New information that I just obtained through my lawsuit against the
IRS to force them to comply with the FOIA has borne fruit. While the IRS is still illegally withholding hundreds of pages of incriminating documents, what has been disclosed is shocking. The documents confirm that, but for the illegal interference of the IRS, my bank never would have been shut down. The OCIF Commissioner would have approved the sale to Qenta as planned, and no customers would have been denied access to their deposits for even one second.I
t was IRS agents who came up with the plan to close the bank and announce the action at a press conference, to create the false impression that my bank was guilty of
tax evasion and money laundering, for the sole purpose of using the action as a publicity stunt to bolster the public image of the J5, which, thus far, did not have any actual enforcement successes.
So, they wanted to use OCIF and the media to pretend that their failed investigation of my bank was their first success. The investigation was a failure because the bank was not actually committing any of the tax or money laundering crimes it had been investigated for.
So, to save face, they got the OCIF Commissioner to come up with a pretense to close the bank. Then, all J5 partners issued press releases and disseminated misleading information to their media partners to create the false impression that my bank was guilty of money laundering and tax evasion, and take credit for shutting it down.