Ok so to recap:
A Delaware LLC subsidiary, an UK LTD parent, owned and managed by a non-resident of the UK from the UK.
LLC: no tax in the US (non-ETBUS, pass-through)
LTD: no tax on LLCs profits, only on draws which are treated as dividends. The LLC is considered a CFC in the UK but fully exempt due to being registered in an excluded territory (US) and having a profit of less than 500k GBP / year (and less than 50k from non-trading activities).
So far 0 tax.
Non-resident director and owner manages the LTD from the UK once a month, outsources work, pays himself no salary. The UK doesn't have a low corporate tax either. Therefore it's not considered a CFC by his resident country and doesn't have to be declared. No tax is due personally in the UK and no tax is due at all in his country of residency.
So far still 0.
The director has to register by self-assessment with the HMRC for PAYE and NIS, obtains a personal UTR (UK tax id). With this id it'll be possible to open a business or brokerage account for the LTD and the LLC without providing a personal tax id of the country of residency. The country of residency won't be notified of existence of any foreign bank account. And it even shouldn't be. They'll all be tied to the UK entity.
The work of the LLC is outsourced to his local sole proprietorship in his country of residency to cover living expenses. Either directly or through freelancing sites (to not to attract attention). Part of his rent, car, computers, etc. can be deducted. Total tax can be 0 here as well, if achieved profit / income is low enough.
So overall most of the profits are retained in the LLC, and no tax is due on any step of the setup.
Can anyone confirm?