ePayments may have a hidden agenda, be warned.

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I assume there is a huge marked for selling documents in Russia. If you are good you can get a lot of s**t setup in strangers name without them knowing it before it is too late!
Reactions: Martin Everson
if op want to file a complaint against epayments i will be glad to join him .

i don't feel like my is burned , but i really think they troll for documents to use for other nefarious purposes .
Reactions: JohnLocke
I can add to this aswell. I've tried creating my account with ePayments.
Send them all the documents, but they kept rejecting my Proof of Address.

They kept asking me to send documents in original format. (which I always did)
I sent them PDFs, they said they dont accept this format, because it could have been edited.

Then I scanned a printed copy and sent them. They said they accept only PDF and must be in original format.

I've sent them 3 totally different documents: bank statement and two utility bills. They always said they don't accept that because it is not in original format. But all these documents were in original format that I was given by the service providers.

So yeah, I agree, they probably just hoard the info now to sell it to 3rd parties. Because I've been accepted to many places with these kind of documents and never ever had problems.
Something don't feel right with this EMI that's 100% sure, maybe it's all people documents and business activity or maybe not we won't figure that out I think.
The correponding bank is the Rietumu bank in Latvia, i assume that they partly have staff in Latvia as well... and the type of staff they have is very eager to ask absolutely strange and stupid questions... No surprise to me.

What kind of business? Where is based your Company and is director living same country of company?
Regardless what it is then it is a strange behaviour they show when they are boarding new accounts or decline new customers.
The correponding bank is the Rietumu bank in Latvia, i assume that they partly have staff in Latvia as well... and the type of staff they have is very eager to ask absolutely strange and stupid questions... No surprise to me.
They are eager but decline the any application they get in.
Their terms and conditions

"10.3 You shall pay us the sum of £50,000 (Sum) on demand or we may deduct this Sum from the balance of your ePayments Account without notice if you use your ePayments Account and/or the Services in connection with any industry or activity that is set out in our prohibited activity list on our Website."

Restricted list

"Dual use goods" is restricted so better not export Toyota pickup trucks to middle east I guess...lol.

Epayments is a Russia focused EMI with payout options to Russian payment processors such as Yandex, Qiwi and Webmoney. Other clients are just cover business for their core activity...lol. Funny how you can view fees in only 3 currencies and one of them is RUB......I wonder why??????? . Maybe CEO Mikhail Rymanov will know more?

P.S Some EMI don't need new customers they just need your personal details. I am sure they collect enough clean declined customer details to wash through troublesome Russian payments - especially among Eastern Europe EMI's .
50k or 50gbp??
50k or 50gbp??

£50k (fifty thousand pounds).

Also this EMI is saying they can invest your money. Just hope they understand what low risk assets are if they do .

---quote start

19.1 When you transfer funds into your ePayments Account and/or you receive a payment into your ePayments Account, we shall (a) place the funds into segregated accounts held with authorised credit institutions; and/or (b) invest the funds into low risk assets held in a segregated account with financial institutions.

quote end
Reactions: Osleak

crazy!! I’ve only personal account with them...
I've never used them because just by looking at their website I saw too many hints of Russia focus i.e Russia language translation, pricing in rubles, payouts to Russian Qiwi, Yandex and Webmoney etc etc.
This thread got pretty big, thanks to all for indicate your attitude

Your welcome.

Btw I would really ask anyone to really consider whether using a Russia associated EMI is in their best interest in the current climate . Just a light warning you can choose to ignore at your peril.
Reactions: happyjohn
Your welcome.

Btw I would really ask anyone to really consider whether using a Russia associated EMI is in their best interest in the current climate . Just a light warning you can choose to ignore at your peril.
It seems that you mention Russia in absolutely every post in this thread, as if mother Russia did you something wrong? Or is it just a typical western hysteria over everything related to Russia?

I personally see nothing wrong with Russian EMI providers and fail to see how are they "less safe" than their western counterparts that were actually failing much harder. I had worse experience with payment gateways from EU countries than those coming from outside EU.
Reactions: Grigorijs
It seems that you mention Russia in absolutely every post in this thread, as if mother Russia did you something wrong?

It is never personal with me when it comes to Russia...lol When I had my business I dealt with many Russians. Not one of them turned out to be normal business people. Also every single bank that I used and that died has been because of Russian involvement in money laundering etc. Every bank I have looked at in Latvia etc in past has died because of Russian money laundering. Always always Russia and every time I give benefit of doubt I get bitten in a*s by Russian crime. So I took the clever decision after Satabank, FBME, BPA, Versobank, ABLV etc etc etc accounts got hit because of Russian involvement that it time to call it a day. The US neocons in gov hates Russia and as much as I like Russian people I know the reality of the hatred of them by US. Hence why Russian makes up a big sector of people seeking second passports. They know its a sh*t show right now for them especially if your a business person....lol.

I must emphasize that nearly every Latvia and Estonia and Lithuanian EMI has Russian involvement, funding and is being used for Russian nefarious activity. Look even at EQIBank thread where the promoter on here ran away after they were caught using a shell banking license formally used by Russian Mafia to launder money. If you remember he failed to answer whether Russians were involved in the bank despite me providing evidence and asking him at least 4 times. Thats because he knows its a new laundromat.

Look bottom line is everyone is free to make their choice in life and use a Russian involved EMI such Leopay etc where the owner has proven connection to Russian Mafia according to a 300 page report submitted to Malta MFSA. Just don't keep your money in any Russian connected EMI as sooner or later US will go after them if they even smell a single bad transaction involving US. Right now US is waging economic war against Russian influence and I don't want any of my money caught up in that struggle or blocked ever again.