Euro Pacific bank is a scam

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He is like okupas. Making a living on the expense of others.
I think it is time to pick a competent lawfirm who can find out where the opt-in funds are and how to recover them. The longer we wait the more money will get lost. I prefer that Peter will make everything clear the coming week but I start to doubt he will. I have been in touch with Aemilius Cupero two years ago because they have expertise in banking fraud so that might be one option. Please think about it and drop your suggestions below. If we all choose the same firm than that firm will be motivated to bring it to a success.
Please think about it and drop your suggestions below

I don't think there's anything we can do until OCIF approves the liquidation plan and the Receiver sets an official migration date.

I still find it very hard to believe that Brent De Jong got involved in the liquidation of EPB just end up stealing opt-in customers funds, that would be highly illegal. He would be just another Bernie Madoff, and we know what happened to him, he died in jail.
Just look at this shitty situation we're in. Theoretically we have some money. There's some guy who turned out to be a leech and has no interest in ending it. Somehow, I have no idea how, he's doing well. There is no law. No party able to speed it up and/or take it from lazy guy and give to someone able to show the end. It all seems like a scam, but no one cares. There's no even a simple try to calm down the rumors. After a few years passed and we don't know who's sitting on our money or where it is. No information. No plan. No deadline. Empty promises that eventually died too. Could it get any worse? The Quenta speculations will turn out to be real and we're all screwed. I was sure it would be like this. A simple game of ping-pong. The whole story from the beginning looked like a bigger plan to me.
Reactions: danielboros
Why does Lugo want to change the plan two and a half years after it was adopted?
Is Lugo saying that everyone will become an opt out?
Regarding customers, accounts and obligations transferred pursuant the Assets Purchase Agreement subscribed in September 2022, the management of these assets and obligations remain with the acquiring entity. Claims and inquiries should be remitted to their Customer Services team at
If you are replying to my post above, I am assuming that this message is leading nowhere.
From the latest Report we can see that there's a lot... a LOT of buarocracy going on between OCIF, the Receiver, and Qenta.. and we are caught up in the middle of it.

This Opt-in and Opt-out situation was a terrible idea.
Dividing customers in two groups is delaying this process massively.
The only one that is benefiting from this is the Receiver.

Also, there isn't much of a change between Q3 and Q4 of 2024. The Receiver is working extremely slowly.

Anyway, for those customers that opted-in but would like to Opt-out, this is what Qenta told us back in the day.

It was not a bad idea at the time. I expected all the opt-out money to be send to clients with 30 days of signing the deal. That is what the agreement with OCIF required. So that would have been in the fall of 2022. The Opt in was for customers who had no other accounts they wanted to transfer to, So going to Qenta allowed them more than 30 days to make other arrangement. My goal was to get the entire bank shut down in under 90 days. There would have been two to three million cash left over for me.
Reactions: Marie Manila
maybe PS can answer this question. He is at least accountable to be fully transparent vis-a-vis his former clients
I had my team review the financials. I spoke to several people familiar with the company, including their banker. They had a plan to go public, which ended up falling through over a year after we did the deal. I spoke extensively with the CEO, who also came out to Puerto Rico twice. Once to meet me and discuss Qenta and the deal, and a second time to meet the OCIF Commissioner to get her approval of the deal, which she gave. I liked Brent a lot and we shared a common vision on gold. He also had a lot of experience in the past dealing with banks, and I though owning mine would be very beneficial to his objectives at Qenta. Remember $12.5 million of the purchase price of the bank was paid in Qetna stock. The rest was about $3 million in cash and $2 million in gold. So I had to have some confidence in the value of the stock. But depositors would have been much better off with Qenta owning the bank. They were required to add $8 million in capital. Plus with a name change and new management, the bank losses would have been replaced with profits, and customers would have been offered vastly improved services.

We all start to feel very suspicious now.

The Qenta has already used our funds and do not pretend, that you cannot reach nobody. We both know that our funds are gone into wind.
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