Whoever writes "Bulgaria" or "Romania" has the slightest idea of what it really means to live in those places? Especially for someone who is starting to earn good money.
Anyway, I'm going off topic.
I don't know Bulgaria, but I moved 3000km to Romania for 1 year and a half and it is delightful. Very european lifestyle, people is very open and kind, made a lot of friends.
I even got an apartment in Baia Mare for new years eve, and when we had this small talk with the owner that we were travelling around and such, he invited us to a party at his home with his friends, drinks and food, we were going to be just for dinner and a bit more and in the end we stayed up to 6 am and the next day, which we had to leave the apartment, he allowed to stay for free to sleep the hangover out.
We still chitchat via WhatsApp, also with my other romanian friends, who even a couple told us when we left the country "don't forget to invite us to your wedding, whatever place you are".
Cities in Romania (brasov, bucharest, sibiu, baia mare, timisoara, constanta...) are turning to have a very european lifestyle. My home was 3000km away and I didn't feel any cultural shock in any way. Btw, if you moved to more towny places, you feel the difference... Although people is still lovely. We were wandering around talking by phone because an Airbnb guy sent a wrong address and he didn't speak english, nor used WhatsApp (towny places, old people, maybe the son managed the Airbnb but the father managed the check-in, idk) and a woman, out of the blue, just asked "do you need help?" got the phone to talk with the man and translated everything to us.
Also they are starting to be european when talking about taxes :-( that's why I'm leaving Romania after all this time. A pity as I liked it.