caye bank international belize

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I’m extremely new to this Martin, I really do not know what to expect from an offshore account.

No worries we all started somewhere. Your entering at the most unstable time however as the industry is going through rapid changes.

But I know my money isn’t growing in an American bank like I need/want it to.

Are you a US Person by any chance? If so the options are very limited unfortunately.

For a beginner like myself, where could I go to best understand how these offshore accounts work? I just want to open a savings account and continue to deposit till I retire.

You can go through some of the older threads or simply just watch the goings on. Basically don't rush into anything you will regret just watch and learn from the forum what works and does not work for others.

P.S Start a new thread if you need more help so this thread isn't hijacked .
Reactions: Cetme308win
I have used them since 2001 . I have had no problems until you did
Hi Ravengary

Such as?

can you be more specific?

Are you closing a personal account? a business account?

Other than the standard application from, what other paperwork have you been required to provide?

Many thanks for replying Ravengary.
Seems Caye found the new correspondent bank and how can send and receive payments. Wiring Instructions - PDF File.pdf
Caye International Bank does acknowledge the time during which it was without a correspondent bank for a short period earlier this year, but it has since onboarded two new correspondent banks, and has worked through its transaction backlog, and is now successfully processing transactions.
I am a Customer Service Officer at the bank and please feel to reach out to me with any concerns you have about wires to:
Caye's 20%+ (previously advertised) liquidity is outstanding but it's not enough if ~90% (rough estimate) of clients are foreigners who joined for the now-gone privacy. Yes, they have liquidity crisis like half the banks there. Get your funds out of Belize ASAP. Don't open new accounts unless you want to shoulder some of the bill.

Thier gov. is too naive to adopt CRS without graceful phase-in period of 10+ years. EU's black list is not as scary as it sounds for a remote country like Belize. It's certainly better to be on that list instead of destroying all customer trust in Belize as a financial services jurisdiction. Now it will only ever be a place for vacation.
Reactions: Grenadas
@cayerep I have been waiting over 5 weeks to open an account with you guys and up until this point, I've faced nothing but headaches. I don't know if it's the bank itself or the representative i'm working with, but it's been very frustrating.

Once, she told me she lost my email and that she was sorry after 1 week of waiting. Another time, I made a mistake on my application but she waited another week for me to ask her whats going on with my application. Another time, she waited yet ANOTHER week for me to ask her what the update was. She told me that she called my bank to verify my letter, but was unable to because they asked her for my account #.... She waited a week for me to email her first - and the worst part about it? My account number was literally written clearly on the reference letter I had sent her, yet she was unable to see it.

I've never faced this level of incompetence in my life. Now, she told me over 2 weeks ago that my application was submitted for review, and I've still heard nothing. This makes me feel very sad but I still have an ounce of hope that my trouble has more to do with the representative "helping" me out rather than the bank itself.

Can you please help me here??
Good day @theoffshoretech,

I am so sorry it has taken so long to get your account approved, however, there are certain criteria and requirements we must adhere to and additionally sometimes we require additional information from a prospective client and gathering can be cumbersome. Our apologies for the mishaps you have experienced, we will endeavour to do better. Can you kindly email me at I would like to ask you some questions and I will be able to provide a better response to your concerns.

I have sent you the email just now.

I have already given all of the required documents (notarized, etc.) within my application to Caye. If you need additional information, that is perfectly fine; just ask for it and I will happily provide! I have been kept in the dark for weeks and the only responses I get are when I come forward and ask "what's the update?". Each time, it's been a delay unfortunately.
Slow down body, you may realize they are very very busy at the moment and things can take time. So far I'm counting 15 days with epayments for a simple personal account application total clean and transparent setup
Slow down body, you may realize they are very very busy at the moment and things can take time. So far I'm counting 15 days with epayments for a simple personal account application total clean and transparent setup

I understand that they may be busy and totally accept that! 15 days is a little bit different than 40 though, don't ya think? I sent the OG application on august 29.

I have no problem waiting if there is a legitimate delay. However, my delay was due to my rep losing my emails and not properly reading my documents, then waiting for me to ask why I haven't heard back. If you read my email threads, you'd be ripping your hair out too from frustration!

Believe me, I do not easily lose my patience; but after 5 weeks I thought I'd ask on the forum..
I would simply move on to the next bank if possible, there are a lot of banks and EMI's around that handle application fast and efficient.
business account in a week or so. It takes months ...
All I read about Georgia banking points to simple account opening in a few days if you do a personal visit. But I know this is not the average time frame we are looking at with other countries.
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