Dystopian future for the unvaccinated odds


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The problem is its cleary not made to protect from COVID
How come these mRNA companies demanded to not disclose their papers for 75 years ?
How come you need to sign to agree they don't take any responsibility for that vaccine if it is SO SAFE ?

Sorry i have a working brain and morons like you should instantly shut up

Covid is spread by aerosol. It's not droplet. So masks are useless because aerosol spread is not in a straight line. Everyone knew this prior to 2020. Yet for some reason, all evidence was thrown out of the window.
Reactions: Nicholas Van Orton
Covid is spread by aerosol. It's not droplet. So masks are useless because aerosol spread is not in a straight line. Everyone knew this prior to 2020. Yet for some reason, all evidence was thrown out of the window.
doesn't matter, both of these, including the virus itself, can't be compared in size to a molecule which we smell. large organism like a virus will be blocked by N95 mask, while molecule which can be smelled, and air molecules, will not.

Where is your proof? "The problem is its cleary not made to protect from COVID" doesn't make any sense. So what's the goal, to make you mutant? I'm surprised to hear such degen assumptions on a serious forum, it's like the "earth is flat" bs, same level of discussion. Why would tens of thousands of medical specialists, Dr. and PhD level folks, including governments and all supervising agencies (assuming they all in all countries are working together on a conspiracy to make you mutant, is beyond degen, let's not assume that), literally everyone who's more competent than you in the matter of virusology, gene therapy, and medicine, work for all year, to produce some kind of a protection against that virus (let's say something that helps in 50% cases, even not in 90%, that would still be better than nothing) and keep working to improve it, all be in a conspiracy for some crazy idea like world domination and population control or whatnot? like are you guys serious (everyone who for a second believes that there is any other goal than attempt to protect as much population from the virus) ??
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Reactions: jjrapy
doesn't matter, both of these, including the virus itself, can't be compared in size to a molecule which we smell. large organism like a virus will be blocked by N95 mask, while molecule which can be smelled, and air molecules, will not.
An n95 mask will not block a virus spread via aerosol. There isn't a single RCT in the world that has shown efficacy against respiratory viruses. You are using the idea of droplet spread, in a straight line, which is incorrect.

Nor does any real-world data of the last 2 years show mask usage has reduced transmission.
How long does your May jab last....oh wait nobody knows right? You been asked to have a booster yet?
it lasts for different time in terms of travel allowance, in Austria where I plan to spend a few days in January while traveling, it is "two vaccinations, the immunisation (2nd vaccination) must have happened max. 270 days ago" so they accept up to a year back and such. I didn't get a booster yet, I wanted to, but at the time it had to be 180+ days past last dose to get a booster, but it was just 5 months so I was not eligible. So I plan to get a booster this month. It might cause the 2nd dose sickness effect (24 hours fever and muscle pain, like most get on 2nd dose) and I am postponing it all the time cos I don't want to be sick again but gotta do it. Maybe the booster will not cause it, maybe it will, so better on a weekend, to sleep all next day.

folks, that'll be quite funny if you'll eventually just get covid, get hospitalized, and die just get your vaccines and boosters and quit being silly, think about the people around you, for a moment, who you will cause to get sick and die, if you transmit, while wandering around everywhere unvaccinated and many also with photoshopped certs that's a teen behavior, not adult... why so many stuck in their teen mentality... grow up, nobody tries to make you a mutant and eat ya. And the Baba Yaga does not exist sorry to disappoint you lol (neither Santa.. I know it's sad... that's adult life, brutally real and no tooth fairies and new world order illuminatis it's boring so you keep entertaining yourself by believing in another nonsense, after you outgrow the Baba Yaga, but it's the same child inside you who wants to believe a silly conspiracy theory, while so many professionals are hard at work 12-14 hours a day trying to find a cure and getting real results, saving millions of lives, unless you deny all the facts of deaths happened around the world during the last 2 years from COVID)
This is just another vaccine shill account.

Considering 40% of spread is occurring amongst the 'fully' (aka temporarily) vaccinated. The whole post is nonsense.

It is amazing that people can still believe the narrative. You have countries that have 90% vaccinated, yet their cases and deaths are higher than ever. How can 10% of the population be prolonging the pandemic? lol.

Is there a country on the planet that is better off than a year ago??

Thank god for the Balkans so far resisting.
And if the vaccine only cause these antigen proteins of whatever it does, to get produced during first 6 months, and the requirement from now on for all to get a booster on a lifetime basis ongoing, every 6 months, it's not a big deal IMHO, and i'm in. will do boosters twice a year, have a valid cert for travels, and live as usual.
I eat 2-3 times a day, I don't complain why god made us in a way we must eat and poop, that's inconvenient, even more than getting a jab once every 6 months, but we learned to live with it. I don't like the idea of getting any medications, but while that's the way it is, why bother and complain? there's a lot to complain about, we learned to live with everything... the long flights, the traffic in cities, the noisy neighbors, and we don't consider traffic on the streets a controversial conspiracy to make us waste our lives in traffic and never go to space because our productivity as a human race is lower while we're all in traffic nasty reptilians who invented the automobile...

where are these numbers from, you guys don't mind just talk some bs with no proof, why you do that at all? better to avoid any conversation at all...
the first statistics comes up with this example let's say

deaths in US also are less now, when so many got the vaccine and are not spreading it as fast as before, looks good to me , and the unvaccinated deaths are obviously higher, as you see, and where is your proof?

but you see the way your thoughts work "This is just another vaccine shill account." any argument that might make you think for a moment, or reply with facts or research, is easier to dismiss than find your own arguments... that's so lame.. please prove your points and all the said above, can you prove me wrong with some facts and statistics pulled from any source except the twisted conspiracy sites?
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folks, that'll be quite funny if you'll eventually just get covid, get hospitalized, and die

Had covid and it had no effect on me whatsoever....lol.

The vaccine does not stop you from getting covid or transmitting it. It just stops you from becoming critically ill at best. There are people still dying after being vaccinated and getting covid sadly. Best to focus on your general health. But if your shaped like sponge bob and breath liek Darth Vadar on a daily basis then get jabbed.
You are posting charts that you don't really understand.

Two huge drawbacks with these. The first is that using normalised data (per 100k) on populations that have very high vaccination coverage is full of confounding biases. When you reach high thresholds of vaccination, the unvaccinated population are materially different to the vaccinated, so they become incomparable. For example, how many unvaccinated are simply too old and frail to even tolerate the vaccine? Hence it's decided the benefit is non-existent. Or what % of the unvaccinated belong to smaller ethnic groups in society that are culturally sceptical, but invariablyy have a lower socioeconomic status, which we know correlates to health outcomes.

Interestingly the USA will be good to watch, as the appetite for vaccines has dropped off a cliff there. So we can see how that trend develops.

The other flaw with your data is the definitions of vaccinated and unvaccinated are all over the place in many places. If you die a week after your second dose, you aren't classed as fully vaccinated in many places.

Ultimately, the only way to judge vaccine efficacy against death is to find the following data: all-cause mortality, age, date of death, and whether they had received at least 1 dose of the vaccine or not. If vaccines are effective as claimed, and if covid is as deadly as claimed, then there will be significantly higher deaths in the group that have received 0 doses.

As for if they prevent transmission/infection. The answer is no:
Can you post the source of this data?
Asking because in my country during november vaccinated people were infected twice as less, hospitalized 4x less and died 10x less.
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In he western countries, US, AU, Canada people get jabbed like cattle.

But there're some wise countries which is good news. For instance, Japan. Its heath ministry recently has openly admitted that some vaccines can cause harm such as heart attack:

they don't mandate vaccination and even encourage you to consider all potential harm if you decide to get a jab.

Singapore, Taiwan and Korea are somewhat similar

Therefore, not every country acts in a fascist manner.


Can you post the source of this data?
Asking because in my country during november vaccinated people were infected twice as less, hospitalized 4x less and died 10x less.
Not "vaccinated get less infected and hospitalized" but "vaccinated with *bad heath* ...."
For SUCH people vaccines may help because what else would?

But vaccinated and non vaccinated with good heath recover with no problems. Excppt that vaccinated put themselves on the hook voluntarily, because after several vaccines and boosters, will they still be capable of recovering easily?

Besides, these c-19 vaccines have not been officially clinicly tested during several years yet - who knows what side effects will people develop from them in the future ?

folks, that'll be quite funny if you'll eventually just get covid, get hospitalized, and die just get your vaccines and boosters and quit being silly, think about the people around you, for a moment, who you will cause to get sick and die,
There's a flaw in your reasoning and reasoning of mostl angry pro-vaxxers:

(1) have you heard about *unvaccinated but recovered people*? They surely don't spread the virus because they simply won't get it again, for a while. Whereas you as vaccinated very well can and their immunity lasts way shorter. Therefore, you should shut up as you're more likely to spread it.

(2) Also, who are those "people around you" who could get covid from an 'unvaccinated but sick person'? Let's see.

a) unvaccinated people? That's their choice. Majority of the unvaccinated recover easily. Only small manority may get sick and die and those are who get reported on TV and newspapers and who you read about.

b) vaccinated people? a vaccinated can get sick and die from an unvaccinated one? really? But doesn't a vaccine protect him? What is it he/she is then afraid about?
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is it fascist to require everyone to have a passport, in order to cross borders we live in a fascist world then already, where's our freedom of movement? god gave us right to go anywhere we want . cruel world.
about (2)(b) I never said vaccinated should be worried, it's unvaccinated who will get sick from other unvaccinated. Denying that would be denying the fact this pandemic even exists and all the deaths it caused in 2020 and causing today.
Re "have you heard about unvaccinated but recovered people? They surely don't spread the virus because they simply won't get it again" sorry bud, my wife got covid in February 2020, and then September 2020, true story. mild form, a bit of weakness and fever for 2 weeks, no respiratory effects, she's a sporty chick, but still, a fact people can and will get it again, the antibodies (even the natural ones) seem to last about 5-6 months, that's why the boosters are also recommended within 6 months I guess. she was stuck in Russia during the time and I was in US (visa issues when closures and curfews were full-on at the time) so I have no idea if I would get sick too, if she was home, and how it'll affect me (my health and shape is a bit worse than her)... oh btw to the list of countries from the start of the thread, i forgot to add Mexico , we went there for 3 months cos it was open, Nov-Feb 2020-2021, was supercool, highly recommended. had no vaccine at the time yet. and US was all messed up in terms of visas and entry . Mexico is really cool.
Re-framing "I have a passport. This means I'm already restrained. Therefore, experimental vaccines are nothing and everybody should get one".

You clown.

it's unvaccinated who will get sick from other unvaccinated. Denying that would be denying the fact this pandemic even exists and all the deaths it caused in 2020 and causing today.
You're worried about unvaccinated then? I see.

Simple answer:

don't worry -- it's none of your business, and has never been.

Unvaccinated might die - yes. But only those with bad health which is a tiny amount of all of them. Go f@@@ck the brain to those people.

And fully vaccinated with bad health die too. Look at your health and, perhaps, start worring about youself, despite the fact that you've been fully vaccinated. You perhaps might have other problems. And c-19 is the least important of them, if you're so preoccupied with c-19, and which isn't more harmful than diarea for those who have normal health.

As such, you may not be in the position to give advice to others, if your own health is shitty and you're weak. You should then insetad seek advice from unvaccinated.

Start thinking about the fact after a few vaccines and boosters, against delta, shmelta, omicron, kuposron and Budha know how many other possible future variants.... you'll end up on the hook of those big farma companies, as you'll then need a doze every half a year, or even 3 months.


if you claim that passport is a sign of restrictions in other socienty, similar to fascism, why don't you become my slave? AndI'd own you completely.

Why not? Would you agree? And this wouldn't be much different from the fact that we have passports and need visas, would it?
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What I find most disturbing is that many developing nations (mainly in Africa) have a vaccination rate of less than 10% while western governments (mainly in Europe) give out boosters and vaccinate little children.
If these vaccines are as effective as the governing elite wants to let us believe and if these great western democracies (that's how they call themselves) with all their do-gooders want to eradicate this virus then it is high time to equally distribute these vaccines instead of over-vaccinating its own (western) population.
And fully vaccinated with bad health die too. Look at your health and, perhaps, start worring about youself, despite the fact that you've been fully vaccinated.

I agree. You got 300 lb tubs of lard with breathing problems and people that never done any cardio in last 10 years talking about getting booster jabs like its some miracle cure to a much greater problem with peoples bad underlying health.

What I find most disturbing is that many developing nations (mainly in Africa) have a vaccination rate of less than 10% while western governments (mainly in Europe) give out boosters and vaccinate little children.

Some developing countries have had to throw vaccines away. The west donated vaccines to developing countries when they were in many cases very close to expiration date. So by time they arrived the developing country only had like a week to use them. The behavior of western governments and the pharma companies with patents and distribution has been unethical. If a developing country had a solution to a problem facing the planet during a pandemic they would be invaded by the west.
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