EQIBank - First Licensed Offshore Fiat/Crypto Bank

today is normal too pay this money for account opening

If your an Afghan warlord sure but for normal people looking for normal bank this is not at all normal to pay $1,000 opening fee.
i think this bank is really promising , apart who is the ubo , i really not care , i agree 1000 usd account opening fee is a bit too much , is a market price today .
I hope the best for them
any body has actually an account with them?
who is their correspondent bank today for eur?
wich currencies they provided?
All bad comments i read in this forum is just old woman talking , lets concentrate on facts
I've requested EUR wires correspodent bank & receive the answer - DBS
- DBS BANK LTD, Singapore

Operator confirm huge Singapore bank
Screen with dialog attached

I'm Russian, but not related with
I just try to find bank, for my Cayman company

Frankly, I'm really shocked with current situation
Nobody wants to open accounts for Russian residents as UBO' or directors
Even, if everything is absolutely transparent & clear

Sorry guys, for this OFF, but I really need help & therefore I'm here


  • Снимок экрана 2021-09-28 в 18.02.47.webp
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Would be interesting to see how the DBS payment instructions look on Eqibank for inbound payments. Is the wire instructions even in the name of the Dominica Bank? Or are they using a local Singapore payment company they setup to process the wires .

Btw sad to say but to a bank:

Russian + Cayman Company = Criminal
Holy s**t this thread is very sad. I cringed till my spine came out of my body, sat down next to me and cringed with me even further.

I can't believe that there are people desperate enough to try this joke of a "bank" and risk losing thousand of dollars, and for what? are they not afraid of losing their money? or they simply don't care?
Nobody wants to open accounts for Russian residents as UBO' or directors
btw @0060 I feel for you, i really do, but the world was never fair.

the only solution for your problems is a) complex structures that costs time and money b) having a second citizenship. and I would go with the second option, you really have to get second citizenship and only bank with this citizenship, if you have the money go with Cyprus and Malta and if you don't mind waiting for a bit, go with the Portuguese golden visa.

you can try to get residency in dubai and bank there, there are plenty of Russians and Romanians in the UAE and they seem satisfied with what they get, maybe @Fred can help you with that.
I'm not applied to EQI this moment
I've changed my vision & my babes work with new task
If we can't, I'll & show you docs

Lose 3-5-10 thousands with bank, is unpleasant, but isn't a problem
The problem will arise, if they fall, &
It demands time again, to seek new harbor

Btw sad to say but:
I've met too much coward & stupid peoples, &
Banking area - isn't exception

As I'm more than 10 years international
I'm strictly convinced, that everyone have to seek peoples
Who think & speak on one language with you
Regardless skin colour, nationality or point on the map
It takes time & money, but
These are the less of problems, which we are really encounting with
Just imagine
Lots of people really tired from this banking stupidness
My former counterparties, even bought bank in XXXX (EU), because of this
Unfortunately, I can't call them now
We have point for conflict & I wait, when they close this question
Fucking principles - Russians approach

COMPLEX STRUCTURES is wholly shirt
I wanted to merge 2 companies, but
One docs with Members
Second with Shareholders
More than 3 monthes consultants f**k my time & brain, &
Proposed to open additional company, with new jurisdiction
I have said, that fucked them all & close both companies
That was the last time, I've applied to consultants

This is really way out & I have 3 passports, but
Unfortunately, out of the Euro area
In any case, it takes time to establish fake visual company residence inside passport zone, therefore
I try to find, much more simple decision now, because
This case, is very-very-very simple, transparent & clear

Lot years ago, I've visited all banks in Dubai & AbuDabi
They didn't onboard offshore, &
I was enforced to open RAK
I was a client of XXXX bank (Marine dist.), good guys, but that story ended, &
I no need RAK & don't see any preferences for my future

Thx a lot, &
Be nice guys, world needs humanity
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