Georgian banks dont really request for the tax ID, so basically they wont have anybody specific to report about.I heard about Germans (I don't know such fools personally) who only open a bank account in Georgia to hide their money there because they think: No CRS and reporting, my money is invisible.
I bet my a*s they will get in trouble in some years. Such fools are also hurting in long term the reputation of Georgia and their banking sector... so I would rather say it is in long-term interest for Georgia to be a little bit more transparent.
Somewhere else I've read that Georgia already signed CRS but it is only not applied nowadays.
Also don't forget about cooperation on manual look up and information exchange which is also often written in double tax treaties. It's no automatic exchange but some people also forget about that.
They might ask for the ID later down the road (if CRS starts taking force in there) but I guess at this stage people can breathe safely.