Their tax law sounds like waiting to find points to get company to pay tax though for example;
a) dividends paid by a company to its shareholders,
b) deemed dividends,
c) costs comparable to dividends,
d) conditionally distributed profit (payments with the aim of actual profit distribution).
According to the general rule, loans issued to related companies are considered as deemed dividends and are subject to taxation. However, there are certain rules that allow exempting such loans:
a) if the loan is issued by the shareholder to the tax payer, or
b) if the loan is issued to a foreign subsidiary of a company, or
c) if the amount of issued loans does not exceed the amounts of received loans from unrelated persons, or
d) for the loans issued in the taxation year, if at the beginning of the year, the com-pany doesn’t have undistributed profit;
e) loan maturity is up to 12 months.
Has anyone who has a Latvian offshore company got any tax audit from tax authority stating transactions on statement falls to above catergory when claim foreing income waiver? Or are they not really that bad as the tax code sounds and simply approve submitted tax returns without any hassle?