European Central Bank raises interest rates for first time in 11 years

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wow, sane Italian good for you
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wow, sane Italian good for you
Of course, I am ahaha that's why I am interested in leaving this hell as soon as possible.

Our Politicians made resign Mario Draghi the most respected Italian man in the world; during these difficult times, it's crazy!

We are going to get a far-right populist Government, basically a bunch of fascists, and in the coalition, there is SILVIO BERLUSCONI (JESUS CHRIST!). Do you know what he just said? he wants to bring the minimum pension from 500€ to 1000€ ahahah, and how will they get that money?? Obviously, with other debts!

I will not mention the other crazy proposals in the other parties because I am really ashamed.

But you know "ThE PRoBlEm is tHE eURo!!1"‍ let's get back to the Italian Lira so the politicians can print money and buy their voters ahaha

Where are you from, my friend?
Reactions: RealDude
If Italy goes back to our old currency will become a new Argentina, the euro was really good for us
If Italy goes back to the Lira, then it might go back to old Italy -- which was quite good. The numbers do not lie. Perhaps you are too young to remember -- or perhaps you have not looked at the data.
ahhaahahah old Italy was good?? I am Italian. I know EVERYTHING about my economy and political history; trust me, you don't know ANY idea of what you are talking about, absolutely zero.

The economic boom we had it wasn't for the lira, and in that boom, our politicians already started to do huge debts, and that's why we are in this situation now!

They used the lira and the Italian central bank as a printing machine creating inflation; with the lira, our debt wouldn't be sustainable today; THESE ARE THE REAL DATA AND FACTS.

When we enter the Euro, we gain massively because our interest rates dropped significantly, but our politicians, instead of doing structural reform (like Germany did), didn't do anything but spend other borrowed money on BS.

if we get back to the lira today, we would collapse instantly, the market wouldn't trust us and our debt would become even more unsustainable, or are you suggesting to monetizing the debt? which is a well know economic and monetary DISASTER.

You need an economic class as soon as possible my friend, but most importantly you should study the economic and political history of Italy something you don't know absolutely anything about.

You sent me a bunch of fake news and garbage, our politicians created our own disaster, and Italy is the only country in the EU that didn't growth in two decades!

Why did everyone else improves and benefit from the Euro but we didn't? why the only nations that had problems are nations full of corrupted politicians, crazy public spending and huge debts?????

if really had analyze the data ( I did more then one time) it's clear where the Italian declined started and for what reason.
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Why did everyone else improves and benefit from the Euro but we didn't?
This comment shows your complete and total ignorance. Greece is once again at the precipice.
The worrying figure has alerted experts, warning another collapse of the Greek economy could bring the whole eurozone down.

Much of Southern Europe has suffered greatly, for decades, by adopting the Euro. But why should I waste my time explaining it to you, especially when you make a comment that is so utterly ignorant?

Perhaps you recall the last Greek financial disaster. This is very basic economics. A currency cannot have multiple masters without causing great harm to some of them.
As long as the European Union remains a loose confederation of independent nations, the euro will be an economic menace. The currency's problems are by no means limited to Greece. Other countries in the Southern Europe, including Spain, Italy, and Portugal, have suffered through years of unnecessarily high unemployment due in part to ECB policies.
In theory this is very correct.

But the day to day realistic life looks different and we have 20 years proof of this.
Italy needs a weak currency which can be devalued (inflated). This makes their export highly competitive as its price would be not much above Southeast asian exports (which have 0 brand value) and the tourism sector would boom since its cheap for usd/euro holders.

It would have much much better economic activity.

When I travel to Italy today, I see shops and friends closing left and right which makes my heart bleed. The internal devaluation due to too strong euro (and too weak euro for Germany) crashes the economy.
The euro is only good for Italian pensioners and fixed income holders but it completely crashes the youth which are emigrating.

The euro is a complete fail, too strong for the euro south and too weak for the euro north. A corset which fits no one.
there are more than to options (inflating/inflatable EUR controlled by continental mafia or inflating/inflatable lira controlled by local mafia)
You don't know what you are talking about as well; what do you suggest would kill the salaries and purchasing power of families, we import basically everything, like energy, etc...

The Euro is not a failure; the southern economies are, especially Italy.

The Euro is not the reason some economies have problems in Europe.

What did you think before writing these jokes? The euro too weak for Germany? Based on your logic, it should be ok since Germany exports a lot as well Ahah.

After this message, I will not answer to any of this nonsense, you are all repeating garbage and propaganda, and most importantly, you are suggesting stupid and simplistic solutions (fantasies) that would literally cause an economic disaster as it happens periodically in any south America failed state!

You seriously need some economic classes., all your arguments are not only based on really wrong and debunked economic principles but even worse based on a mentality where you always see an external factor to blame in a failure.

For example:

The economy of Italy is bad not because our politicians keep increasing the debt to throw money out of the window, and because they don't want to do structural reforms to increase productivity (THE ONLY WAY AN ECONOMY CAN GROWTH AND PROSPER) but it's obviously fault of the Euro or the EU right?? ahahah

Same thing with Greece, they didn't fail because they weren't able to manage public money or because they wasted resources to gift the voters, but also there it was fault of the Euro, the EU, Germany and Mario Draghi right? ahahah hilarious.

When you can't repay the debt you did with your bank because you spent that money on hookers will you tell them that it is fault of the euro? what economic fantasies would you use to justify your inefficiency?
Reactions: Offshr
The Euro has a bad design due to its debt markets which is different from the USA. Their debt markets are not impacted by internal capital flows from weak to strong states.
The interest rate is too low for Italy (borrow too much) and too high (borrow too low) for Germany, adversely affecting each of these in their own way.

Don't be so angry mr. internet hero economist. Come out of your moms basement and learn about currency baskets of heterogeneous economies.
Unbelievable, you showed again and even more your ignorance who doesn't have any idea of what he is talking about; I think you are the one who should study instead of repeating garbage...

Do you realize the absurdity you just said?

I am not angry at all; I just disrespect complete ignorant like you who have the courage to act like a smartass without even realizing how stupid they look...

My mom's basement? you are so desperate, so you try to offend me with random accusations?

Sure, you are right!
And even more important don't talk about Italy if you don't have any knowledge of our country's economy and history, first of all, if you see that some of your friends are closing their business is a subjective observation, nothing to do with economic studies or statistics, maybe your friends are going out of business because they aren't that good...

Second, saying that is the fault of the euro or the currency in general shows how your knowledge of the economy is completely inaccurate...

Young people struggle here not because of the euro, but because of our public spending!

I will repeat the facts AGAIN, the only way an economy can grow and prosper in the long run is an increase in productivity and production; that's it! Nothing to do with your fantasies of currency manipulation or killing the purchasing power and salaries (already low) of families, to favor the export ( export, in general, has grown massively also because of the EU) even worse with the monetization of our debt .

Italy didn't do any reforms in the last 30 years, Germany did, and they grew a lot. Also, other countries did; Italy is the only country in the Eurozone that hadn't been growing, AT ALL, in the last 20 years!

While also Portugal, Spain, and Cyprus too increased their economy, or should we talk about Ireland, which was a member of the PIIGS and now is the fastest growing economy in the EU.

Italy and Greece are the only cancers in the Eurozone, and they share similar "qualities" both countries used their borrowed money to increase pensions or send people to retirement after 20 years of social security contributions!

Our social security system is so fucked up that can't even pay the current pensions, and it takes money from our general taxation!

Do you know what the last populist government did with their last economic measures in 2019?? They borrowed money, AGAIN, to send a bunch of people into early retirement (mainly public employees) when we already have a fucked up social security system! and then they create a citizenship income (with borrowed money!) thinking that giving a tip to people who don't work was a good idea, guess what happened? People who receive this income don't want to work, or they work without contracts, so they get this income plus their salary!

This is basically the history of every Italian government; it's just an example to summarize our fucked up situation, zero reforms to increase productivity or production, ZERO INVESTMENT in YOUG PEOPLE, education, OR active labor market policies, ZERO ZERO ZERO.

Italy gain massively from the EU and the Euro, borrowing costs in general, and the interest rates on our debt decreased a lot; thanks to this decrease; Italy has gained almost 500 BILLIONS OF EURO; just imagine if our governments started to do structural reforms after joining the Euro like when Germany did, by now, we would probably be the second biggest economy in EU and much more richer.

But facts showed that they didn't, and now we face the consequences.

This is the difference between you and me; I talk with facts and with a deep knowledge of our economic history and situation, explaining everything in detail; you are only good at repeating economic slogans without any substance or analyzing a country's economy, taking into account one single element (in this case the Euro) or telling me that your friends are closing their business and it's the fault of the currency ahahah.

Ok guys keep it civil please .
You are right sorry, but this guy can't keep up with the debate, because he doesn't know anything about economy or even worse about the Italian economic situation and history, so he tries to offend me by telling me that I live in my mom's basement
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