I honestly don't believe most customers know who Peter is, most customers, including me, were looking for a full reserve bank.
And someone should ask the Commissioner of OCIF to explain why she didn't allow the sale of the bank, or why she didn't allow Peter to inject more capital into the bank, any of this options would have been infinitely better for the customers, and on top of that she appointed a Receiver that is costing money to the bank and potentially to the customers, what a way to look out for the customers.
And as far as I know there are over 50 financial institutions in PR and none of them are FDIC, there are only 5 banks in PR that are FDIC, but in the case of EPB, a full reserve bank, being FDIC was unnecessary.
I believe if Trump would have been in office this situation would have been handled differently, and here we are having to deal for the Socialist/Communist government of Portugal to decide, another left-wing government no different than the one in Spain, luckily Italy finally woke up, hopefully France will follow soon, and then Canada as well, sorry this is off topic.
The Commissioner should be held accountable imo.