Do you actually believe that all banks, especially smaller ones, are revealing UBO?
The ones I bank with I know the UBO's or they are stock exchange listed banks. I also know all the financials as they are published and audited. Joker banks like Euro Pacific I have used in the past do not tell you UBO or even report financials which is far worse. You are best to stay away from such banks as they have something to hide i.e kremlin control, mafia control or owners with bad reputation or connections wanting to hide their identity.
For any bank big or small to ask me for a UBO and the bank does not report its UBO is hypocritical...think about it.....Only ignorant people or criminals use such banks period. People have to decide which one they are when it comes to eqibank. Think Satabank and you get the picture, Bulgarian ownership and no financials published and turned out to be a proven Russian mafia laundromat. When it collapsed the public had no clue on its financial position because it never revealed it publicly. People had to gather that info via press reports.....learn.