So the most europeans and britons don't mind trying to poke the Russian bear in the back and eye as long as it's the ukranians are the ones who execute on it. When there's a possibility to fight Russia themselves, they've gotten scared.
And rightly so. Once a UK military hight-rank banana said that UK wouldn't last over a few days if it were to fight Russia 1x1. There were similar statements afterwards too.
Germany wouldn't last long either. Who else then, in Europe?
If you want a honest answer... I see no difference between a Ukrainian or a Russian.
If either slaughter each other its truly no skin of my nose.
I just would rather not be dragged into it, and would hope bright lines are set in the road, whereby if Russia does x or Nato does Y, there's no fuckery, just fire nukes.
Better to have a quick eradication.
*Unsure why people need to see you get emotionally attached to the backwater called Ukraine as it's at war, a war it could have ended very quickly on actually favourable terms back then (no nato deployment, no nato, can join EU) since then 1.2m dead, millions displaced, 70,000 kids moved to Russia, hundreds of billions in military costs, 4-6 trillion in economic decline year on year.... what a waste.
Now like i said i am always surprised people feel the need to see people feeling sorry for Ukraine... with the above facts, which could have been avoided... well its hard to... especially when something like 2m killed Iraq/Afghanistan/etc wars, 20m displaced (12m to the UK alone since operation Desert Storm 2) - and i wasn't meant to feel sorry for those fucks for being bombed to s**t on lies...
So for me, Ukrainain, Russian same same.
Side note * it’s been a nice little earner for where I am - property prices have sky rocketed
Like 2-3x the price as the
rich Ukraine families sent their kids here and the Russians pushed all their wealth here into their kids hands.
Slava Ukrainians
Up until a week ago I had a Russian UN worker living two doors down.
She worked for the UN children’s redeployment division (moving kids to safe zones) - nice lady - must have been paid very well for what she was paying the Australian owner of the villa every month.
Friend of a friend owned a upscale bar/restaurant, after 10 yrs of slogging, a son of a Diplomat, he sold his business to a Russian for roughly 4x the price, and moved the funds back to Europe and is now opening in Malaga somewhere.
Downside i miss my claws.
Another neighbour sold their home for 3x the price pre-war to a young russian family..
It's been a interesting period, sanctions violations unsure, but policed definitely not.
According to this 1.6 trillion $ world economic impact - i am calling BS to that, the US has spent 2.7 trillion trying to fuge their numbers during 2023 alone... to make it appear like their economy is on fire, and just look at the sky rocketting state / federal employees... to hit their employment facade... war in Ukraine cost,trillion or so in 2023.