Yes, you will have to have an accountant but in general, Egyptian accountants will almost always work for the best interests of their clients so they will "help" you with problems that might appear on your books.
No, your office/business space could be your lawyers address or just a "paper" address, most law firms in Egypt will help you with that.
yeah, capital gains in Egypt is high, but can be mitigated by a competent accountant who know what they are doing and know the ins and outs of the Egyptian tax system.
Bottom line, I like Egypt for their banking and there are lots of opportunities there if you know what to look for, their is also plenty of talents there and the cost of labor is cheap and compete with countries like India and china, I hired (still do) a couple of Egyptians who manage the arabic/english side of my company in the UAE, and all I can say is that they get the job done and don't mind going this extra mile for you and get their hands dirty if the job asked for it.
And for other stuff, every thing could be solved ,legally of course
, with the right price in Egypt.
Yes, you will have to have an accountant but in general, Egyptian accountants will almost always work for the best interests of their clients so they will "help" you with problems that might appear on your books.
No, your office/business space could be your lawyers address or just a "paper" address, most law firms in Egypt will help you with that.
yeah, capital gains in Egypt is high, but can be mitigated by a competent accountant who know what they are doing and know the ins and outs of the Egyptian tax system.
Bottom line, I like Egypt for their banking and there are lots of opportunities there if you know what to look for, their is also plenty of talents there and the cost of labor is cheap and compete with countries like India and china, I hired (still do) a couple of Egyptians who manage the arabic/english side of my company in the UAE, and all I can say is that they get the job done and don't mind going this extra mile for you and get their hands dirty if the job asked for it.
And for other stuff, every thing could be solved ,legally of course