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By using the Collection Account Service, you also confirm that you will not accept payments in connection with the following activities, items or services which Currenxie views as prohibited (this list may be updated from time to time):
• Counterfeit & Replica goods
• Unauthorised Copies of Intellectual Property
• Stolen Property
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
• Artefacts
• Ethnically or Racially Offensive Material
• Event Tickets
• Real Estate Sales
• Drugs & Associated paraphernalia
• Government-Issued IDs, Licenses
• Legal intoxicants or ‘Legal highs’
• Products that present a high risk to consumer safety
• Drug paraphernalia
• Pornographic products or services
• Animals, pets or wildlife
• Virtual currency
• Weapons, ammunition or explosives
• Hazardous Materials
• Human Parts and Remains
• Gambling or betting proceeds of any kind
• Personal use such as gifts, loans or payments from friends and family;
• Any activity deemed to be illegal in any applicable jurisdiction.
• Any other activity that Currenxie deems to fall outside of its internal compliance procedures.

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