Yes, i send notarized passaport.
I saw that you are from Romania, can you answer me in romanian please what exactly did you do? Cause I dont understand what they want. If its about "legalizare pasaport" I understood is not possibile here in ro?
U luckyHi Camelush,
Nothing more since their first payment (53% of claim) of last August...
Well yes,we are EU citizens,but I dont thibk that matter,I still not found why Romania is on blacklist,they didnt gave me any explanation. And yes,I think Nimphobic has right about it. Anyway I will try contact them and asked if they can send money in other account,even if I have 0 hopes.@camelush: from previous posts here, I understand that the origin of the problem is your bank's COUNTRY, more than your citizenship. Right? We are both UE citizens.
Have you tried to open a personal bank account in some other country? I guess there are quite a few experienced and qualified contributors on this forum, who would be able to give you some good advice.
Personally, I received the liquidator's wire transfer on my personal account with Standard Bank (Isle of Man, where I am not a resident), although the Choice Bank account was opened under a Belize company's name.
Hei again, I asked if I can notorazied someone from other country,my brother,who has account there. Anyway that was them answear:I completely understand your point of view; you would indeed need to have total and absolute trust in that other person.
As for the rest, my personal experience with the liquidation team and the claims payment procedure is diametrically opposite: the Choice Bank account was opened under a Belize company's name and, since that company didn't have any other bank account anywhere, I requested that the wire transfer be sent to my personal SB-IOM account. The liquidator accepted and therefore sent the money to someone:
-who was not the direct Choice Bank account holder,
-and who also had a different name.
It was also a six-figure amount, by the way.
Admittedly, it might have helped that in my case, even though not a Director of that Belize company, I was the single shareholder and UBO.
Let me wish you good luck in your efforts to recover your money and let's hope the liquidator will accept to cooperate.
They said NO.that means they can send money to someone you choose ? i would do this too . i can send money to a friend in europe/ i m curious what they ask for
Hei again,@camelush: From what I read in their answer to you, the Liquidator/Liquidation Team did NOT say "NO". They just say that they will not accept any liability. In my opinion, it means that:
-YES, you can ask them to wire your claim to someone else,
-but that, if that someone plays some trick on you or disappear with your money, then NO, the Liquidator cannot be held responsible for following your instructions and for paying that someone instead of you.
Which means that you must be able to TRUST that person 1000% (or more) and be sure of his/her integrity. You also have to be sure that person will be allowed by their bank/country of residence to wire your money to your own bank account.
I hope I am not misinterpreting the liquidator's message to you. Don't hesitate to check that out with more experienced/qualified contributors on this forum.
And... Good luck anyway!