obvously you are still young and not experienced with your tax home country.
1) be very precaucious with your lawyer
2) for the tax man you are faudulent, no matter your SOF.
3) your lawyer could blackmail you. Even report you !
4) you did not declare any income taxe, neither your crupto gains => it is fraud in germany.
5) taxman can still pretend Flat Tax on 3 years past gain (not the income).
6) you are on high values : taxman can decide to charge you for volontary tax abuse with a 50% or higher penalities
7) You can be prosecuted to court and face jail sentences. You situation is a
criminal + tax offence by german law.
8) you spend 100/150ke per year for your daily expenses / but no yearly
income tax declaration.
Beware your taxman can tax you over the last 3 years, by reconstituting at his method "what is you yearly earnings" for spending so much in for personnal expanses. Plus penalities or taxe abuse.
figure this : taxman will dertiminate over 500 keuros income over the 3 years, than claim the income tax at the highest rate, plus penalites, plus volontary tax abuse.
Solving your crypto Sof will not make
you snow white in your home country.
Cause you were and keep on tax fraud - all the way -
1 single solution : go to delcare to the taxman your 1.000.0000 or 3.000.000 euros gains on crypto. Paid huge amount of several layers of taxes => and then start to leave sage in you home country.
Kadinger, I don't want to offense you with the above, and I have no bad emotions about you.
Because you are young, and still student, you "keep to be below radars".
Good for you now. But will not last ever. You way of life and yearly spending can attract big worries on the long term in your home country.
Did you think about this : buying several properties in Germany with your Sof funds but taxes uncleared, and paying cash to the Notary.
Notary will directly report you to the german Taft/Gafi. Than later burden occurs with the taxman and financial police department.
Did you ever think about your scale of gains/profits in germany, taxes uncleared : it is a "criminal offence" by german en EU laws, not only a tax matter.
Kadinger : your were provided here some quite good advices from contributors.
Beware Kadinger : your are not safe the way you do your dayly or yearly linving.
You Plant too many Flags of "Youth Mistakes" in your home country Germany.
All those mistakes are "jesus blood" for your taxman and his friend the financial police.
Alxays keep in mind : Tax Office in Germany is Smart !
As a father to son I will write and resume you :
1) I will not sleep at night beeing in germany in your situation : my tax burdens is now just too heavy-risky.
2) I won't care as you do about my Crypto Sof : it does not solve my tax burden, and way of life.
3) child on the way : I plan quickly to born my kid in another juridiction (targeting legal
second citizenship for my kid(s) - of course I declare to Germany the birht of my kids.
4) Establish my tax residence in another friendly country (but Not European State). And start to build my life from ground zero.
5) even if nowdaysI you fly below radars / I cut ties with Germany for 5 years.
6) only after I will invest in Germany in some real estate : most probably as non german resident.
I end : I don't want ot offense you with any of my words.
You must go on higher scales of precautions and self-protections.