Euro Pacific bank is a scam

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Yes the Receiver is deliberately evasive no question about that. I have called his office several times this week. No surprise he's "never in " or he will be there in 2 hours time - which he never is when you call back.

I got his company email

I sent an email but no surprise - no reply. Maybe if more customers sent emails clogging up his mailbox he might get the message.
The only thing I can suggest is going to Puerto Rico to doorstep him. Does he report to OCIF ? We could visit their offices too.

@Pschiff knows the situation in Puerto Rico better than any of us. Maybe he has some suggestions for us .
Reactions: Tulliola92
We had a conference call with him today. Qenta and I are doing all we can to speed up what has become a needlessly slow process.

Don't call him. It just gives him extra work to do, and could slow him down further. I want this resolved ASAP, and am already pushing him as best I can.
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Understood. I think we all appreciate your continued communication with us and your continued effort to ensure customers receive their funds.
The receiver wants to set up a call with OCIF next week to discuss what we want him to do.
Waiting with eager to hear what they figure out. I believe it's talk to the hand!
The receiver wants to set up a call with OCIF next week to discuss what we want him to do.
Any update on the outcome of the discussion with the reciever and OCIF?
Im losing hope that will actually get out money back now... this whole system is corrupt.

I also recieved a response back from the Bank or Portugal... "nothing to see here" response. They claim NOVO BANK done nothing wrong...

wow this reply is really scaring and shocking... no problem on their side... "what are you complaining about? nothing to see, get out of here...". And still wondering what our lawyer is doing, if any...
It is shocking that communication from EPB is so poor. There is absolutely no transparency whatsoever as to what is happening. If it wasn't for @Pschiff we would know even less.

Presumably all EPB notices posted on the website are written or approved by the Receiver.

The whole situation gives customers no confidence that their money will be returned and gives rise to distressing/negative speculation that we have seen here on the forum.

Weeks seem to go by with no sense of urgency and progress by the Receiver.
I don't know why the Receiver bothered to release an email address since he appears never to have bothered to answer any emails.

I think we should all write to EPB demanding that more information is released about the problems that continue to delay the repayment of funds to customers.
yep, definitely not professional at all!
And I'm sorry but why only Peter is invited to a call with OCIF?
That would be better if 5 of us, customers, could be invited too. Then we record the meeting and we end up with an action plan. Who is assigned to what with a deadline.
Well, I'm probably asking too much.
Talk to hand is better. We don't know who, when and what... that's cool!
Reactions: Radko and orion7352
So what are we doing here ? It is clear that our money belongs to somebody else, if nobody is guilty in this money stack attack.

The whole situation gives customers no confidence that their money will be returned and gives rise to distressing/negative speculation that we have seen here on the forum.

Maybe that is the point. Stress, depression, no home, all of this and many more may eliminate some significant part of the holders. Someone has to loose if somebody else wants to gain.

I think we should all write to EPB demanding that more information is released about the problems that continue to delay the repayment of funds to customers.

The freezing of funds lasted several months. Payment can too. What do you not understand ? It's as bright as the sun in the sky.
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This same Receiver is liquidating two more banks at the moment, so he is swimming in cash, he's loving it, and the less we know the better for him.

One more month and it will be a year since we lost our money.

What a bunch of thieves!
This same Receiver is liquidating two more banks at the moment, so he is swimming in cash, he's loving it, and the less we know the better for him.

One more month and it will be a year since we lost our money.

What a bunch of thieves!
That's just ridiculous to give him 3 banks at the same time! How is he doing with the other 2 banks ?
That's just ridiculous to give him 3 banks at the same time! How is he doing with the other 2 banks ?

I have no idea how he is doing with the other banks, he was appointed by the OCIF to liquidate them as well, it's all posted on OCIF's website.

It's all a money making scheme, they all make money, OCIF & Receiver, a lot of it, like proper thieves that they are!
Reactions: orion7352
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