Be careful what you post in the UK or "re-post"

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The UK must be doing great. They have so much free time and money that they can focus on people's tweets.

I guess they fixed all the big problems like housing, healthcare, and jobs. How lucky for them to worry about online posts instead of real issues.

What a perfect country, OCT members should really consider relocating to this utopia.
it was already bad till June as this chart shows, I'm curious to see what happens after all of this censorship/police state/marxism thing...

When people migrating to uae this mean it's not police state/censorship/shariati prison?

Biggest reason for hnwi migration was a taxes all the times. That's why picture show a green bubbles in a s**t places, but with just affordable tax regimes.
If you call UK a north Korea for blocking external access to 1 site, why you don't call China as a big north korea for a blocking bunch of sites and using great Chinese firewall?

I so like these double standards here. Ridiculous.
See for yourself and go argue with the Brits on Twitter living in the UK!

PS. My mom is turning in her grave now, and my cousins in the UK have lost hope! Just got off FaceTime with a bunch of relatives in London! FFS!
They consistently voted for free stuff - this is the end result and because the world is so interconnected there ability to leave is closing sharply

At some point it will have capital controls and human controls for the debt enslavement.

In 2022 they were (banks) already digging around to see what us non residents had overseas for the UK gov

The best time to leave was years ago, the second best time to leave is now!

I still have friends in the UK who sadly don't have the means to leave. I fear that they're going to be screwed before long, but I can only help them so much.
don't put words in my mouth and you will be OK.
OK? With what?
You grabbed your tail and ran to a safe haven in Europe to save yourself from the Mighty Russians. You are in NO position to tell people they will be "OK". You are NOT "OK".
We'll respect you if you return to help Ukraine push back the Russians, as your Daddy Zelenskyy, Daddy Biden, and Mother Ursula tell you to!

don't put words in my mouth and you will be OK.

That's exactly what you said! The internet NEVER forgets!

PS. Wow, you've really mastered the art of wasting time! Instead of adding something useful to the discussion, you've gone back in time to downvote every one of my replies. Impressive commitment to pettiness—if only you could channel that energy into something more productive, like, I don’t know, actually contributing to the conversation or facing your responsibilities back home. But hey, I guess running away from both debates and conscription must be exhausting. Maybe next time, try adding something of value instead of just subtracting from it!


and it goes on and on and on....

@Forester @Sols @JohnLocke @Martin Everson -

I’m reaching out to inquire whether the current practice of downvoting old replies en masse—often without providing any constructive feedback or engaging in meaningful discussion—is truly in line with this platform's intended use.

This site has tremendous potential as a resource for sharing knowledge, fostering discussions, and helping each other grow. However, when certain users (see the above screenshot) choose to focus on negative behaviors like mass downvoting, it seems to detract from that goal. Wouldn't it be more beneficial for the community if the energy spent on such actions was instead directed toward offering insightful comments, asking thoughtful questions, or even debating different viewpoints in a respectful manner?

Encouraging more constructive interactions would enhance the site's overall value and create a more positive and productive environment for everyone involved. Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
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You grabbed your tail and ran to a safe haven in Europe to save yourself from the Mighty Russians. You are in NO position to tell people they will be "OK". You are NOT "OK".
Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you where to go.

We'll respect you if you return to help Ukraine push back the Russians, as your Daddy Zelenskyy, Daddy Biden, and Mother Ursula tell you to!
I certainly understand that your moral level is so low that you allow yourself to manipulate the potential health and lives of other people, but I will not go down to your level.
PS. Wow, you've really mastered the art of wasting time!
I reciprocated your feelings.
some time ago you have posted that will never talk to me, but for some reason you have started to write nonsense under every my message with similar reaction causing just flood and flame in topics. that's why you got this.
dont touch me in this manner and you will not get an answer.

so, i started it? or you?
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I suggest using the “ignore” function instead of arguing with people

Ps. Instigating conflict among people is a key part of “their” agenda.
Thank you so much! I had NO idea that button even existed!
I used it right away!

spectre is a known paid shill......i would not waste 5 sec on him
100%! I figured it out a while back because NOBODY can be this ******!
I mean, we're all here, NOT because the self-appointed Brussels psychopaths are depositing billions in our accounts!
We're here because the delusional, self-professed "plantation owners" in Brussels want to charge us "+50% rent" even when we're NOT on their "fantasy" plantation.
Reactions: JohnLocke
I have left UK and did so in the 90s.
Am here now in UAE coming up 30 years and have NEVER regretted it.
I want nothing to do with the so-called WEST, as their Governments/Politicians are ALL corrupt along with the MSM that in the main support them and their idiotic (paid-for by unelected groups like WEF) policies/strategies/ideologies etc etc

The UK is being destroyed from within due to crazy ideolgies, mass illegal immigration, a useless Police Force who are about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike and practice 2 tier enforcement, Banks who are all under instructions to screw the people old and young, and on and on !!
As I say to Asian chappies here when they ask why I am here I forcefully point out that YOU all want to go there, but we the indigenous originals are leaving in our droves!
I would love to be able calmly and without shouting ask to any cabiunet minister of the UK Govt (latest or under Wishy Washy) ..... Are you really so inept and useless with not even one functioning brain cell to understand what you are doing wrong? .... OR .... are you all corrupt and being paid/Instructed by others (e.g. in Davos) to enact policies/strategies/laws etc that were NOT requested by the voters who pay all your salaries?
If its the former, standown and resign, if its the latter, (which we know it to be) then PC Plod should now arrest them all for betrayal and treason
NGL, I figured this out 2 decades after you did. I wish I met you earlier! This deeply resonated with me. I'm not ashamed to admit how STUPID & GULLIBLE I was. In the end, I'm here now, so at least I am NO longer drunk on anyone's propaganda!

Shoutout to OCT for putting together a forum where even a daft academician like me can realize the errors of my beliefs!

PS. To all the other "programmed friends and relatives back home" struggling in "freedom and democracy," we hear you!
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