Just imagine how inflation and taxes will be adjusted to do that.1,200 euros a month UBI in Germany as part of a trial??
Germany is very specific and strong country almost all work is done by automates in factories.
Some farmers still bring people to collect vegetables.
Remote working teaching/medicare can be replaced via AI/machine learning scripts.
Germany was able to absorb 1m migrants that cost them monthly 1k Euro each, and they still got good economy parameters.
Now next true story I have got German lessons with person that was helping people with getting welfare in Germany or basic pension
To be fair they have system that pays unemployment people in Germany like 1200-1400 Euro per month right now(in 2017 everyone could hack that system after 3 months there, later they changed rules).
(that includes money for rent utilities, food stamps, cloths stamps, entertainment stamp cinema/theaters shows).
In German TV was show when they got guy who was unemployed for 10 years he was suppose to find job
he would not have free time to use his stamps for entertainment so he left his job for 1100 Euro . (some people were shocked but nothing has changed)
To be fair many people right now in government agencies but not only do "s**t worth job", we would do better on some online system...
Reality is that government forcing law is creating like 50%-70% of fake jobs - give them UBI and let others work.
Sadly they will f**k up that part increasing regulations so demand for s**t-job will remain.