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Chat control; An EU war against privacy - or - A noble war against CSAM (child sexual abuse material)

@Forester is it actually allowed to post the Russian with an English translation in the same post?
Yes, of course. (On condition that it is fully clear that a post author presents the translation and the original.)
So she was called Tatiana (original wording: Итак, она звалась Татьяной)

(A side note: The selection of a Russian text is intentional, of course ;); and the English translation is mine.)
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Yes, this is fully acceptable and will be much appreciated. The Russian original is, in my opinion, really nicer than @GF150's translation.....
I agree with you except for the fact that it wasn't my translation. This is from the Internet, from where I copied the original as well because I have no Russian keyboard. The translation is just fair but rather pale compared to the original. In particular:
"My vol'nye ptitsy..." means not only "carefree birds" but also "we are free birds". Anyway, in the near future we are likely to be taught that A. S. Pushkin was a T a ML and a would-be child-abuse promoter.
For @daniels27: here, for instance: https://rvb.ru/pushkin/01text/01versus/0217_22/1822/0137.htm
So she was called Tatiana (original wording: Итак, она звалась Татьяной)
Otlichno. Pozdravljaju. (Excellent! Congratulations!) "Ni krasotoj sestryj svoej, ni svezhest'ju eë rumjanoj ne privlekla b ona ochej......"
However, the damage is already done. (original wording: Le mal est déjà fait) Et merci encore!
I agree with you except for the fact that it wasn't my translation. This is from the Internet, from where I copied the original as well because I have no Russian keyboard.
:) OK

The translation is just fair but rather pale compared to the original. In particular:
"My vol'nye ptitsy..." means not only "carefree birds" but also "we are free birds".
Yes. Certainly. I even think that the latter translation is more adequate in that context.

Anyway, in the near future we are likely to be taught that A. S. Pushkin was a T a ML and a would-be child-abuse promoter.
Well, hopefully not. Probably, there can be some morons who will announce this; yet I hope their number will be comparable with or less than the number of people who are able to claim that Richard Wagner was nazist.

Otlichno. Pozdravljaju. (Excellent! Congratulations!) "Ni krasotoj sestryj svoej, ni svezhest'ju eë rumjanoj ne privlekla b ona ochej......"
:) Just an explanation for the others: “So she was called Tatiana” is a quite well-known verse from Pushkin's masterpiece Eugene Onegin and the words “Ni krasotoj sestryj svoej, ni svezhest'ju eë rumjanoj ne privlekla b ona ochej...” (Ни красотой сестры своей, ни свежестью еë румяной не привлекла б она очей...) are romanized transliteration of the following verses with a rough meaning as “Neither by the beauty like her sister, nor by the freshness of her ruddy face, would she attract observer's eye...” (BTW: This translation is mine [ public domain ;) ]. Try to translate the text with DeepL or Google and have a look how bad it is.)

But let's not go much off-topic with the literary excursion :)
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I would rather write:
Ни свежестью ее румяной... / Ни свежестью еë румяной....
Just for the record. Rgds.
Of course. A typo. Sorry, corrected. Thanks :)
Do I understand it correct they want any EU citizens to have scanned their devices for communication ?
You have understood it correctly. Unfortunately.
How do they plan to manage that? If every device needs to be scanned, it would definitely be a huge workload, not to mention the enormous amounts of data involved.

The media scanning will be performed locally - within the application against the hashes of known CSAM and further on, AI will scan all media against known and assumed CSAM. Hence, on the provider side, only some sort of acquiring results and database management system is needed. So, it will not involve significant data exchange.

The problem with this scaredy is that it's a fascist legal blueprint for a massive surveilance - current selector is CSAM and it may be anything for intelligence collection - like it was a Clipper chip in the US.

Anonymity and privacy will be first made as unethical. Then a regulation will be imposed for persistent identity and transparency.

I'm confused why is general public accepting ruse thru which they'll lose civil rights and liberties.
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My experience is that the average citizen doesn't give these things a thought or is even aware of what's happening right under their nose. Most people who don't have a presence on OCT are oblivious and believe that the government and lawmakers are doing what's best for us.

It's as if they're zombies who don't understand a thing.
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Anonymity and privacy will be first made as unethical. Then a regulation will be imposed for persistent identity and transparency.

I'm confused why is general public accepting ruse thru which they'll lose civil rights and liberties.
Yes, quite so. First unethical, then illegal. This is the end of free speech and, therefore, a deadly blow to the few means of resistance still left to us. This is a part of the NWO agenda and we, who can still expose that for sometime, will be labeled (and libeled) as conspiracy theorists. This trick still works quite well.
Nothing comes by accident. General public has been brainwashed and zombified for decades. Alas, they will comply and do as the are told, as long as they still have something to eat and, possibly, something to lose. And that can be easily managed.
Just look how easy it was to scare people and make them obey the most stupid, inconsistent, insane regulations during the covid scam period. I can still see people wearing masks alone in their cars or walking alone outdoors.
Our freedom is being taken out from us gradually, insidiously, at a steady pace, bit by bit, apparently not connected to each other, but, just wait, over the time you will hopefully see the plan. Who can remember the time when you could write a check to
someone for the amount, equivalent to $100 000 (at that time you could buy a pretty decent house for that money) and nobody would ask you how you got that money, whom you were sending it to and what for. Try to do the same thing nowadays. Good luck!
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