Euro Pacific bank is a scam

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Peter, you have phone numbers and direct access to people at Qenta like Carlos, Mark and Brent Jong. I´d imagine they speak (or have access to) speak to the receiver on the phone. Very poor excuse that no update is given. Shouldnt Qenta say something ON BEHALF OF the opt-in clients they are supposed to represent?
also: why is noone noticing that the receiver´s reports are at best very confusing / at worst indicating fraud?
So, the only reason the Novo account was frozen was inaccurate reporting. But the courtorder in Portugal ordered the release of funds right?, what is missing before Novo can release funds?
I can't tell for sure. I've asked many times. All I get is they a working on it. I was never involved in the operation of the bank personally anyway, so I was never knowledgable about the process in the first place.
Hi James, can you please elaborate on this?
Thank you Peter.

Maybe I dont understand all, but how can something that sounds so simple take so long ?
That's the million dollar question... well more like two million according to the last report.

Peter if Quenta would have bought EPB it would have stayed and kept operating in Puerto Rico right? There would have been no automatic transfer to their operations on the mainland, right? Pretty sure that would have been a failure for operation Atlantis, if the bank didn't sink. By the way the underwater monuments are slightly west of Cuba so I think they kind of missed the mark with Puerto Rico which is to the East.
According to the recievers latest report it is more like a 24,669,844 dollar question ..
Reactions: danielboros
Though there were 7 other witnesses in the room when she told me that,

The 7 witnesses need to testify if there is a trail against OCIF/Commissioner.
The reasons behind the closing of the bank are irrelevant, what matters is that she closed the bank by using the "insolvency" excuse when all she needed to do is allowed you to put in more capital.
The better solution was to allow the sale to Qenta. They were also required to add the $7 million. Pls they were in a much better position to operate the bank, which is why I tired to sell it to them. Of the other wittness, one was the bank's lawyer, one was Qenta's lawyer, one was the Qenta CEO, and the other three were OCIF employees. Fo now none wants to risk upsetting the OCIF Commissioner. But she will likely be out of office next year, so people will be less afraid to speak up.
Reactions: MikeDem
why is Qenta the better solution? Has Qenta prior banking experience? Did they ever own a regulated financial service company in a reputable jurisdiction?

a simple Google search shows that 2 companies belonging to Qenta were declared bankrupt

G-Mint Sarl Switzerland:
G-Commerce Sarl Switzerland:
The office of both companies was a virtual office provider where you can rent a letterbox for 299 CHF monthly.

I believe there are 2 sides of the story. But thats my personal opinion...
Qenta was going to put in $7 million in additional capital and bring on an new, highly experienced management team and board. They were going to rebrand the bank to get out from under the stigma that had been created by the media reports falsely linking the bank to tax evasion and money laundering. Anyone who did not want to have an account with a bank owned by Qenta could have immediately withdrawn their money. So that left all customers with a choice. Bank with Qenta or move their funds to another bank. It was a seamless solution for all parties, including employees, venders, and Puerto Rico.
They had some licenses to process transactions, but they were not a bank. That's why they wanted to buy EPB. They wanted to have a banking license. Plus, they wanted me to work with them on G-coin. OCIF did not have any real reservation. Qenta was far more qualified to own the bank than I was.
Reactions: danielboros
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