EQIBank - First Licensed Offshore Fiat/Crypto Bank

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Do you actually believe that all banks, especially smaller ones, are revealing UBO?

The ones I bank with I know the UBO's or they are stock exchange listed banks. I also know all the financials as they are published and audited. Joker banks like Euro Pacific I have used in the past do not tell you UBO or even report financials which is far worse. You are best to stay away from such banks as they have something to hide i.e kremlin control, mafia control or owners with bad reputation or connections wanting to hide their identity.

For any bank big or small to ask me for a UBO and the bank does not report its UBO is hypocritical...think about it.....Only ignorant people or criminals use such banks period. People have to decide which one they are when it comes to eqibank. Think Satabank and you get the picture, Bulgarian ownership and no financials published and turned out to be a proven Russian mafia laundromat. When it collapsed the public had no clue on its financial position because it never revealed it publicly. People had to gather that info via press reports.....learn.
Dear Martin,

Your concern is noted and just.
As are your points about problems caused by bad players.
I can simply once again reaffirm that EQIBank is owned and operated by US and British nationals, without any other involvement. In fact, the entire team is made up of US and British nationals with experience in international banking. While the 250 years of experience is in fact combined experience, the bulk of it is represented by our CEO Banking Jim O'Neill, CEO Jason Blick and COO Edwin Carlson who have between them previously held posts at Butterfield Bank, Bank of Austria and Sun Microsystems.
While I do regret that we seem to have trouble winning you over, it would be no problem at all to arrange a call with the team to discuss the points you raised.
The reason why we don't disclose UBOs is, ironically, the same reason why you have raised your suspicions- because there are legitimate security concerns as well as issues relating to privacy. EQIBank is first and foremost a private bank. Saying that, after we complete our additional funding rounds which are required for global expansion in other jurisdictions (non offshore), the UBO situation will be clear and Clients will be able to easily access this information confidentially.
Once more, we do thank you for your points, feedback is truly valuable and appreciated as it helps us understand the concerns of our audience and connect those to the expectations of our existing customers.
Well it is a bit problematic to not know the UBO of a bank. But we are also all looking for privacy if we are here, I understand this matter. But today there is 2 ways: or we go to the local bank and open a regular account with no hide or we go offshore, privacy and have to make deal with shady banks or emi's.
I just hope that hidden ubo, not mean future scam.
The reason why we don't disclose UBOs is, ironically, the same reason why you have raised your suspicions- because there are legitimate security concerns as well as issues relating to privacy.

So you have no intention whatsoever of revealing who the owners of the bank are.....fair enough. I would advise anyone to stay well away from this offshore Caribbean bank with opaque ownership knowing its history. The names of the UBO's will speak volumes .

Can you categorically state for the record that the bank has no Russian involvement, no Russian funding or Russian connections whatsoever either currently or in its past?
Reactions: Remy and funk
I agree with Martin that this bank reeks of scam and fraud.

There have been instances of failed banks who blocked customers account and ate their money. People could do nothing about it. Seriously your product likes the same product in new packaging with US & UK team running the show. BTW being citizen of US and UK doesn't guarantee anything.

I have just two questions for @eqicustomercare

1) How do you ensure that one fine day you will not run away with everyone's money?
2) Is government or any regulator guaranteeing people's investment?
Martin we respectfully disagree. We did respond to the question above, and nonetheless, UBOs are available to investors and many instances to select clients that require this for their own compliance. Moreover, our UBOs are regularly at industry conferences and are easy to meet as many in the industry have and do. We are in the process of revamping our website, and this matter will be cleared up shortly, including feedback from many of our clients - some of whom are very well known indeed. Once again, we are very grateful to you for your feedback, and even hope to work with you once this matter is resolved to your satisfaction.
We are in the process of revamping our website, and this matter will be cleared up shortly, including feedback from many of our clients - some of whom are very well known indeed.

Great - testimonials. Just like you find on other bank websites. If it weren't for that "Wow, what a great bank!" blurb on OCBC's website, I never would've put money there.

I almost feel bad for continuing to post in this thread. It ranks high on Google, so hopefully lots of people will have a chance to use this thread as a part of their discovery and due diligence of EQIbank.
Dear Martin,

We believe there is nothing wrong with client feedback as in private banking especially this is what is most important. Recommendation by peers. Recommendation and the opinion of someone that has tried a particular service is of incredible value.
We do once once again thank you for your feedback and hope to work with you..
I almost feel bad for continuing to post in this thread. It ranks high on Google, so hopefully lots of people will have a chance to use this thread as a part of their discovery and due diligence of EQIbank.

This thread is already ranking number 1 for term "Eqibank Scam" and I guess that's the reason representative is here to somehow persuade people who land on this thread to believe Eqibank.

@eqicustomercare I am still waiting for your reply on questions asked before.
1) How do you ensure that one fine day you will not run away with everyone's money?
2) Is government or any regulator guaranteeing people's investment?

I'm not Martin.

I agree, and I think everyone here would as well, that recommendations are very important in this industry. That's first-hand recommendations. Not some unverifiable testimonial plastered on your website. There is a very high risk it will come off as inauthentic.
@eqicustomercare Why have you avoided answering my straight question below? It is not an invasive question at all and does not require to reveal anyone's identity. A simple answer would do please.

Can you categorically state for the record that the bank has no Russian involvement, no Russian funding or Russian connections whatsoever either currently or in its past?

Again, we state that there have not been and there are not any Russian shareholders in EQIBank.

lol.....I didn't ask about shareholders I asked a specific question below you keep avoiding. A simple "I confirm that there is no Russian involvement" would do.

Can you categorically state for the record that the bank has no Russian involvement, no Russian funding or Russian connections whatsoever either currently or in its past?

How many times should I keep repeating the same question
Hey guys
I have a SQ account and dubai account.
I use crypto with bitstamp exchange.
And need the money in my dubai account to make payments.

Sadly dubai doesnt accept crypto exchange related incoming swifts anymore since 1 year or so.
So what i do is send from bitstamp to my swissquote then same day swissquote to dubai. But the problem is that SQ sees this as transit needs and they dont like it. They said no more transit transactions same day or week.
Amounts ( 100,000$ + )
Please guys give me your advice for good offshore banks that will allow me to send to them from crypto exchange like bitstamp and then same day withdraw to my dubai personal account international swift. Without hassle or whys and hows.

Thank you!
Hey martin could you send me a private message please?
I need some advice for an offshore bank account that wont give head aches

What has this got to do with this thread? Start a new thread.

@Admin Can you help here. We can't dilute eqibank topic.

P.S the report post function does not work.
Reactions: JohnLocke
Can you categorically state for the record that the bank has no Russian involvement, no Russian funding or Russian connections whatsoever either currently or in its past?

Very sad eqibank (formally called Interoceanic Bank) avoided answering and then vanished after I asked the question above 3 times already. I actually started this thread with good intentions but how things change when people start do dig and ask questions

Guys please stick to the topic or I will have to delete posts & give warning points which I would like to avoid.

@Martin Everson post deleted. I will check with the report funtion, thank you to bring this to my attention.
@MrTony This that post should be made in a new thread so we can track the subject. Cheers
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