Yes I have the self invest international account it is a flat 0.20% a year and you get a multi currency account. Trading fees are very high so just buy on Saxo or IB and DVP them to BGL to hold

. However if you drop a couple of mil with them like 5m+ you get private banking style fee negotiations
I am not sure what platform do they use for trading? Which markets do they have? They are not very precise about it. Yes I heard about cases when people just buy via IB and transfer it out for safekeeping somewhere else (and vice versa for selling...). It is free on IB side I heard to transfer positions out. With 5m+ holdings, you can also get
Julius Baer (CH) at 0.1% and they don't apply negative interest to
cash balances above €1m. But as we have already checked, Saxo for 1m+
investments have 0.05% custody fees (for MENA region), while Internaxx has flat maximum €180, which just beats them all.
I would normally use Standard Chartered
Singapore for shares holding (no custody fees at all) and trading (0.2% is acceptable I think), however similar to Saxo, they miss one position from my ETF portfolio, which Internaxx and IB have, but out of those two I prefer Internaxx.
I always wonder how (apart from jurisdiction law) are these international group of banks like Paribas, Citibank, HSBC dependent on each other's location. For example would US/FR/UK allow Citibank/Paribas/HSBC to go bankrupt on one of their international markets? Or this is extremely unlikely.