@Martin Everson I would appreciate your thoughts on this. It has been explained to me that way some time ago but I am not sure if that is correct.
My thoughts are it will be reported to all addresses on record throughout the year simply via indicia. All FI's are required to do a digital record search for indicia as part of CRS. A digital record search will show addresses on documents you have provided where CRS reports will hence be sent. The FI has some discretion in this area but if you look at FI's like N26 they are saying they are reporting even to countries where you send a lot of payments too. I guess their digital record search encompasses payment destinations.
Even if they follow Example 1 this may not I feel overrule indicia that I have been talking about for years. See CRS Handbook (page 77. 167) The OP may not have enough evidence to overrule it via self certification.
P.S Sorry for late reply was on holiday