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Countries with less red-tape, private property and personal freedom?

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It is a matter of perspective. A sovereign nation should act like a one, otherwise nationhood is obsolete. The EU is a hybrid organization. Same goes for the Euro: It is a hybrid currency.
It does not make sense to have fought a war of independence just 25 years ago (note: Yugoslavia) and now return to a hybrid Union by giving up most of sovereignty.

Since this is an economic forum: "Good times are over" was meant with regards to banking, residence, independent financial policies and relative ease of doing business.
What I meant is that joining the EU and becoming a big brother socialist cultural marksist state doesnt happen overnight. Bulgaria and Romania joined EU 14 years ago and are still not there yet
I think I get what you're saying... it's too big of a question unless we go into deep details for every sector.
We are going too much into cars and isn't really what I want to ask (btw I really have a car with big non-factory ceramic brakes and barely stock engine... but I'm not the random kid)
All the things I listed, aside from the heli landing in backyard and the paramotor, I can do easily in southern europe without issues. And there's good weather too, so that's a plus.
An heli landing though, even in the countryside, unless the land is very very big and registered as occasional airfield... will pass until it makes into the newspaper (very soon). Then they'll f**k you somehow hard. ask me I know.
of course you can fake an emergency landing for taking a sh*t, but how many times you can do it at the same place :)
Also sadly paramotor is not allowed to land/take off from your garden, unless you file as airfield. Even then there are many restriction compared to the USA.
Same for parachute.
So my issue is that if you do it as a business, file and pay taxes permits stuff, it somehow gets allowed. For personal guy that does it for fun in his free time in his own land, it isn't.

Maybe southern corrupted EU countries are the best for an European with thick skin?
In the USA where is freedom, Texas?
Russia/asia, pretty much anywhere as long as you don't parachute with an AR15 in front of the government palace?

Maybe I should just aim at building a giant gated community with friends so that there aren't envious neighbors around?
Russia is not really a good place for small aviation and car modifications. Shitload of regulations in both.
Also tons of guns regulations and lack of self defence law in general. I.e. if you are trying to defend yourself or your property from a criminal and accidentally kill him - there's really high chance that you are going to jail. So in serious conflict your choice is basically boils down to be dead or go to jail.
Apart from that if you stay under the radar (do not piss off other people), have some extra bucks and have connections you can do pretty much whatever you want. Good thing: Sjw, racial hysteria and non-binary-gender-bulls**t are almost nonexistent. Some regions has high percentage of non-russian native muslims. Also big cities like Moscow/Saint Petersburg has high number of labour immigrants from middle asia which lately started to go nuts and form ethnical crime groups, some sort of italian mafia, but not that powerful and with people of ex-ussr middle asian countries instead of italians.
How is Romania on this behalf?
What about its police? experiences?
I heard a guy paid a few thousands and that was enough to get a permit to build on a no-build field...
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