I like the way it sounds

transhuman. I'll grow a tail, yay

)) . It's quite funny to hear 'uneducated' from fans of Alex Jones and the like

)) thanks for spreading fun vibes around you buddy

the world would be a boring place without you guys. Shopping frequently in Alex's preppers shop? loooollll , love you guys. Keep prepping. While the transhumans live a normal life as usual

But on a serious note, no, I wouldn't want unvaccinated folks to shop in the same supermarket where my grandma does, for example, because you'll be spreading a contagious disease. In the ancient times, people with leprosy were thrown outside the city borders and not allowed to come in, were dying outside. Why would governments do favors for people who don't care about spreading a disease? The checks for vaccine certificates are not that strict yet, if I was in charge, I'd definitely suggest using QR scan and do not accept any that has no valid QR matching a respective database. Because people keep spreading the virus, that's a fact you can't argue with, whether the virus was created, engineered, or otherwise. If natural cases of death from COVID would decline and go to zero, nobody will bother to enforce any measures, it's a real response to a real pandemic, and we saw earlier in 2020 what happens in countries where it spread quickly, how much more proof one needs to understand that real crisis like that needs to be dealt with, in a way that of course will not suit and satisfy everyone, but to save lives, it has to be done. (I'd vote any day, to mandate QR scanners everywhere, for real vaccine certificates, so anti-vaxers stay home and wont keep spreading the virus
