Does anyone know who Peter Taradash (Grandpa /Pugi) is and what happened to him?

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I must admit that this whole Grandpa story is very cozy and amusing when I see an old man who is as old as my now deceased father stand there and explain how you can become a billionaire, it does add some charm to it.

I'm letting this run out of sympathy for the elderly and because so far it doesn't cost anything, if we can help him get some extra views on his video channel, I'm okay with that.

But I must say that I've never seen anything like it, and much of all the gimmickry he comes up with doesn't hold water anymore. But as said, out of sympathy for the elderly gentleman with an impressive age of 85, I'll close my eyes and just smile.
I wanted to post this yesterday... i know it's off-topic but hey... if I don't post it now it could be too late and would be to sad to just forget about it.

Hats off to Grandpa @peter taradash , the real original gangster.

I don't know you, sadly, but this world is small, and these days it's all interconnected... one day a friend of friends told me your story.
Included the early one...
Your battles/fights, or should I say personal revolts, when you were much younger...
Doing offshore when there was no internet, heck not even smartphones. Must've been such a different world.
I am much younger than you, so I had no chance to access your knowledge at the time.
But I recently I skimmed through your early works and can confirm you were sharing very well guarded knowledge, that is still useful these days, well aligned to what I had to learn on my own.
People believe old books are old and won't apply anymore... the truth is that the gist is always the same in this world.
Today that knowledge about business and life in general is within everyone's reach. Even for free.
Sadly, or luckily for me, only a few really follow the path and do the work. Many daydream. Other are lazy to do that first step. And the ones lost in 9-5 jobs living miserable lives and complaining daily about everything.

Not going to reveal a single thing about you further than this thread, as it's none of my business, but I am happy, after all they told me about your life... that you are so calm and enjoying life in decent places with family.
Your heirs better realize what kind of man they have at their disposal.
If I had a man like that in my family with all that knowledge, when I was a teenager... I could've easily done 20x, even 100x of what I did, and without all the troubles I had to wrestle... and with no sweat.
Even from scratch.
But when you have to start from scratch, in a bad environment, that you don't want to leave it's harder...

but in the end, as you know, the world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.

By looking at your videos, you seem fine. I would've said you were in the early 70s
So it's really true that taxation is theft... it steals your well being.
Nice to see it hasn't happened to you!
Reactions: jafo
I usually keep my personal life personal, but now that I am nearly 90, and retired for a long time, here are some of my secrets. I have had 5 wives & an equal number of kids plus grandchildren & great grand-children. Some of the ex-wives & kids like me, some don't. The ones who like me come & stay with me sometimes.

The last treasured & brilliant Asean wife has lasted 3 decades ... She runs my personal life & makes us Kimchee & Adobo, among other things.

I am too old to be living out of suitcases and driving cars so I spend about half a year in the Riviera, & Switzerland and cruise for half a year in SE Asia with her -- when its winter in the EU. I don't need to carry any luggage when going between places because each of my 3 HQs has everything needed. To keep busy, I made those blog videos you mentioned. Some people find them amusing, My favorite is the one where I had a sword fight with famous prawn star John Holmes.


I was "almost" a fully clothed P**N star in that movie (50 years ago). Also recently spent 3 years stuck in (but loving) Buenos Aires during the Covid period.

I like this Offshore Corp Talk site and am happy that some of you enjoy and find useful the info I impart . My life as a PT has been quite eventful as you will see from the videos.

Thanks for your very nice compliments, Mario I T, marioIT I think maybe a year ago, had posted the topic "Who is Peter Taradash"

The stuff recently posted is off the topic of getting a residence in Monaco. Maybe our esteemed host / admin John Locke will be good enough to transfer it or create a different subject for the personal stuff about me --


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I wanted to post this yesterday... i know it's off-topic but hey... if I don't post it now it could be too late and would be to sad to just forget about it.
Hats off to Grandpa @peter taradash , the real original gangster.
I don't know you, sadly, but this world is small, and these days it's all interconnected... one day a friend of friends told me your story. Included the early one...
Your battles/fights, or should I say of your early books & personal revolt, when you were much younger...
Doing offshore when there was no internet, heck not even smartphones. Must've been such a different world.
I am much younger than you, so I had no chance to access your knowledge at the time.
But I recently I skimmed through your early works and can confirm you were sharing very well guarded knowledge, that is still useful these days, well aligned to what I had to learn on my own.
People believe old books are old and won't apply anymore... the truth is that the gist is always the same in this world.
Today that knowledge about business and life in general is within everyone's reach. Even for free.
Sadly, or luckily for me, only a few really follow the path and do the work. Many daydream. Other are lazy to do that first step. And the ones lost in 9-5 jobs living miserable lives and complaining daily about everything.
Not going to reveal a single thing about you further than this thread, as it's none of my business, but I am happy, after all they told me about your life... that you are so calm and enjoying life in decent places with family.
Your heirs should realize what kind of man they have at their disposal.
If I had a man like that in my family with all that knowledge, when I was a teenager... I could've easily done 20x, even 100x of what I did, and without all the troubles I had to wrestle... and with no sweat.
Even from scratch.
But when you have to start from scratch, in a bad environment, that you don't want to leave it's harder...
but in the end, as you know, the world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.
By looking at your videos, you seem fine. I would've said you were in the early 70s
So it's really true that taxation is theft... it steals your well being.
Nice to see it hasn't happened to you!

From Grandpa Aug 2024

My history is related to the message: Why? I went "offshore" before that word was coined. My concept; Leaving your home country for greener pastures abroad and getting a 2nd passport was quite foreign --especially to Americans who who were (in the old days) very comfy at "home" in the 1960s . That was when I relocated to Europe and became an honorary diplomat & dual citizen for the 1st time. My first pamphlet was on how to get a 2nd passport. In those days you could acquire or buy one in pre-EU days for around $20,000 or get a very good, 1st class PP in Belgium or even Switzerland for free with a short residence or "marriage blanche." Times have changed, but the old PT concepts remain valid. P.T.
When I look at your YouTube channel, I can’t help but chuckle. We’ve gone from tax havens, offshore companies, and tax optimization to now making potato pancakes.

That’s quite a career shift you’re making in your later years.

But as long as you’re healthy and enjoying what you do, I wish you all the viewers you can get. I hope your channel brings in a bit of money so you can enjoy whatever it is people do at 86 years old.

I used to read the author's musings GrandPa, Dr. Peter Taradash (pen name or pseudo name) I don't see his websites working anymore..... What happened to him does anyone know? I never even heard his voice either ...
This is Peter Taradash, and since you asked to see my face & hear my voice, I have made quite a few YouTube Videos. These days I am 100% retired and not taking on any new clients unless they interest me. Here is an update on my life:
Secrets of Peter Taradash, 23 Aug 2024
Since you asked . . . I used to keep my personal life personal, but now that I am nearly 90, and retired for a long time, here are some of my biographical secrets. I have had 5 wives & an equal number of kids plus grandchildren & great grand-children. Some of the ex-wives & kids like me, some don't. The ones who like me come & stay with me sometimes. Those who don't like me don't know what bennies they are missing.

My last most treasured & brilliant Asian wife has lasted 3 decades ... She runs my personal life & makes us Kimchee & Adobo, among other things.

I am too old to live out of suitcases and drive cars all over the place, so I spend about half a year in the Riviera, & Switzerland. When it's winter in the EU, we cruise for half a year to my favorite ports in SE Asia: Singapore & Manila ... I don't need to carry any luggage when going between places because each of my 3 HQs has everything needed. To keep busy, I make blog videos on YouTube. Some people find them amusing, My favorite is the one where I had a sword fight with famous prawn star John Holmes.


I was "almost" a fully clothed P**N star (50 years ago). No academy award for my performance. Other vids show me telling you dear reader, how to make delicious French Toast, among other things. Another one is about how I was almost a Mafia Big Cheese in the Godfather Movie...

Also recently spent 3 years stuck in (but loving) Buenos Aires during the COVID period. Living costs 1/8th of Europe or the USA. Safe & Civilized.

I like the Offshore Corp Talk site and am happy that some of you enjoy and find useful the info I impart. My life as a PT has been quite eventful as you will see from the videos.

Reader Comment (edited): Hats off to you Grandpa ,a/k/a/ @peter Taradash
Thanks for your very nice compliments, Mario I T, I think maybe a year ago, posted the topic "Who is Peter Taradash"
Mario: I don't know you, sadly, but this world is small.
Recently a friend of yours told me your story.: Your very early life: Your battles/fights, immense financial success before you were 30. I read about your revolt vs "the system," , when you were much younger... You were doing offshore stuff when there was no internet, not even smartphones. Must've been such a different world. I am much younger than you, so I wasn't born yet & had no chance to access your knowledge at the time. But I recently I skimmed through your early 70s works like :"Think Like A Tycoon," get rich in Real Estate book. I can confirm you were sharing valuable knowledge, still useful these days . It's aligned to what I had to learn on my own. People believe old books don't apply anymore... the truth is that the gist is most of the same distress sales, & opportunities are always there. Today your knowledge about business and life in general is within everyone's reach. Even for free. I see it in your blogs on You Tube. Sadly, or luckily for me, only a few really follow your advice and do the work. Many daydream. Other are lazy to do that first step. And most are lost in 9-5 jobs living miserable lives and complaining about everything. I am happy, for you after learning your life was not a piece of cake... Happy to see from your videos that you are so calm and enjoying life in decent places with a (mostly) appreciative family.
Your heirs should realize what kind of man they have at their disposal. If I had a man like you in my family with all that knowledge, when I was a teenager... I could've easily done 20x, even 100x of what I did, -- without all the troubles I had to wrestle... and with no sweat.
When you have to start from scratch, in a bad environment, that you don't want (or know how) to leave it's hard...
In the end, as you know, the world steps aside for the man with a plan & ambition who knows where he is going. Looking at your videos, you seem fine & healthy. I would've said you were in the early 70s
Answer From Grandpa Aug 2024
My life history is related to the message: Why? I went "offshore" before that word was coined. My concept; Leaving your home country for greener pastures abroad and getting a 2nd passport was quite foreign --especially to Americans who were (in the old days) very comfy at "home" in the 1960s. Most gringoes thought the world ended at the USA border. That was when I relocated to Europe and became an honorary diplomat & dual citizen for the 1st time. My first pamphlet was on how to get a 2nd passport. In those days you could acquire or buy one in pre-EU days for around $20,000 or get a very good, 1st class PP in Belgium or even Switzerland for free with a short residence or "Marriage Blanche." Times have changed, but the old PT concepts remain valid.
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How Long Do You Want to Live? When I was younger, maybe in my 30s I thought the same as you, dear reader. Wanted to be gone by 65. But as I hit 65, my attitude did a 180 degree turn! I was still very healthy: Lifting weights, having great sex, and fortunately without any financial worries. Why? because my books like Bye Bye Big Brother, the Monaco Report, and P.T. were all selling very well ... I was in demand as a highly paid consultant & guest lecturer. Now, Retirement is more fun than working. {Saw all the problems Trump was having so decided not to run for president. Only kidding. But seriously, Politics is a lousy, stressful activity almost always ending in defeat.}
Back to the story... In my 60s, 30 yrs ago ...My investments & all the minor celebrity stuff was bringing in an upper 1% income.. No lawsuits against me or other stressful problems. I was traveling the world with my honey on cruises. In short I was enjoying life more than ever before. No pressure. No stress ... No health problems.
Now 20 years later, at 86, my health problems have been small outside of the scare (at age 75, described in my blog) with my knee not working. Now it's OK. No wheel chair for me.
As long as I'm sane & not in pain, I feel "lucky to be alive." If I can stay the same, enjoying a quality existence on this Earth to age 125, or more, that's fine with me. I'm in no hurry to get to heaven (or where-ever we go). In fact, I just wrote a short book on that topic called "Eternal Life?"... I concluded that being alive was a better option than being dead. If life is not enjoyable, I researched and wrote another (as yet unpublished) book on how to do an economical & painless suicide. You can get a copy from me (free) if you want to prepare for the end.
Hey grandpa I wana see documentary on netflix about you. I laughed hard reading this. 65 and still hitting.. lol
You are a role model for all of us.
Non Painful suicide in case life is pain haha : you nailed it
Fantastic character and you always have answer to anybody who open his mouth. You are unbeatable!
Hope you share more knowledge for free with us about taxes offshore world..
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I was still hitting home runs at 65, but struck out at 86! Thanks for the kind words and encouragement.

You asked for hints on avoiding taxes. Most people don't know it, but one can simply move to quite a few countries that have no income taxes. Ask Bing "Give me a list of countries with no income taxes?"

Here are a few: Andorra, Bermuda, Bahamas, Monaco, Sark, Turks & Caicos, Campione, the Emirates of the Middle East & Most African, Asian, Central & South American countries are de facto tax havens ... Nobody in their government will care about an insignificant foreigner with an invisible income. Would you enjoy hanging out in any of those places? That is the question.

There are even more countries (even some in the EU) that do not tax worldwide income. Thus if you have an income from some other place than where you are legally resident, you don't pay taxes in your residence country. Finally, the PT solution is to have no legal residence at all. Move countries (in reality or on paper) every 5 1/2 months or less. Stay low profile and invisible. Be considered a tourist (PT) wherever you are. That is the short answer. All the permutations and combinations might fill a few volumes. I wrote those volumes. One is called "The Invisible Investor."
@Martin Everson does, he sounds to be fine living in Bahamas.
I wonder why someone should not like you
"I wonder why someone should not like you"

Answer -Ha Ha Ha. The answer is that no matter how fairminded, nice & generous you try to be,
YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE. I learned that 60 years ago when one of my proteges, whom I helped become very successful & wealthy, betrayed me and stole over $1 million from me.

I did some research into psychology at the time, and it turned out that many times, some people bit the hand that fed them --Why? Usually because of jealousy or conflict with a perceived evil master who was in control of them. As to your own kids... the majority of them will want to break away as teenagers to establish their own identity. They sometimes want to be as far removed from you and your religion, lifestyle, occupation, & philosophy of life as possible. Usually, they end up (years later) being more like your clone -- but for a while, they may hate you.

I think Mark Twain wrote something like this:
"When I went away to college at 17, I thought my parents were ill-informed idiots and I knew better; When I returned home at 21, I was amazed at how much they had learned." These are a few reasons that people won't like you--even if you try to act like a saint.
He got citizenship from ancestors

If you mean because I was born and raised there then yes. I did not acquire it from after the fact from any sort of program or ancestry etc .
Well well so true, I've already figured that out, and I'm only half your age. I just wasn't sure if I was right and couldn't find the right words. I've met a lot of people who treat me and others like this, only to end up becoming the same way later on. Life is so simple...
YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE. I learned that 60 years ago when one of my proteges, whom I helped become very successful & wealthy, betrayed me and stole over $1 million from me
been there done that. Especially with relatives. It's war zone right there... you'll find your worst enemies are close relatives.
especially the poor ones... they'll do crazy thing for a few thousands...
some have the commie thing engraved in their brain.. Since you're "rich", you should share it all with them, if not you're a bad person... f**k off!
did it a few time (helping bad relatives) and was always stabbed in the back.
some people are crazy, accept it and put your close family and money in safe places away from those nuts.
OR if you really have to fight, you must assert dominance asap. Destroy them right from the start, forget about pity, if you leave them ground, they'll ruin your life for no apparent reason.
They'll do stupid things to ruin your reputation, business, family etc and it'll last for years... giant PITA if you don't take them down a peg or two.
This reminds me of those murder documentaries I used to watch. Right after death of someone, investigator start questioning his family and friends first..
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This reminds me of those murder documentaries I used to watch. Right after death of someone, investigator start questioning his family and friends first..
How do you guy's spot such a person in your close relatives i.e. wife, girlfriend or closer family member?
In all these discussions about wealth preservation and tax reduction, it is important to remember that the biggest threat to your wealth is from business partners and lovers. Why? They know all your secrets. They can steal from you, blackmail you, or otherwise damage you only because you trusted them. Unfortunately, you can't recognize a traitor until they betray you. Partial solution: don't be too trusting. Don't marry until you have lived with the person a long time. How long? At least 5 years. In my case, after 4 bad marriages, 30 years! For business partners, it's probably a good idea to pull out a profit and capital, and keep it in places where your partners can't run off with your assets.
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