Do you still trust Proton Mail ? ? ?

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Wau, spamming, huh. You are new here? Or not Maybe URI and timestamps correlation will show? TZ for sure

You have quite interesting birth-day; January the 1st 1970. So, everything starts from UNIX time for you? Well, I'm not going to argue. You are believer or something else. At some point in time, you'll remember this discussion.

I would suggest to read this thread, couple of quite interesting topics on page 2, I believe’s-tax-plans.44745/
Have a good time with intelligent people here. Hope that they wont anoy you with their philosophy and other perks
Well I hope I won't remember this too long. I just saw your claim that VPNs are forced to log and instead of admitting you're wrong you just went off topic about proton as a company, sky/encro and so on.
And yes I'm actually new lol, might know some computer stuff but clueless when it the offshore world so hopefully it will come in handy for when money gets good again. Thanks

There is a psychological aspect and interpretation when you ask others to admit or provide something.

But, as said, you have your view. I do not agree with it, but will respect it.

You're more than welcome. Have a lovely time - counted from UNIX epoch
Things seem a little tense in this thread.

Yes, indeed.
Why is the topic of Proton Mail so "tense".
Is there something more to this topic that is not so obvious?
(I am asking as the person who started the thread.)

Let's keep this thread on track, i.e. the merits of ProtonMail.

No, the topic is the risks of Proton Mail, not the "merits".
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Theres no legal requirement to log as a VPN company so stop spreading lies.

Some providers lying and/or being incompetent doesn't negate the fact that its not illegal to not log and these "kyc laws" you mentioned do not exist.
@incognitbro, please note that law regulation differ a lot around the world. E.g. if you see how the internet is regulated e.g. in Saudi Arabia and neighbouring countries, you will be probably really surprised. So such a generalisation as above is really not founded.

@incognitbro, be advised that such a communication style as used above is not welcome at this forum. Please, keep calm and more polite. As you are new here, you are just warned in this way, no formal warning points are issued to you.
Why not conclude this discussion?

ProtonMail is high-availability and quality electronic mail service provider for non-illicit use with legal obligation to cooperate with Swiss authorities and thru them with any other government.

As we don't control the infrastructure, no protected information above private class should be exchanged.

Further discussion about technical aspects on OCT such as concept(s) of zero-access/zero-knowledge encryption and end-to-end encryption as well as VPN technologies and missleading vendors' marketing key words for quite known and yesterday's technologies and concepts will not contribute to the OP's question about established ProtonMail's risk. The merits are questionable but constitute entirely different topic.

At the end, can be used cautiously.
Yes of course jurisdiction matters, but what was implied that there is a general KYC/AML requirement to do so which is not true. It would be like going around saying "selling alcohol is banned" just because thats the case in Afghanistan.

Fair enough.
ProtonMail is great as long as you're not doing anything illegal; however, I wasn't aware that they share information so readily with Spain and other countries. That surprises me.
ProtonMail is great as long as you're not doing anything illegal; however, I wasn't aware that they share information so readily with Spain and other countries. That surprises me.
Protonmail is great...super secure and long as you travel, set it up, and then use their onion site: https://protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion/m going forward.

I'm speaking from experience. Everyone I dealt with who violated this had their info "volunteered" to the "allies" investigating. My "buddy supplier's" account was just deleted after several failed attempts to identify him by offering him everything under the Sun for free

His buyers did NOT know his identity either. If you are looking to make personal friends instead of business, you are going to get screwed! The weight of the veracity of the witness siding with the biggest gang in the world with a monopoly on violence and life and death against anyone here's word is non-existent. No colorful ink on paper is going to save us. Please, do NOT engage in delusion.

Your investment will be less than CHF10K. If you can't do that, better get a job at Migros stacking shelves, and in two months, Migros will pay you CHF 10K

If you are all interested, reverse engineer your position. If you are still unsure, ask me. I'll do a thread in Mentor Group Gold explaining how "he" did it.
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Reactions: 0xDEADBEEF
@jafo - Usually I appreciate every one of your posts and read them carefully to get the meaning between the lines.
And, as a fellow master curmudgeon, I very much appreciate your "attitude", too.

Alas, that post above is clear as mud.

Trying to be helpful to others, @jafo's "Onion" link above requires a TOR connection.
It can't work with an ordinary web browser.
Most on this forum will understand that, but can not expect that all will.

And even then, getting to the site requires disabling some security.
Otherwise the link goes nowhere.
A more clear explanation would have been helpful.

If you do connect, what @jafo seems to be recommending is the TOR connection to Proton Mail.
But even using TOR raises a red flag, yes?

If you are all interested, reverse engineer your position. If you are still unsure, ask me.

Not only am I "unsure", but you have me totally confused about what you are trying to say in that post above.
So, yah, I'm asking you.

Perhaps a private message would be more suitable, since this thread seems to have run its course on the topic of Proton Mail and, instead, is getting side-tracked into topics of secure connections.
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Reactions: jafo
I apologize! I've been doing this for + 4 decades, so I tend to overlook this since, sadly, it's so "normal" for me to be paranoid.

I "assumed" we all knew about TAILS.
The device with Proton or any other undesirable must be purchased with cash outside a vassal state and must be a "virgin" without a hard drive and battery. It works only if plugged in. Always buy a disposable device. Be ready to dump it at the first sign of trouble.
Boot up with TAILS via this: Kanguru FlashBlu30™ Lightning-Fast USB3.0 with Physical Write Protect Switch

You need to also "borrow" WiFis. This is easily done. Many people here are much better qualified than I am to expand on this.

Now, once connected via TAILS, you go here: https://protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion/m

Mission accomplished.

The lesson to be learned by all is: Mr. R.U. (IYKYK) had a battery and was in a public place (library) without any impediment to reach him. Never do this. Bulletproof access to yourself with several layers and don't have battery-powered systems...EVER...for "questionable business that disrupts the status quo." An intelligent non-statist will have great laptops and desktops with HUGE batteries that can last for days, but what is on them is stocks/accounts of/at Blackrock, State Street, Fidelity, Vanguard, Berkshire etc etc. Nothing to see there.
I "assumed" we all knew about TAILS.
We also published an article three years ago about Tails, written in easy-to-understand language so everyone can follow along, and it includes links on how to get started.

Myself, not being technically gifted, tried to follow it to see if it was understandable, and after two hours, I had a USB stick with TAILS installed and it worked as it should.–-introducing-tails.31842/
Without revealing my identity - years ago, a decade+ I was involved in a secure email service - namely ZK based.

Predominantly the demand was Latin/South America - Brazil / Venz was the main market - we see that based on social media at the time opposed to an internal state system because there wasn’t one.

All accounts were routed via dynamic / tunneling - client side, likewise all data was encrypted / decrypted client side against a key they generated their end.

At the time or around the time the UK gov was clamping down on privacy and later would introduce snoopers charter - the company/myself many years earlier recognized and moved to HK for operations side due to the UKs backdoor requirements.

We didn’t profit from the service but recognized the need - democratic free speech which comes from the bottom up and without surveillance and coersion.

One thing I remember from that period - bear in mind there was a few parties building out similar - was that protonmail refused point blank to open source (we were).

Having said that - they commercialized their service and have done well - commercially we use them today for ease of use and built out functionality.

To be frank if all they are getting is a recovery email address (and not recovery codes) and IP then that should be enough for most commercial entities or persons to use without issues.

Having said that I wouldn’t use their VPN nor their password manager personally.

I still have it backed up (backend/frontend) somewhere
Tails is nice but I recently switched to using whonix which uses a double virtualization technique (just don't use the virtual machine on a windows PC of course). It's also a bit easier to use imo (no need to reboot).
Reactions: jafo
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