Euro Pacific bank is a scam

Maybe we should really look for a lawyer.

You want to find a law firm to take on another law firm on a small banana republic island where everyone probably knows each other?
Reactions: Guess
guys just to give you an idea.

Flowbank in Switzerland was closed last June 24. I am still waiting for my equities to be transferred.

Banking liquidations take a lot of time
Thats not good.
After all its being touted left and right you own the stocks, so everyone just assumes such a transfer is quick and easy. Since the stocks are not part of the liquidation process, Id also expect that process to be quick, like a week or two.

But reality is, thats not the case at all. It will take a long time.

I bet nothing would happen if youd need to sell the stocks to fund an medical emergency in the meantime.
One more to the great taking then (that one does not own stocks really and it being merely an illusion).

how fast was the cash transferred? Do you wait for the cash as well?
Yeah I know it’s probably not the best solution… but what helps then is? Visit the receiver and make him clear he needs to speed up the process ?

Not a good idea unless you agree to meet with him ans he accepts. It could be taken as intimidation as emotions can run high in such situations.

We should do a class action lawsuit against OCIF and the IRS.

You can try, I mean any law firm would be happy to take your money to do such a futile exercise as its money in their pocket at end of day. However if your looking to do it on some sort of no win no fee basis you will be laughed out of the office. Your suing the I.R.S a federal government agency not Mr Jones 24hr plumbing service in Cleveland Ohio. Your taking on the federal government of the U.S.

Just be patient I would say.
Reactions: Guess
guys just to give you an idea.
Flowbank in Switzerland was closed last June 24. I am still waiting for my equities to be transferred.
Banking liquidations take a lot of time
I also had an account there and got all the money and securities a long time ago, I received my money on July 2nd!! Did you have more than 100K?
no cash was transferred in ca. 10 days, because thats privilieged money under the Depositor scheme.
Thats why it is so bad that EPB was never FDIC insured.
An Entidad Financiera Internacional can theoretically join the FDIC insurance scheme but there are none that are currently participants, they're ultra-lucky if they can even get a Fed master account.

A classic bank license in Puerto Rico would be ineffective for serving foreign clientele in the way that EPB did and I do not believe it would be granted in the first place, just because that's not the correct application for it.
If they would be FDIC member the depositors would get the
money in a matter of days
A great flight of fancy
no cash was transferred in ca. 10 days, because thats privilieged money under the Depositor scheme.
Thats why it is so bad that EPB was never FDIC insured. If they would be FDIC member the depositors would get the
money in a matter of days
We didn't need FDIC insurance as we did not make any loans. The issue is not that the money is not there. It is. The issue is that the Receiver has not returned it to customers.
Scroll down here: and you will see an updated balance sheet (as of Nov 2024) for Nodus Bank, also in liquidation in PR. It lists 19 OFAC restricted funds
OFAC is Office of Foreign Assets Control and a financial intelligence and enforcement agency of the United States Treasury.

I only see 2 reasons why the receiver is not starting the liquidation , and I actually think it is a 3rd party reason:

1) Qenta is in financial trouble. Peter has indicated earlier that they may have used customer funds to keep their business going, and Qenta is ignoring opt-in clients´emails (facts). Was always highly confusing/dodgy the whole setup. Peter apparantly wasnt allowed to sell to Qenta in 2022 but then Qenta is a key part of the EPB liquidation processs. VERY confusing. Has anyone looked closely at Qenta and how they are doing now? I see (and have always seen) several red flags with them

2) There are OFAC restricted funds (customer accounts) with EPB as well. Unless the receiver/ocif state that this is NOT the case (which they wont), this cant be ruled out at all
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The Commissioner originally supported the sale to Qenta. But the IRS negotiated a deal with her to reject the sale and put the bank into receivership instead. However, while in receivership she did give permission for the bank to sell its assets to Qenta, especially customers. I wanted to do that as OCIF threatened to keep any deposits that were not transferred out. So I wanted to make sure customers who didn't Opt out and request funds, got transferred to Qenta so they could recover their deposits.
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