If the phone calls and emails to Novo Bank don't work then I am flying to Lisbon next week
Well yes you could be right that I might not be successful. I doubt we would get anywhere by going to Puerto Rico either.I hope you get some answers but chances are they won't tell you anything, going to talk to the Receiver/OCIF would probably give better results.
The problem here is the lack of information on the part of the Receiver and Qenta. I'm glad I didn't believe for one second that we were going to get out money back by the end of this month, another stupid deadline gone by.
I had to go back to work because of all this, so I can't fly to Puerto Rico, otherwise I would go there and I wouldn't come back until Pocahontas gives me some answers, she is the one that closed the bank, she is the one responsible for returning my money.
According to latest tweet by Peter, Novo bank is not answering the phone and it's not answering emails, which is very weird.
Well yes you could be right that I might not be successful. I doubt we would get anywhere by going to Puerto Rico either.
They will just blame it on Novo bank.
I thought @Pschiff said last week that if nothing happened soon then EPB would go for an emergency ruling against Novo Bank to release the funds.Yes probably, as always when s**t hits the fan no one wants to take responsibility.
I guess all we can do is wait for these useless people to do something about it, although I get the feeling that we don't know the whole Truth.
I always wondered why when someone tried to close their account at EPB, it could easily take 2-3 months to get the money out, so the question is, what kind of arrangement did EPB have with Novo Bank that you couldn't get all your money within 24 hours, which is the standard time in the industry.
I thought @Pschiff said last week that if nothing happened soon then EPB would go for an emergency ruling against Novo Bank to release the funds.
But as you say, I'm sure we don't know the whole story.
If the EPB bank at Novo Bank is legally unfrozen then can EPB take the money back to Puerto Rico and refund customers some other way ?
From what I can tell Novo is finally engaged. The problem now lies with the fact that bank no longer has access to needed software that enables it to interface with Novo on sending out the wires. Key contracts expired, mainly due to the fact that no one anticipated the Novo freeze, so this access was not expected to be needed in April of 2023. I don't now that much about how this works, having never been involved with the operations of the bank, and my involvement is very limited now. Also, the Receiver had no banking experience prior to being appointed, so he is learning on the job. Now the Receiver and Qetna are trying to work out a solution to get al the funds paid out to the opt outs, or transferred to Qetna. My hope is that Novo can just send the wires on its own. If not the process will take longer for the bank to work with the counterparties necessary to process these wires. I think worst case all funds will be transferred from Novo to a new correspondent bank account, and then the wires will be processed from there. I hope that can be avoided as it will likely add time and cost to the process.
The real problem stems from the fact that the OCIF Commissioner refused to allow any of the highly qualified and interested parties to buy the bank, contribute additional capital, assume all of its liabilities, and operated it with new management, a new board, and new ownership. That was in everyone best interest, especially mine. Yet the OCIF commissioner insisted that liquidation of the bank was the only option, despite it clearly being the worst option for customers. Had the Commissioner approved the sale of the bank to Qenta on June 30th of 2022, instead of putting the bank into receivership and holding a press conference where she allowed the IRS and other J5 reps to discuss money laundering and tax evasion, no customer deposits would have been tied up for even one minute. Anyone not happy with the new ownership could have withdrawn 100% of their deposits ten months ago.
That's not true. The funds will be returned. The bank needs to be wound down. Everyone wants that, especially me. That can't happen until the funds are returned to customers.There always seems to be another reason we can't have our funds back. If the software ever gets fixed there'll be another reason we can't get paid. Calamity Bank.
I doubt any of the Puerto Rican press would show up. The government is the biggest advertiser on the island, so the media is very reluctant to criticize the government for fear of losing their ad revenue.I hope when this ordeal is over you give a Press Conference so the Press learns exactly how the Commissioner not only did not act in the best interest of the bank, but also the customers.
All this waiting, the stress, the cost of it was completely unnecessary and the Press needs to know so hopefully something like this never happens again.
What did we learn here? The way of redundantly blaming the FDIC? That‘s all? Nothing but rhetoric redundance?
talks about EPB (and headspace)
I am going to speak more about Euro Pacific Bank on tonight's podcast.
You are quite right. It is almost 1 year now and all we have heard are promises and excuses. There is absolutely nothing concrete to base our hopes on. The last excuse about the software is really an insult to us. As I said before I think we need to put our heads together and decide the best approach to salvage what we can. At this point we are being played and this will continue until the curtain is drawn leaving us empty handed.There always seems to be another reason we can't have our funds back. If the software ever gets fixed there'll be another reason we can't get paid. Calamity Bank.
I think the only progress was the document of the central tribunal of criminal instruction in Portugal saying they have decided to release the freeze. With a document like that, I thought a decent lawyer would easily sort this out... but yeah, we asked so many times who the lawyer is but still not answer.You are quite right. It is almost 1 year now and all we have heard are promises and excuses. There is absolutely nothing concrete to base our hopes on. The last excuse about the software is really an insult to us. As I said before I think we need to put our heads together and decide the best approach to salvage what we can. At this point we are being played and this will continue until the curtain is drawn leaving us empty handed.
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