@NewHorizonsParaguay seems competent and well connected. I had a good conversation with him and decided to proceed later this new year, early spring I believe. I will report my progress here.
As mentioned, I get your point. But it is mainly about how to satisfy banking monkeys, rather than about the tax liabilities itself.In many countries, when you cancel a residency (and it is the country of your citizenship), you must report where you are moving, where you will live, and the address where they can contact you.
Then it is a brief communication, and they figure out very quickly you are a "tax free nomad".
Also, I would like to see how you open a brokerage account without a tax residency or how you get a bank account to pay for your accommodation on your never-ending travels.
How many residencies do you currently hold?@NewHorizonsParaguay seems competent and well connected. I had a good conversation with him and decided to proceed later this new year, early spring I believe. I will report my progress here.
If you do not meet the time and substance criteria in any country, the country of your citizenship is your tax residency.
@JustAnotherNomad, he is referring to the bank monkeys that need to do some CRS reporting. If you cannot give them anything else, they will ask for the tax id of your nationality. Happens quite often in some places. There are in very limited cases maybe such laws, but not really. Some countries want a proof of tax residency elsewhere in order to release you from their tax liability. But also that only happens in very few EUSSR countries.Very interesting. Which law regulates that?
A fewHow many residencies do you currently hold?
Of course never enough. Which one you like the most? Have you tried Peru?A fewNever enough
Sorry, I do not know if this is your standard communication style, but you expect specific answers to vague and general questions. (In what cases would it be an advantage to have tax residency in Paraguay?)Very interesting. Which law regulates that?
This sounds interesting. Can you maybe give us the exact article, where we have to look at?Sorry, I do not know if this is your standard communication style, but you expect specific answers to vague and general questions. (In what cases would it be an advantage to have tax residency in Paraguay?)
I choose to still continue in good faith, tho. Here you go.
Yes, page 7, 2.2 - 29,30,31,32This sounds interesting. Can you maybe give us the exact article, where we have to look at?
None, each serves a specific purpose.Of course never enough. Which one you like the most?
No and I don’t see why I should.Have you tried Peru?
It only statesYes, page 7, 2.2 - 29,30,31,32
Here is the law forbidding not having residence in any country, as someone suggested in the discussion
6 - 1
meaningObčan, ktorý sa pripravuje na vycestovanie do zahraničia s cieľom trvalo žiť v zahraničí, je povinný pred vycestovaním ohlásiť skončenie trvalého pobytu ohlasovni, ktorá vedie údaje o jeho trvalom pobyte; v ohlásení uvedie štát a miesto pobytu, kam hodlá vycestovať, a deň začiatku pobytu v zahraničí, ktorý je zároveň dňom skončenia trvalého pobytu.
which is pretty common for all European countries. You can simply state you go to the US or whatever and that's it. Nobody cares. We had discussions in the past about this:A citizen who is preparing to travel abroad with the aim of living abroad permanently is obliged to report the termination of permanent residence to the registration office that maintains data on his permanent residence before leaving; in the notification he shall state the country and place of residence to which he intends to travel, and the date of commencement of stay abroad, which is also the date of termination of permanent residence.
My neighbour (Belgium) mentioned the need to do this, and Swiss neighbours confirmed.I moved abroad and I am registered at the 'french people living abroad' consulate, according to the different countries i leave since I left France.
I'm down south (Phuket).@wellington If you want to send me a PM feel free, I am also currently in Thailand.
I would say that the safest option is to stay 183 days min in Thailand, with a real presence on the ground. And with a...
Yes, but with all due respect, this is relating to DTAs. Most DTAs do have such clauses. But this only works bilaterally between two states in determining who can tax an individual, and then mainly for dividends, interest, etc. only as for active work, the general rule is that the country where work is done has the right to tax.Here is the application of the OECD directives... which are part of the legislation in one way or another in all OECD member countries.
page 13, 62 a,b,c,d
Your residency is determined in this order... permanent address, center of vital interests, habitual residence, CITIZENSHIP, bilateral agreements between countries.
What is the main purpose of Paraguay?None, each serves a specific purpose.
I can’t tell details of my specific situation, but I believe that it can be useful to many and the process is particularly convenient.What is the main purpose of Paraguay?
I do not think it is great to lie in that case.It only states
which is pretty common for all European countries. You can simply state you go to the US or whatever and that's it. Nobody cares.
Yes, but with all due respect, this is relating to DTAs. Most DTAs do have such clauses. But this only works bilaterally between two states in determining who can tax an individual, and then mainly for dividends, interest, etc. only as for active work, the general rule is that the country where work is done has the right to tax.
As I said before, I was asked vague and general questions. If the country and circumstances are specific, the usefulness and, more importantly, the legality of some solution can be determined.Yes, but those are the normal anti abuse rules for people deregistering in their home country. We had long discussions about many different countries. Under no circumstance are they going to tax your Paraguay-born kid that never lived in Bratislava.