Yes the Receiver is deliberately evasive no question about that. I have called his office several times this week. No surprise he's "never in " or he will be there in 2 hours time - which he never is when you call back.Peter, we have already heard this and agree with you. The question is what can we do to expedite the return of our money?
I have emailed the recieved, he never responds. I have called and had my Latino wife speak to his office, we always get put through to his secretary who has less information to share than that published on the EPB website updates... This is totally ridiculous.
I got his company email
I sent an email but no surprise - no reply. Maybe if more customers sent emails clogging up his mailbox he might get the message.
The only thing I can suggest is going to Puerto Rico to doorstep him. Does he report to OCIF ? We could visit their offices too.
@Pschiff knows the situation in Puerto Rico better than any of us. Maybe he has some suggestions for us .