Then you got the Hong Kong tensions UK has with China, You have no idea what your talking about when you say "definitely"...lol.. What nutcase would want to invest in an island called UK cut of from rest of Europe. Gulf states will invest in UK but end of day its just a small island to wash and recycle and park oil money for them not to develop the country. The rest of middle east are not interested in UK.

UK is so desperate right now its kissing the feet of India even...how ironic knowing history or India and UK. Even US told them to get lost for a trade deal. UK even wants to join the Pacific Free Trade Area (CPTPP)...lol. Now that's a great opportunity to show UK leading the world after brexit :rolleyes:.

Basically UK will become an international joke in future as they have no game plan for the future post brexit. They just have groveling for bad trade deals and becoming a vessel state of the US to look forward too.
Honestly, I think you are missing something relevant (and always approaching each answer as you own the unique truth ... that's quite annoining, at leats for me).
What you see on the facade is never the truth.
Just read this and maybe you'll get the reasons of what I'm saying.
UK can be everything but a joke, especially when is about defending their own political and financial interests globally.
As i said, it will take time but UK will be laughing about EU.
It's not abut what EU nees from UK .... Brexit was enough for UK as it showed all EU countries that there's a way-out.
Damm as I am from Poland I can tell you that does nothing with fighting for freedom or moment behind it, in reality is quite opposite.
Rulling party replaced TOP court with politicians and rules now 100% correct with main party agenda.

The ruling party now wanted to exchange ordinary judges for its mediocre but faithful ones. They have also created a system for disciplining judges that prohibits reference to European law. Anyone who does not comply with it gets punished.

It's not cool because in the future in a court of law the citizen vs. the state will always lose, and if Poland breaks EU law then the judges won't give a f**k. This is more about arbitrary politicians than about the good of citizens.

Poland is a bit of a bamboozle, we seem to have rules, but everyone knows that there are so many of them that it is impossible to follow them - so we ignore them in most cases. The rules are there to f**k up anyone who fucks up the officials.

But you're probably right, something in this EU is cracking from the inside, we're not getting rich like before and the old voters are forcing welfare everywhere, overloading the system. It will be interesting to see when it explodes.
I'm not Polish nor living in Poland so possibly that's it as you said.

But nevertheless it's a slap in the face to Brussels bureaucrats.
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since there is in Poland now "hot potato" topic.
Law portal prepared list of countries that had similar ruling like Poland have.
Hungary/Poland are countries that will use power of Veto if some bigger countries will want put sanctions on them - that was always very vocal.
Covid recovery plan came to action when they put sanctions of not giving money for those who obey to discipline some countries and bypass that Veto possibility.
In case of Malta issue was taxes, in Poland there is whole juridical system drama.
EU commission put on everyone some conditions before they will get money from EU.
In Covid recovery plan ALL countries agreed to have EU TAXES to finance those Covid loans.

Translated version for you who don't want EU law over their system - related article below.
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Interesting article, even if it was made in July.
So, 2 things I can extract from this:
- it's clear that the push of the EU sovranism is not appreciated by most of the EU countries, especially from those originally initiated this (Italy, Spain, Germany and France)
- nice to see that these days noise about Poland is having way more impact than the German or French decision reported in the article. If Germans and French are "pissing on" EU, it's all ok, If Poland (or anybody else) does it .... it's slap in the face.

Very happy to see the EU two-speed approach.
Thanks for sharing this @Rzeznik
Just read this and maybe you'll get the reasons of what I'm saying.

lol...this old on-going contractually agreed project shows nothing of current Chinese UK relations. The fact is relations are not good since HK interference, 5g rejection and now AUKUS etc.

UK can be everything but a joke, especially when is about defending their own political and financial interests globally.

It can be but currently it is a international laughing stock. You don't walk out the door without a game plan and I hope Poland takes note of this and does thing properly in the unlikely event they ever leave.

As i said, it will take time but UK will be laughing about EU.
It's not abut what EU nees from UK .... Brexit was enough for UK as it showed all EU countries that there's a way-out.

You need to quantify time. Didn't Mogg say it could take 50 years to see benefits from brexit and he is pro brexit...lol rof/%.
Interesting article, even if it was made in July.
So, 2 things I can extract from this:
- it's clear that the push of the EU sovranism is not appreciated by most of the EU countries, especially from those originally initiated this (Italy, Spain, Germany and France)
- nice to see that these days noise about Poland is having way more impact than the German or French decision reported in the article. If Germans and French are "pissing on" EU, it's all ok, If Poland (or anybody else) does it .... it's slap in the face.

Very happy to see the EU two-speed approach.
Thanks for sharing this @Rzeznik
Interesting article, even if it was made in July.
So, 2 things I can extract from this:
- it's clear that the push of the EU sovranism is not appreciated by most of the EU countries, especially from those originally initiated this (Italy, Spain, Germany and France)
- nice to see that these days noise about Poland is having way more impact than the German or French decision reported in the article. If Germans and French are "pissing on" EU, it's all ok, If Poland (or anybody else) does it .... it's slap in the face.

Very happy to see the EU two-speed approach.
Thanks for sharing this @Rzeznik

Well, obviously.

I don't know which world you live in but hopefully the below graph can create some sense. A country (Poland in this example) that managed to collect twice its GDP in European subventions in less than 10 years should not have the same power as Germany or France in this union. Plus Poland has had its share of political jests and internal conflicts for years now (eg. immigration, defense deals spending on American contracts, not European, etc). I am not sharing an opinion, just facts.

On the UK discussion we will see what arise from it but I would be surprised if the UK manages to become something more than a just a place where money is laundered for individuals and international corporations in the long term (and yet Ireland offers better options for corporates as of today). Even under a EU backlash on Ireland, companies will just find a way to shelter anywhere else in the world. Remember it's 2021 and setting up tax optimization systems is a matter of weeks with the right systems in place.

My opinion is as the world gets fragmented with clashing poles (1. US UK AU NZ JP 2. Europe 3. China Vietnam Indonesia Singapore Malaysia and some countries of the Middle East 4. Russia and potentially East Europe in the very long term), more countries would turn their back on the US creating more freedom for them to create tax heavens and attract investors in a world where digitalization and virtual assets are preeminent (to the UK's loss). My second belief is that in the next 30 to 70 years poles 2, 3 and 4 above will slowly merge as Europe, China, Russia and the whole Eurasian continent becomes heavily economically and geopolitically integrated and interdependent, to the detriment of the rest of the world.


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My second belief is that in the next 30 to 70 years poles 2, 3 and 4 above will slowly merge as Europe, China, Russia and the whole Eurasian continent becomes heavily economically and geopolitically integrated and interdependent, to the detriment of the rest of the world.

Yup this is quite a possibility. In end commerce will win over all else.
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I think the next EU law will be banning unprotected sex outside marriage or a registered partnership. Thats the cold logic of an average EU bureaucrat these days. I said it here first folks...lol. They have already told you who you can and cannot meet during covid lockdowns so this would be a new measure to stop spread of infectious diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

Get out of EU while you still can damn_(
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I think the next EU law will be banning unprotected sex outside marriage or a registered partnership. Thats the cold logic of an average EU bureaucrat these days. I said it here first folks...lol. They have already told you who you can and cannot meet during covid lockdowns so this would be a new measure to stop spread of infectious diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

Get out of EU while you still can damn_(
hahaha ;) Or what to wear when going outside? The great EU might design a uniform in rainbow colors
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I am telling you guys EU mandate on unprotected sex is coming. They just need a pretext which will be a new STD emerging from........Wuhan smi(&%
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