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What drug are they using? I suffer from insomnia so I know a lot about sleeping pills and barbiturates, and I still haven't found anything that will put me to sleep so fast that you can't even notice it, you need an IV of Propofol for that to happen.

It's all a bunch of BS!!!
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Whatever they use it works. As I have written previously I was once drugged (beer bottle in a karaoke establishment - regular singing type not a "lady karaoke" place) together with my companion (longtime acquiantance, not involved). From that we noticed something wrong until being totally defenseless: maybe 20 minutes. We managed to stumble to our ride, get back to our place and passed out, just after making it. Next day it felt like a mild hangover had hit us. That's my experience FWIW.
Whatever they use it works. As I have written previously I was once drugged (beer bottle in a karaoke establishment - regular singing type not a "lady karaoke" place) together with my companion (longtime acquiantance, not involved). From that we noticed something wrong until being totally defenseless: maybe 20 minutes. We managed to stumble to our ride, get back to our place and passed out, just after making it. Next day it felt like a mild hangover had hit us. That's my experience FWIW.

Would have been great if you went the following morning and got yourself a blood test, that would have told you what substance they used.

I want some of that!
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What drug are they using? I suffer from insomnia so I know a lot about sleeping pills and barbiturates, and I still haven't found anything that will put me to sleep so fast that you can't even notice it, you need an IV of Propofol for that to happen.

It's all a bunch of BS!!!
They use scopolamine
Use Tinder in Medellin , you will quickly find out
I use sites throughout "America & Europe" a LOT more "direct & to the point" than Tinder and I have been using them for decades (and the sites have morphed into different apps) but NOBODY has ever tried anything on me or against me.

Now, if cheapskates want to go to ANY impoverished country and start "dating" and (maybe?) pay for a lousy dinner to get laid...well...scopolamine, burundanga, rat poison, cyanide etc etc should be the minimum they deserve. Pay some girl some real money, a minimum of €200, for a good time, unless you are a Greek God in your early 20s.

Let's be honest here.... which twenty-something hot Latina (or Latinas) are at home right now waiting for me, some +50-year-old European geezer? :rolleyes: I wouldn't do me even if I paid me €100 billion!!! :p So, why should some hot young Latina do it for just a date and maybe a dinner? :rolleyes: Like WTF???!!! eek¤%&
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OK, assuming gender equality most of the West's increasingly unattractive, tatted and fat ladies deserve a generous shot of Scopolamine and getting robbed, if overrating one's attractiveness is a crime ;)
I mean, they are already being robbed by attractive guys who fake their love for them on sites like Tinder... It's just that now that it got "mainstream" thanks to Netflix series and so on, more of those women are aware it's just guys taking advantage of them, but it's something that is older than Facebook

something doesn't need to be a crime to be considered outrageously stupid, and not understanding that if you're ugly and suddenly lots of attrative people are looking for you is not because of you but because of something else
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I mean, they are already being robbed by attractive guys who fake their love for them on sites like Tinder... It's just that now that it got "mainstream" thanks to Netflix series and so on, more of those women are aware it's just guys taking advantage of them, but it's something that is older than Facebook

something doesn't need to be a crime to be considered outrageously stupid, and not understanding that if you're ugly and suddenly lots of attrative people are looking for you is not because of you but because of something else
Different issue, and mostly older ladies in the West who fall for the typical West African scammer with a Ferrari or Airline Captain's picture in their profile (even if they increasingly target Asian females). Stupidity or being niggardly does not on its own warrant a "punishment by criminals". For these are serious, vicious crimes, no doubt. We can laugh at the guys' stupidity for sure, but that is another matter, it doesn't exculpate the criminals in any way.
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Different issue, and mostly older ladies in the West who fall for the typical West African scammer with a Ferrari or Airline Captain's picture in their profile (even if they increasingly target Asian females). Stupidity or being niggardly does not on its own warrant a "punishment by criminals". For these are serious, vicious crimes, no doubt. We can laugh at the guys' stupidity for sure, but that is another matter, it doesn't exculpate the criminals in any way.
If you think is mostly old ladies... You haven't been paying attention. And if you think is commonly just west African scammers... Boy you really haven't been paying attention. Btw no one is "exculpating" the criminals :rolleyes:
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Perhaps you need to pay attention, and to more credible sources than Netflix and YouTube, who sensationalize stories for broader appeal. Scamming is of course all over the place and I have actually saved some ladies from less affluent countries from the "advance fee scam" (thus getting insights from inside the scam) which is mainly perpetrated from West Africa (ie 419 scams). These target all ages of women on dating sites with promises of romance. Another popular 419 scam on dating sites is the "airport scam" where the villain pretends to travel to meet but gets "stuck in immigration" (money demands ensues, no suitor will ever appear in reality, of course). These are usually low value scams, less than 200 USD (per transaction, a good target will pay several times). Old Western women are often targeted by bigger scams, as there is generally more money to be made from old Westerners.

As for not exculpating criminals:

Now, if cheapskates want to go to ANY impoverished country and start "dating" and (maybe?) pay for a lousy dinner to get laid...well...scopolamine, burundanga, rat poison, cyanide etc etc should be the minimum they deserve.

In a broader sense, the skewed dating eco-system of the social media era of today is creating some serious societal issues. It has been found that women grossly overrate their attractiveness (when in fact fast carbohydrates and fried chicken are turning hoardes of girls into fat slobs). In some cases girls on dating sites rate >90% of guys as "below average".

Sites like Tinder, Only Fans, Instagram etc where simps flock and post their comments only serve to reinforce an unrealistic view of their own attractiveness level and destroy chances to find a partner matching level. This leads to a pareto on steroids where the 10 hottest percent of the guys get to consummate the relation. These guys have no intention of partnering up with all these girls, who will, in many cases end up as worthless "Christmas cakes". This is of course not the main topic here, but in plays into the sad state of relations in this era, and some guys' loneliness (and stupidity).

And before you post any comment calling me an incel, I am in a happy relationship (since I am in the top 10%:cool:)
The sad state of dating and many guys not being able to form lasting partnerships/families is real.
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Perhaps you need to pay attention, and to more credible sources than Netflix and YouTube, who sensationalize stories for broader appeal. Scamming is of course all over the place and I have actually saved some ladies from less affluent countries from the "advance fee scam" (thus getting insights from inside the scam) which is mainly perpetrated from West Africa (ie 419 scams). These target all ages of women on dating sites with promises of romance. Another popular 419 scam on dating sites is the "airport scam" where the villain pretends to travel to meet but gets "stuck in immigration" (money demands ensues, no suitor will ever appear in reality, of course). These are usually low value scams, less than 200 USD (per transaction, a good target will pay several times). Old Western women are often targeted by bigger scams, as there is generally more money to be made from old Westerners.

As for not exculpating criminals:
I stand by my claim! The human nature problem that is lost on most of you is that these "scam victims" are actually WORSE people than the scammers/perpetrators themselves. They are also looking to fight ABOVE their weight class i.e. punching up, and think they have been ordained by some higher power to receive a reward they certainly did NOT deserve! damn_(

All these people do NOT want to come to grips with reality. Let me take me as an example: I'm +50. I've been working out my WHOLE life and taking care of my health. I've never been sick or had any surgery. I stand naked in front of a mirror and look at myself and can't possibly phantom WHY in God's name some hot young Latina or hot young Asian girl would want ANYTHING to do with me instead of a 20-something hot young Latino or hot young Asian man. I bring not one single physical redeeming value to the table compared to the young guys! Zilch, nothing, NADA, NIKS, nil. I'm NOT delusional! ;)

The only thing I have, due to time being on my side, is (maybe more) money. I can exchange some money (she doesn't have) for the one thing she has that I don't have. That's it! ;)

Romance? rof/% smi(&%
Why do people overestimate themselves like this? :rolleyes:

I made a clip to prove my point to many people I know who call me with unreasonable "goals"...
Excessive hubris and overestimation of one's importance and talent can lead to fatal disasters! I don't know about ANY of you, but I do know that I am ALONE in this world I have NO safety net. If I overestimate myself and fail, it's straight to the ground without a parachute and there isn't an ambulance or hospital in a 10-mile radius! stupi#21

Enjoy the video! ;)
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I stand by my claim! The human nature problem that is lost on most of you is that these "scam victims" are actually WORSE people than the scammers/perpetrators themselves. They are also looking to fight ABOVE their weight class i.e. punching up, and think they have been ordained by some higher power to receive a reward they certainly did NOT deserve! damn_(
Fine, no contest there. The nature of scams is often just that, that they target victims with greed and unrealistic expectations. It can actually be quite funny when some politician gets caught with his pants down when he thought he was himself part of some imagined shady dealings "overtaking som West African goldmine", which he was himself very happy to partake in (true sttory).

I'm also not a spring chicken, in excellent health and make sure to compensate any lack in the hotness dept with other means, if necessary. Power and money are sexy (too) as Henry Kissinger (RIP) duly noted.

But again, that was not my beef with your post. Nobody deserves getting drugged with scopolamine or ratpoison and robbed naked just for the reason that he is stupid. Again, that's exculpating vicious criminal behavior. And if you do not agree, we will just have to agree to disagree :cool:
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In a broader sense, the skewed dating eco-system of the social media era of today is creating some serious societal issues. It has been found that women grossly overrate their attractiveness (when in fact fast carbohydrates and fried chicken are turning hoardes of girls into fat slobs). In some cases girls on dating sites rate >90% of guys as "below average".

Sites like Tinder, Only Fans, Instagram etc where simps flock and post their comments only serve to reinforce an unrealistic view of their own attractiveness level and destroy chances to find a partner matching level. This leads to a pareto on steroids where the 10 hottest percent of the guys get to consummate the relation. These guys have no intention of partnering up with all these girls, who will, in many cases end up as worthless "Christmas cakes". This is of course not the main topic here, but in plays into the sad state of relations in this era, and some guys' loneliness (and stupidity).
I agree 100% here. But life is too short for me to be bothered by those who are delusional in their self-assessment. Let them burn smi(&%
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Fine, no contest there. The nature of scams is often just that, that they target victims with greed and unrealistic expectations. It can actually be quite funny when some politician gets caught with his pants down when he thought he was himself part of some imagined shady dealings "overtaking som West African goldmine", which he was himself very happy to partake in (true sttory).
100% and I would also like to hear that story of the politician who got robbed on one side while robbing gullible people, i.e. "his" constituents on the other side. rof/% _ you can open another post or DM the story or link.
I'm also not a spring chicken, in excellent health and make sure to compensate any lack in the hotness dept with other means, if necessary.
What I mean here is this example: When I was a teenager I had a gym buddy who met his GF when they were both bodybuilding competitors in the 80s. They were 27 and 23 respectively. They are now in their 60s. They still work out but they have aged like the rest of us. This is a beautiful relationship.

I guess that there are exceptions like girls who are into gerontophilia. More power to them.
But again, that was not my beef with your post. Nobody deserves getting drugged with scopolamine or ratpoison and robbed naked just for the reason that he is stupid. Again, that's exculpating vicious criminal behavior. And if you do not agree, we will just have to agree to disagree :cool:
FAFO! My point here is similar to this scenario: If I walk up to Mike Tyson and punch him in the face and he countered, NOBODY would think that Mike Tyson overstepped his boundaries. Same with those who dish out aggression in a more subtle way and are countered with "unknown substances" ;)
Perhaps you need to pay attention, and to more credible sources than Netflix and YouTube
Perhaps you need to pay attention, since I said sites like that are not a good source of material unless you remove 99.99% of the junk (it's literally a comment below one of yours). My point was that (and I quote myself) "It's just that now that it got "mainstream" thanks to Netflix series and so on", which basically means that thanks to such "source" at least the victims are (and I will quote myself again) "aware it's just guys taking advantage of them, but it's something that is older than Facebook".

Regarding your examples, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Like I said catfishing is something that is older than Facebook. Also like I have said many times in this forum: Latam is not for idiots... And unfortunately lots of girls and boys (most boys than girls) that think because they go to a poor place they will get laid easily just because yes... like @jafo says, they later get smashed by the hard truth

And before you post any comment calling me an incel, I am in a happy relationship (since I am in the top 10%:cool:)
The sad state of dating and many guys not being able to form lasting partnerships/families is real.
Don't worry I won't say you're an incel... since I couldn't care less if you were or not. I'm also in a happy relationship (10 stable years with a partner who also loves the offshore scene) but I will never consider myself part of the "10 hottest percent of the guys", it's weird even saying it
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but I will never consider myself part of the "10 hottest percent of the guys", it's weird even saying it
You may have missed some irony there :rolleyes:

Of course I'm not in the top ten at my age! But confidence works, along with appropriate compensation. Just look at partnerhips as any transaction, there is no free sex! The top 10 pay with their good looks, I still have confidence, reasonably good IQ and cash, all sexual currencies. I know where I want to be, and it's not a poor, low IQ Greek God,,
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