Your way of thinking is living in the best case scenarios, others prefer to prepare for the worst case scenarios.on a side note, why are people concerned with matters like carrying all net worth around in a physical form
Your way of thinking is living in the best case scenarios, others prefer to prepare for the worst case scenarios.on a side note, why are people concerned with matters like carrying all net worth around in a physical form
Many reasons.on a side note, why are people concerned with matters like carrying all net worth around in a physical form - who and why is about to confiscate things? I don't hear anything in the news about any appropriations by governments or anything like that. why not keeping stocks, and a few cash balances in large stable banks in a few countries is not good enough of a solution? (some in personal accounts, some on the balances of incorporated firms, and the rest in stocks and crypto let's say, isn't it optimal? unless one believes that the internet will all go offline after another solar eclipse etc).. is it because of inflation or what? a basket of a few major currencies could work, I think. although if the inflation rate is high across the board, it wouldn't
. just curious what's the main reasoning behind diversification into bearable assets could be
ive heard some pretty bad stuff from the Dutch tax, thwarting even Germany.Many reasons.
For example the new registers they want ( Registratie van edelmetaal door EU - Goudzaken ) . Who started with register people in Europe? As we know napoleon started. Hitler did it in the Netherlands and some others. In my opinion it where mostly not the good guys that came with such ideas. It doesn’t mean I compare them with the current EU leaders but a soon if governments start to register more and more keep your eyes open.
Second reason. Many tax authorities freeze your assets when you have a problem with them. This don’t have to mean that they are right about it.
Bijna helft belastingzaken verloren door fiscus, maar de verschillen zijn groot ( sorry again Dutch) . As you can read Deloitte confirms that the Dutch tax authorities lost 45% of the cases in court. I think this says enough how fair they are? The trick is to put you in the corner and make a settlement with you.
This is the one most effective strategies they use too keep people in line .
Fyi the current tax laws in the Netherlands are introduced and written by the nazis. They keep it after the war. So probably it didn’t sound that bad too them. Most are still here. For the Dutch who want to read a book about it Belast verleden . Most of this guys don’t care if they have to go after Jews, tax evaders or just the local plumber .
why the local population call their country a democracy then if they are not free to even have a choice to replace laws that are outdated and so on, do they believe that democracy is a thing and that they really do elections and all, or they simply don't care as long as standard of living is bearable and "not like in the scary 3rd world countries that we saw on TV" they're good with whatever the authorities will do to them, as long as they believe it's all for their own good? basically the population in these countries are as brainwashed as the Russian rural villagers who go to war at the moment "for the glorious motherland of Russia", just at the other side of the brain?Many reasons.
For example the new registers they want ( Registratie van edelmetaal door EU - Goudzaken ) . Who started with register people in Europe? As we know napoleon started. Hitler did it in the Netherlands and some others. In my opinion it where mostly not the good guys that came with such ideas. It doesn’t mean I compare them with the current EU leaders but a soon if governments start to register more and more keep your eyes open.
Second reason. Many tax authorities freeze your assets when you have a problem with them. This don’t have to mean that they are right about it.
Bijna helft belastingzaken verloren door fiscus, maar de verschillen zijn groot ( sorry again Dutch) . As you can read Deloitte confirms that the Dutch tax authorities lost 45% of the cases in court. I think this says enough how fair they are? The trick is to put you in the corner and make a settlement with you.
This is the one most effective strategies they use too keep people in line .
Fyi the current tax laws in the Netherlands are introduced and written by the nazis. They keep it after the war. So probably it didn’t sound that bad too them. Most are still here. For the Dutch who want to read a book about it Belast verleden . Most of this guys don’t care if they have to go after Jews, tax evaders or just the local plumber .
why the local population call their country a democracy then if they are not free to even have a choice to replace laws that are outdated and so on, do they believe that democracy is a thing and that they really do elections and all, or they simply don't care as long as standard of living is bearable and "not like in the scary 3rd world countries that we saw on TV" they're good with whatever the authorities will do to them, as long as they believe it's all for their own good? basically the population in these countries are as brainwashed as the Russian rural villagers who go to war at the moment "for the glorious motherland of Russia", just at the other side of the brain?![]()
where do the people really control their democracy and their fate of what happens to them, more or less, through a democratic process, is it the US then? many states really do lean towards this or that, and their elected officials do push through, on these topics and demand something based on what the majority of state population has voted for, is that correct? (more or less on average I mean, of course there are exceptions, as long as a human factor is in place, there will always be exceptions)
What you want in a world we are entering (possible war escalation, debasement and debt enslavement, political/socitial collapse) etc.on a side note, why are people concerned with matters like carrying all net worth around in a physical form - who and why is about to confiscate things? I don't hear anything in the news about any appropriations by governments or anything like that. why not keeping stocks, and a few cash balances in large stable banks in a few countries is not good enough of a solution? (some in personal accounts, some on the balances of incorporated firms, and the rest in stocks and crypto let's say, isn't it optimal? unless one believes that the internet will all go offline after another solar eclipse etc).. is it because of inflation or what? a basket of a few major currencies could work, I think. although if the inflation rate is high across the board, it wouldn't
. just curious what's the main reasoning behind diversification into bearable assets could be
Only have to look at BBC documentaries on WW2 in the 50-60s and compare to their modern equivalentssomebody else has share it here also a while ago. I think he explain it very well about how they can brainwash an entire generation. And this is far outdated content. There is also a longer version.
I mean look at the kids school books what’s written in it. The current state of propaganda is really far. They have so much technologie now.
He has also 3 audio tapes at Storytel. Probably you can find it for free somewhere. Maybe even on YouTube.
I think that a really democratic don’t exist. I prefer countries where they leave you more alone.
I must say I know less about USA . Never been there and never had a business.
I would like to go through the books from my primary school days, but I no longer have them. I am so curious how I would now look at it. Also hard to find from here.
Thanks for your perspective. You wrote that you studied foreign languages all of your adult life. Which languages did you choose? and what methods/tricks to learn a language did you find most effective?So, what are practical ways to get acquainted with "bearer assets".
Say, for EUR 10,000.
Or maybe EUR 100,000.
And what about EUR 1,000,000.
What are possibilities to convert fiat into "bearer"?
Or crypto into bearer?
Gold, silver, of course ... but that's heavy and very "noticeable".
Expensive watches ... maybe, but not very liquid.
Real estate ... the nose of government is already inside that tent.
If I had to pick, right now, with no further research or discussion,
it would be a commercial fishing boat: small, common design, and in daily use catching fish.
True, not so liquid, but very portable and, in troubled times, a tool for making an income.
Maybe more than one boat ... and rent/lease to experienced fishermen.
I wouldn't "bear" it, but it could "bear" me and my family, if needed.
(During the war in Vietnam, a lot of fishing boats caught a lot of gold fish for carrying Vietnamese from Vietnam to The Philippines. I employed members of one of those families and heard their story.)
And if I had to pick one more it would be to learn another language.
Which I have been doing all of my adult life ... investing spare funds into language training.
Can carry that asset around in my brain.
Knowing other languages can not really be bought or sold, but it very much facilitates buying and selling.
And if you insisted on a third guess, it would be to learn and acquire tools of
a manual trade that was likely to flourish for at least another 20 years in the future.
A trade that did not require a license from the state.
One example might be diesel mechanic -- either fixed or "marine".
Another might be "operating engineer" for cranes and earth moving equipment.
And with that I'm fresh out of ideas.
Can anyone else carry on?
(Note: this post may be a little rough, because I didn't finish editing before the cut off time.)
Correct, @wellington, but the point is something that holds value and can be moved easily.No money in commercial fishing….
what methods/tricks to learn a language did you find most effective?